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Getting Started

I decided to create this blog, to inform not only myself , but others about Aromatherapy, Herbs, Meditation, etc., and .....well, just to get on the right track.

Come and join me on this journey. To get back the health, spirit and well-being we once had
......or, that we want.

Together we can do many things.

Any suggestions you may have on articles, products, aromatherapy, herbs, meditation, relaxation, exercise, etc...please let me know so I can post them to share together, with you and others.

Have a blessed day,





Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Diet and Thyroid ~ Nutrients

Did you know depleted or stimulating food and drink can inflict stress on the body?

Some form of reaction to this type of stress is inevitable. Physical manifestations also become apparent in the bodies system, depending on where a person's particular weaknesses are (Mine are in my Thyroid). Reactions can often manifest through the endocrine system and could include asthma attacks, allergic reactions, palpitations, hyperventilation, as well as other disorders which can be directly or indirectly related to the adrenal glands.

Reactions could affect the thyroid, resulting in thyroid related problems like depression and irritability.

Interesting enough, in women these effects often accumulate in the uterus ~ to be released once a month as painful, heavy periods. If severe stress accumulates with no release, cysts and fibroids could develop in the ovaries and uterus.  Guess this is why I had cysts on one of my ovaries, so thankfully, they removed that one.

As I found out with today's modern medicine they can repair these problems with surgery.  And I am thankful!

Whether we realize it or not, nutrition is involved in every bodily activity, and proper diet furnishes the raw materials and/or nutrients required for the synthesis of chemical substances indispensable to the body's growth, repair and maintenance.

Unfortunately in today's society we have to many foods with empty essential nutrients. Ever wonder what happened to our natural instincts?  Animals instinctively know which plants and grasses are good for them and which are bad (well most - not necessarily domesticated animals) and they will eat those most beneficial to their health needs. As humans in today's society, we eat more for pleasure than for health. We base eating on taste and pleasure.  And, this is one of the major causes of disease today! (Heart disease, arthritis, kidney failure, gall bladder disorders, etc....the list goes on and on) Poor eating also effects proper brain function. Did you know an inadequate diet is also related to behavior and learning difficulties?
This is due to bad eating habits and consuming way to many refined foods as well as chemical contamination through pesticides and herbicides, which leave residues on our fruits and vegetables - if not properly cleaned. So I wonder, do we really know if after washing, are any of them absorbed directly into the fruit/vegetable itself not just on the skin?

Well ~ If you grow it, then you know exactly what you are eating.......and whether or not pesticides were used.

Processed meats, well that's another story!

As with anything, we just need to make healthier and more natural choices.  If it is of the earth, it is good ~ if it is processed by man, maybe not, because of the process it goes through.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

My New Adventure With Ash ~ Ashwagandha

Hope all is well with everyone out there!

Since my surgery my main goal is to get my health back in order ............. and, to do it with natural supplements, and not prescribed medicines. Seems there are always side effects with prescribed medications, increasing potential risks....which may in turn, make it possible to have to take more medications on down the line.

My belief: There is a plant created for every health need. It is the Creators way of helping us live healthier lives.

Since all my energy felt like it was drained from me, I decided to do some research on Ayurvedic healing. And this is when I found out about this jewel of a tincture. Ashwagandha aka Withania somnifera aka Indian ginseng, or winter cherry.

Here is what I found that made it a must have for me to try!

Ashwagandha is one of the most powerful herbs in Ayurvedic healing, and it has been used since ancient times for a variety of conditions. It has rejuvenating effects, which is unrelated botanically, but well-known for its restorative benefits.  Ashwagandha means "the smell of a horse" or, "the grounded strength of a stallion," which may indicate that imparts vigor and strength. 
This herbal supplement has been prescribed traditionally for helping people strengthen their immune system after illness. Medical researchers have been studying Ashwagandha for years with great interest, and more than 200 studies have been completed on its healing benefits. 
Here are a few examples of the herbal tinctures effects:
  • Protection of the Immune System
  • Helps to Combat Effects of Stress as well as Your Response to Stress
  • Improved Memory, Learning and Reaction Time
  • Reduction of Anxiety & Depression
  • Non Drowsy Side Effects
  • Stabilizes Blood Sugars
  • Lowers Cholesterol
  • Helps Reduce Brain Cell Degeneration
  • Aids in Treatment of Inflammation
  • Helps to Ease Internal Stress such as: Insomnia
  • Helps those with Hyperactive Minds of those with ADHD
  • Balances Hormones
  • Reduces Blood Concentrations of the Stress Hormone Cortisol 
  • Improves Energy Levels
  • Helps to Relieve Mental Fog and Enhance Mental Alertness
Ashwagandha has many beneficial elements, including flavonoids and members of the withanolide class. 
Click here to find out more about (withanolide)
Numerous modern studies have found that the herbal extract of Ashwagandha shows great promise for being effective in decreasing stress, increasing mental activity, invigorating the body, and is also reputed to enhance longevity.  
It is said to boost physical performance, and to enhance reproductive function in both men and women.  However, if you are trying to get and/or pregnant, this is NOT the supplement for you. 
For men, Ashwagandha can have far reaching effects on proper hormone function and long term health and vitality. Hormone balance protects more than a man's vitality. The benefits of stabilization can promote healthy prostate, erectile response, ideal body weight, strength and muscle development, limit fatigue symptoms and sharpen cognitive function. The main action is believed to be an increase sexual power, and it has been described as the best ever herbal aphrodisiac in Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia. 
I have been taking this supplement for 2 months now, and with any herbal supplement you must take seven (7) consecutive days before you will start to feel results. Upon rising, I go into my kitchen and take two (2) droppers full which equals to about 42 drops (Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement is to take 1-2 ml (28-56 drops) 3 times a day in a small amount of water) It is recommended to take in warm water for better absorption, (I use room temperature) Then again before lunch time, and again before calling it a day.  

I have never felt better! 
The taste is not the best, but it works and for me that over-rides flavor.
It also is available in powder form, but I believe ........... you will get faster results using the extract over the powder.
It also impressed me to know that some studies have shown it increases thyroid hormone levels. And since I've been taking, well I believe it to be true. Research shows this could be the one herb that could help your body produce its own thyroid hormones. 
It is also said to increase hemoglobin, red blood cell count, and serum. This herb has improved the health factors that contribute to growth. Ashwagandha is also said to be a rich source of iron, so it's a potential choice for the treatment of iron-deficiency anemia. Research has shown that Ashwagandha can be a growth promoter to children and they are less likely to have anemia. 
It may also be used as a mild muscle relaxer and for decreasing inflammation. In a 2008 study, scientists tested Ashwagandha's effects on human cartilage and found that the herb may help protect against inflammation and cartilage damage associated with osteoarthritis. Also, according to a study published in Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, Ashwagandha inhibits inflammation and is often used to treat arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica and other chronic inflammatory diseases. In other studies, the herb Ashwagandha significantly reduced the severity of pain and disability scores for arthritis. Ashwagandha root is said to build and solidify tissue growth, and since arthritis is a disease of tissue destruction...........bottom line,  Ashwagandha is a good choice.

Pronounced: ASH WA GAN DHA - Liquid or Powder ~ It's which one works best for you!!!

Here's to Your Health!

 Image result for ashwagandha alcohol based vs non


Do not use Ashwagandha Herbal Extract if:  
Taking anxiety or anti-seizure medication.  This herb may potentiate the sedative effect of barbiturates.  You may feel as if you want to sleep more if you take this herb and phenobarbital (medicine used to help you sleep).  
As earlier stated, pregnant women should avoid this herb and if you are breastfeeding consult your doctor before taking.  
Do not take Ashwagandha if you have leukemia and are being treated with "chemo".  Symptoms of allergic reactions are: feeling cold (decrease in body temperature) or upset stomach.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

The NOT So Joys of Being a Woman

As little girls, we take a different journey through life within, than men. The real journey starts when we reach the point of our bodies changing not only outwardly, but inwardly as well.  The NOT so fun part is when we reach the age of menstruation. Even though this is natures way of letting us know we are in fact becoming young women, it can be very discomforting, and at times embarrassing when an accident occurs. Yes, it is a natural process of a woman's cycle, but none-the-less embarrassing when it happens.

And so, we go through the motions of our teenage years and our monthly cycles, then we come to the age where some are able to bare children.  Some through natural childbirth and others may require to have a C-Section.  I was able to have my first two naturally and my last three were via C-Section because they were large babies. (Just to give you an idea - here is the weight of my last three) My son Christopher was 10lbs 5ozs, my son Jeremy was also 10lbs 5ozs and my last was 8lbs 7ozs. But due to me having two previous C-Sections my OB-GYN  opted to do another C-Section for my last child as well.

Over the years a woman's body continues to change. Not only outwardly, but inwardly as well.

Here is where my life experience may help some of you understand what you are going through, if you are experiencing these symptoms.

Due to my C-Sections, over the course of 26yrs, scar tissue developed and caused my uterus to get stuck as well as endometriosis ....which I was unaware of until this recent surgery.

Let's go back a few years. After my last son, my husband and I decided while they were doing my C-Section, I would get my tubes tied as well, since we were blessed with 5 boys...and, well we were not planning to have anymore children since our last son was a surprise, not to mention the expense of raising children these days. 

So, after having the surgeries and going through the motions of womanhood, my cycles started to get extremely heavy.  I was going through overnight pads, it seemed like every 35 - 40 mins. I never experienced cramping, so having cramps was even new to me.  Well, within the last five to six years, my cycles were getting worse and worse.  Then, low and behold I stopped having a cycle!! I would be lying to say I was sad.  Then out of the blue they started up again.  And this is how I knew I was in the beginning stages of Preimenopause. And just in case you are wondering if this is is a list of some signs:

What Are the Signs of Perimenopause?

Women in perimenopause have at least some these symptoms: (click on this link to bring you to WebMD to learn more) also, by clicking on each word listed below, it will bring you to a specific article on that particular subject - which I believe is helpful.
So, I went from October to the end of April without having a cycle again......and I thought, this is it - I am in Menopause and I will no longer have a cycle.  NOTE* My OB-GYN did tell me in order for a woman to be considered in Menopause she has to go a full 365 days without having a cycle (this includes spotting). Well, here comes the month of May and my cycle came back with a vengeance - I was wearing a pad that was so big, some may consider it a diaper, this is how heavy my cycle was and I was going through at least 4 pads a day. I was cramping and at one point, I actually felt like I was in labor.  I left work, went to my doctor and she was puzzled.  I was passing large blood clots and she said, because I was preimenopause last year, I should be going through Menopause and not having cycles.  Because of insurance protocol, there are several steps the doctor must take before declaring surgery.  She started me on a few hormones, which I was not please about, but said it was the only way she could get the bleeding under control.  Well, it was end of June and I was still having the same issues and my blood count was dropping because I was losing so much blood. My doctor was ordered by my insurance company to do an ultra-sound and a biopsy to see what was found before they would allow her to perform a partial hysterectomy. (By doing a partial hysterectomy, you do not have to take hormones because they leave the ovaries - they only remove the Uterus and the Fallopian tubes) although in my case it seems the scar tissue build-up from my previous surgeries caused my uterus to get stuck as well as endometriosis. (Here is a link to learn more on Endometriosis: ) which caused my severe cycles and pain. Instead of the doctor doing laparoscopic surgery she opted to do the same surgery I had previous for my C-Sections, which allowed her to remove a lot of the scar tissue build-up.

My recovery time was a total of 6 weeks and no lifting anything over 10lbs until after September 16th, 2015. I am happy to report, this is the best surgery ever and I have not had any bleeding since the day of my surgery.  My thanks to Dr. Mojgan Khatami for giving me my life back.

During my healing process a friend of mine who knows how much I love essential oils, made a combination of oils for me to use on my lower abdomen (only applied right above my incision, but not directly on) Melaleuca (Better known by some as Tea Tree Oil), and Frankincense to my lower abdomen to stave off any infection. She also added Frankincense, Lavender, and Anti-Aging Blend to the mix and I used on my incision once it was totally healed to prevent scarring......while I do love essential oils,  I also used fresh Aloe Vera directly from the plant because I know of its healing abilities too.

As with anything posted on my blog, I only post things I have tried and know they have worked for me. Not everyone's system is the same. So please make sure you do extensive research beforehand. And, when using essential oils, some can be applied directly to the skin and others must be combined with a carrier oil to help with skin sensitivity issues.

NOTE* Certain essential oils are more inclined to cause skin irritations than other oils, especially if you are predisposed to allergic reactions and generally have a sensitive skin. Also never use essential oils while pregnant because some contain emmenagogue properties. What are emmenagogue properties? - click to learn more.

If you have a sensitive skin, care should be taken when applying a new oil, or oil blend, and it is advisable to always perform a skin patch test before use. All you need to do is to mix 1 drop of the oil you wish to test, with a teaspoon (5 ml) of carrier oil - such as sweet almond oil or grape seed oil, you can even use coconut oil. Apply a small amount of this mixed oil to the inside of your wrist or elbow and leave uncovered for twenty four hours. This area must not be washed for this period of time. If no sign of itching, redness or swelling occurs after the 24 hour period, it should be safe for you to use the oil.

If you have never used any form of carrier oil on your skin, it would be advisable to first do a skin patch test using only the carrier oil
There are also certain oils that cause severe skin sensitizing and sun sensitivity (photo-toxicity) and should be used with great care if you are venturing outdoors. The main culprits causing photo-toxicity are the oils from the citrus family, there are others, so please do your research or ask someone who has firsthand knowledge of essential oils.

Please keep in mind, it is not always people with sensitive skin that must be careful of them..... DO YOUR RESEARCH before applying or using any essential oil.

Should skin irritation occur, immediately cease using the particular essential oil or oil blend that you suspect is causing it.

Oils to be careful of if you have sensitive skin (everything has a plus and a minus)

  • Basil
  • Bay
  • Benzoin
  • Birch
  • Black pepper
  • Cassia - (Never ever apply this directly to your skin)
  • Cinnamon
  • Citronella
  • Clove
  • Costus
  • Cumin
  • Elecampane
  • Fennel
  • Fir
  • Ginger
  • Lemon
  • Lemongrass
  • Lemon verbena
  • Melissa
  • Oak moss
  • Orange
  • Oregano
  • Parsley seed
  • Peppermint
  • Pimento berry
  • Pine
  • Tagetes
  • Red and wild thyme
  • Wintergreen
Last week I was allowed back to work for 1/2 days, and I am glad my doctor suggested so.  Wow, I was beat after my 4hr shift. On Friday, I could feel a little soreness in my abdominal area because of all the twisting we do in our chairs at work - mostly from reaching.  My first full week will be on Monday, and I am sure I will be ready to nap at the end of the day.

I hope you find this information useful, it was an experience I wanted to share ............ just in case someone out there is experiencing the same.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Out of the Loop

I have been out of the loop for a while, had to have partial hysterectomy. During my healing process I have been experimenting with some essential oils. Cannot wait to share all my trials and tribulations with you . However, I still have a few weeks left of recovery.

Want to share my experience with you, because it is all part of being a woman. Until then, blessings to you all!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Yerba Mate' versus Coffee

Since September of last year, I slowly weened my way off coffee and started drinking green tea. I have tried many varieties........many, many different ways.  Regular green tea, green tea with cinnamon, green tea with honey, etc.  But, by far the three best teas I have consumed are: Yerba Mate', Nettle & Tulsi

Here is another really good article on Yerba Mate' a little lengthy, but worth the read.

So, back to Yerba Mate' vs Coffee -

Once I totally kicked the morning coffee, I realized my favorite of all is Yerba Mate' with Nettle and/or Tulsi - sometimes, I will even incorporate some lemon grass tea with my Yerba Mate' for a light and airy flavor. In the winter, I like to add cinnamon for a wintry mixed flavor. If you add just a spoonful of cream/milk or coconut milk it helps to soften the flavor.  It is even great with freshly squeezed lemon.

Anyway ~ Here is what made me decide to write this article ~ This weekend, I decided to indulged in a few cups of coffee..........and to my surprise, I was not pleased with the after taste or how jacked up it made me feel.  When drinking yerba mate', you get the caffeine without the jittery side effects and best of all ~ no funky after taste! It really does lift your spirits while allowing you better focus and concentration.

Also noticed after a few minutes of drinking my coffee, I didn't feel as energized as I do when sipping my morning Yerba Mate'...... and, I actually could feel my heartbeat increase with the coffee intake, do not feel like this when drinking my green tea.

I know the traditional way to drink Yerba Mate' is through a gourd & bombilla - they say this is the best method in order to benefit from its nutritional and chemical content.

My preferred brand ~ last me about 2-3 months

Well, perhaps, but I prefer to place mine in a filter and brew with filtered water. I make a thermos full every morning and drink it throughout the day.  I also have a mesh filter to place over my cup to brew that way..... to get a more robust flavored tea (see below).

Since the new office we are working out of does not have a kitchen with water, I decided to just make a thermos full before leaving home and it carries me through the day. In my area, I have yet to find a place to purchase a gourd or bombilla....and well, I just like it this way.

If you are interested:
 Here is an illustration of the proper way to drink out of gourd with bombilla.

And here is a really good site on some Yerba Mate' FAQ's

Perhaps one day I will come across a store that carries the gourd and bombilla to see if drinking it this way makes a big difference. And, yes I know you can order anything off of Amazon, I just prefer to see it first.

As with anything in life, "To much of any thing is not always good for you!" with that being said, you should always take a break from your daily eating/drinking least every 6 months and do a detox to freshen your system, and to make sure you reap all the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.....even if it is healthy food/drink you are consuming....your body needs a detox every now and then.

If you have any comments on other ways to prepare, please feel free to do so.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Body Poses to Strengthen Your Core ~ Reap The Benefits

Depending on how long you have been following this blog, you will note most research is done on things that peak my interest, and I am hopeful at some point in time, may just perhaps interest you.

Recently, I decided to try a headstand...........and, I was so excited to realize, I've still got it! Well, I mean I can still do it at 52 yrs of age! Lol ~ Needless to say, it had my adrenalin pumping and I was stoked.

Well since I know I am able to still do headstands, my curiosity was peaked on......."hm-m-m are there actually benefits to doing headstands?"
Here is what I found:

First off, it is a yoga move ~ which means, as a child I was doing yoga.......without even realizing it.

Image result for headstand
Did you know when we do a headstand, we are reversing the flow of gravity?  This does make perfect since because we are upside down.  Just like when I used to hang up side down on the monkey bars at the park....or from our family swing. By doing so, it simulates a kind of face lift by allowing our skin to hang in the opposite direction, there by allowing fresh nutrients and oxygen to our face/head.  Even allowing our skin to have a glowing effect.

Doing daily headstands help to strengthen the deep core muscles by engaging the obliques to hold straight in a headstand for an extended period of time. Also the rectus abdominus and the transverse abdominus.  To really engage and strengthen the core, pike the legs by lifting and/or lowering both legs at the same time when coming out of the pose.

Watch this video for some tips: to do a proper headstand
Headstand for Beginners

Headstands are considered the King of Yoga Poses........because of their many benefits. They improve not only brain function and mood............but, also upper body strength. When done in correct alignment we use many muscles: arms, upper back and core. They also require moderate shoulder, if you are not ready to support your own weight in an upside down not try, they can be dangerous to your neck and spine.

And, to top it off, headstands can help eliminate our chances of having an ischemic stroke.
It is no surprise headstands also increase nutrients and blood flow to our scalp, which supposedly decreases the onset of grey hair.......according to some yogis, it may convert hair back to its natural color.  Now that is something to think about.

Did you know by doing a headstand we are also flushing and detoxing the adrenal glands. By doing so, it is said to create positive thoughts. Which means by doing a daily headstand, depression will decrease.

They say, a frown upside down is "a Smile!"

The estimated time for a headstand is 2 1/2 mins. ~ 12 tops.

And, common sense ~ If you have neck injuries.......Do Not do a headstand without proper supervision or without a good headstand bench.....which, they do make ~ Surprised?

Image result for headstand bench

I also remember from my yoga workout video, you should never do any type of inverted exercise while you are menstruating. They are also not recommend if you have extreme high blood pressure, acid reflex and if you are suffering from inner ear and eye problems.......due to the increased pressure, and blood flow when inverted.

Headstands help us by improving circulation. Since the body is inverted, it provides refreshed blood to our hypothalamus and pituitary glands - More on pituitary and hypothalamus glands ~ These glands are vital to our well being by helping to regulate other glands in our body. Such as: Thyroid, Pineal and as mentioned earlier Adrenals ~ also including our sexual hormones.

Headstands also allow any fluid retained in our feet to drain, which is said to reduce the onset and prevalence of varicose veins.

Headstands improve circulation because the heart constantly has to pump blood upward to the brain. When doing a headstand, you are helping the heart rest by reducing unnecessary strain helping de-oxygenated blood to flow more easily from the extremities to the heart. Also increasing a digestive fire and increase in body heat. Helping to cleanse the intestines by reversing the pull of gravity, while releasing congested blood in the colon.

For more interesting facts on headstands and a good reason to get off your feet, please click on the following links:

Sun & Moon

A Headstand a Day

Choices ~ My Daily Moto

Good Morning!

Hope today finds each and everyone of you doing well, and in good spirits.

I do want to start off with a little saying I wrote 
back on February 23, 2012 called 


Truly, we are the only ones 
who can control the outcome of our day 
Yes, circumstances may arise 
to alter our moods....but, ultimately it is our choice
on the effect they have on us.

Choose to be Positive in All Things
You'll be Amazed of the Outcome

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Antibiotic Herbs ~ Top 15

Here is just a quick list of Antibiotic Herbs:

  1. Acacia  Image result for acacia
  2. Aloe  Image result for aloe vera
  3. Cryptolepis  Image result for cryptolepis
  4. Echinacea  Image result for echinacea
  5. Eucalyptus   Image result for eucalyptus
  6. Garlic   Image result for garlic
  7. Ginger   Image result for ginger
  8. Goldenseal   Image result for goldenseal
  9. Grapefruit Seed Extract    
  10. Honey   
  11. Juniper   Image result for juniper
  12. Licorice   Image result for licorice the plant
  13. Sage   Image result for sage
  14. Usnea   Image result for usnea
  15. Wormwood   Image result for wormwood

Never heard of Usnea, until I was reading about it in my Herbal Antibiotics book by Stephen Harrod Buhner , Foreword by James a Duke, Ph.D. - So I found another interesting read on it at: Usnea ~ Last Frontier

Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Little Things in Nature DO Matter ~ Helping The Honey Bees

Of course, if you are allergic to them, it is not recommended you try this, but each one of God's creatures deserve a helping hand every now and then.

I haven't heard it quite put so well as this: 

"On more than one rare occasion we will experience a hot day this summer, and we will usually gulp down a sugary drink to help us cool off?" 

Should not we offer a cool refreshing drink to others? 

Please read this article: Tired Bees ~ A Spoon Full of Sugar Could Help the Bees

More Awareness Articles: 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Rice Bran Oil: One Big Health Disadvantage Outweighs All Its Advantages

Click on link to learn more - Best Oil Around the World
Rice Bran Oil: One Big Health Disadvantage Outweighs All Its Advantages

Another good read: Information/RiceBranOil.htm

Twisted Sista - Curly Hair's Best Friend

Let me start by stating, I am not getting paid to brag on this product, nor do I receive any royalties..........I do so, because I personally use it and it is AMAZING!

Born with straight hair and no wave, I guess over the years of blow drying, coloring, straightening, child-bearing and well, just life ~ My hair is now curly/frizzy.

I have been searching high and low for a product to allow me to wear my hair natural without having to use damaging items such as: curling irons or blow dryers, to give a softer/non-fizzy appearance to my hair. I've used several non-frizzing products over the course of a few years and just decided I would start straightening my hair again.....but, the long term damage of split ends and dry looking hair.....well, it just wasn't for me.

Then one day while shopping in our local grocery, is when I came across this wonderful cream (that was the plus button for me "Cream" who wants oily looking hair) for my hair. Granted it may not have been labelled for my hair type, but what did I have to lose. After all, my hair is curly!

It has been 3 1/2 months now since my first purchase, and my hair is addicted to this stuff.  I have soft, non-frizzy curls and receive a ton of compliments on my hair.  That speaks volumes to it should to you. When other people complement you on your hair with sincerity, you know whatever you are doing....keep on doing it. Last weekend, we went to a family wedding and my family complimented me on my mom said to me she never saw my hair look healthier.

 My Aunt Loislyn, My Mom
and Me

My testimony to this is, never think just because a product is not labeled for your hair type you cannot use it. Curly is curly, why not try it!  And well, I am sure glad I did...Oh yeah, and it also smells amazing.

Ingredients: Aqua (water), armeniaca (apricot) kernel oil, glycerin, caprylic/capric C15-23 Alkane, dimethicone, cetyl alcohol, lanolin, glyceryl stearate, litchi chinensis pericarp (lychee) extract, argania spinosa (argan) kernel oil, camellia acetate, carbomer, xanthan gum, PEG-100 stearate, benzophenone-3, disodium EDTA, parfum (fragrance), BHT, butylene glycol, phenoxyethanol, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, potassium hydroxide, ethylhexyglycerin, benzyl salicylate, eugenol, hexyl cinnamal, hydroxyisohesyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde, limonene.
Ingredient Attributes: anti-humectant
Another AmaZing Curly Hair product 
 Non-Sulfate Shampoo & Conditioner, this is the brand I use and just LOVE IT!!

Ingredients: Purified Water, Cocamidopropyl Betaine (Coconut Oil*), Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate (Coconut Oil*), Lauryl Glucoside (Coconut Oil*), Decyl Glucoside (Coconut Oil*), Sodium Lauroyl Lactylate (Palm Oil*), Argania Spinosa (Argan) Oil (Organic), Hypnea Musciformis Extract (Red Seaweed*) (Organic), Gellidiela Acerosa Extract (Red Alga*) (Organic), Sargassum Filipendula Extract (Brown Seaweed*) (Organic), Sobitol (Sugar*), PEG-120 Methyl Glucose Dioleate (Rapeseed Oil*), Silicone Quaternium-17, Glycol Stearate (Palm Oil*), Polyquaternium-10, Citric Acid, Diazolidinyl Urea, Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate, Fragrance. (* Derived Source)
Ingredient Attributes: anti-humectant

Hint, when washing curly hair it is best to use a non-sulfate shampoo & conditioner as they are not as harsh on the hair follicles. Also, never ever brush your hair from the top down........always start from the bottom up.  Make sure you have a Large Tooth Comb.  Something I learned in my basic training in cosmetology. 

Myself, I do not comb or brush my hair before entering the shower.  I bathe, wash my hair and then after conditioning, I grab my comb (which I always have in my shower) while the conditioner is still in my hair, I flip my head over and start from the bottom up with my comb.  It gets all the tangles out without damaging my hair... and makes for better curls.

After towel drying I crimp my hair gently with my hands while adding my new hair nectar of the gods "Twisted Sista!"

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Tulsi Tea

Original Tulsi Tea

Was so, so excited when I visited my local Herbal Store, to get my normal bags of fresh nettle tea, and decided to look around at all their other goodies.....because usually I am in and out.  Well, as I was searching the shelf of herbal teas, I found the one tea I've been wanting to order on-line, but didn't want to pay shipping fees. "TULSI Tea"  My neighbor, who I love dearly, is from India and she has been desperately trying to get her Tulsi - Holy Basil tree to stay alive through the winter months. She told me the story behind the Holy Basil and about all its benefits.  So, when I saw this on the shelf - the purchase was mine.

Tulsi Tea Health Benefits
The health benefits of tulsi are due to the active ingredient, Eugenol present in the leaves. It also contains ursolic acid and carvacrol, both of which have anti-microbial properties. Tulsi tea is rich in anti-oxidants, which help the body fight free radicals that are responsible for causing various chronic degenerative diseases. (For more info: Tea Mind Body)

Another link for more info on the Plant Tulsi/Holy Basil : (Uses of Tulsi Plants/Leaves), 
(Tulsi - Weightloss), (Holy Basil Tulsi), (Diabetes?)

Some proponents of Tulsi tea claim it can strengthen the immune system, prevent heart disease by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, reduce stress, increase strength and endurance, aid digestion, fight free radicals with its cancer-fighting antioxidants, help the liver, relieve inflammation and fight infection. 

According to the Organic India website, tulsi tea "strengthens digestion and a healthy metabolism that may promote weight loss.  I have also read where it is great for diabetics, because it may help to lower fasting and post-meal blood glucose levels. There was a study done on 40 type 2 diabetics, who were asked to stop all of their diabetes medications. Half of the patients were given 2.5 g of holy basil leaf powder daily, and the other half were given a placebo for four weeks. The groups were closely monitored and at the end of the study, holy basil was found to reduce fasting blood glucose levels by approximately 17.6 percent, and post-meal blood glucose levels by 7.3 percent. The study was small, however, and more research needs to be done to confirm whether or not holy basil can effectively lower blood glucose levels.


There are some indications that holy basil may be dangerous. The herb may affect fertility and has not been assessed for use during pregnancy or breast feeding. It is recommended that you avoid the herb if you are about to have surgery of if you are taking anticoagulant medications. You should also avoid tulsi if you are taking medications to lower your blood sugar levels as the herb can also lower blood sugar.

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Here is an article from 2013 : Holy Basil

Sunday, February 8, 2015

BUTTER it's NOT the Bad Guy!

The DID You Know of Butter

Image result for real butter

Did You Know: (Note* Raw, Organic Butter is the Best)

  1. Butter is rich in the most easily absorbable form of Vitamin A necessary for thyroid and adrenal health.
  2. Contains lecithin, essential for cholesterol metabolism.
  3. Contains lauric acid, important in treating fungal infections and candida.
  4. Contains anti-oxidants that protect against free radical damage.
  5. Has anti-oxidants that protect against weakening arteries.
  6. Is a great source of Vitamins E and K.
  7. Saturated fats in butter have strong anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties.
  8. Is a very rich source of the vital mineral selenium.
  9. It contains conjugated linoleic acid, which is a potent anti-cancer agent, muscle builder, and immunity booster
  10. Vitamin D found in butter is essential to absorption of calcium.
  11. Protects against tooth decay.
  12. Is your only source of an anti-stiffness factor, which protects against calcification of the joints.
  13. Anti-stiffness factor in butter also prevents hardening of the arteries, cataracts, and calcification of the pineal gland.
  14. Is a source of Activator X, which helps your body absorb minerals.
  15. Is a source of iodine in highly absorb-able form.
  16. May promote fertility in women.
  17. Is a source of quick energy, and is not stored in our bodies adipose tissue.
  18. Cholesterol found in butterfat is essential to children's brain and nervous system development.
  19. Contains Arachidonic Acid (AA) which plays a role in brain function and is a vital component of cell membranes.
  20. Protects against gastrointestinal infections in the very young or the elderly.

Quick Note

Just a quick "Thank You!" to all of you who read my blog.

It is nice to know so many across the continents share the same interest as myself. Though we may be miles apart......many of our interest are very much the same.

May you all have a blessed day, and if you have any research you would like posted, please don't hesitate to ask.  Just leave a request under comments.

Me, My Husband & 2 of My 5 Sons

What Not To Do

Here is one of my post that never got posted...saved as a draft.

My personal experience with food poisoning.

My relatives came to visit for Thanksgiving and left several yoplait "Trix" yogurts in our frig.  So, I decided I would take one to work with me for morning snack.  During my 10am break I consumed the small Trix yogurt.  I was a little taken away by the colors (pink & green), but it tasted ok. About 15mins after eating, my stomach began to feel really weird.  I just shrugged it off and went back to work, feeling a little nauseated.  I mentioned to one of my co-workers that my stomach was feeling weird.  As time went on, the feeling subsided, so when lunch time came I ate a small lunch only aggravating my tummy more.  That afternoon, I told my co-worker once again......" I really am feeling like I need to throw up, but I will wait until I get home."

Well, 5pm came I rushed to my car and when I pulled into my driveway I knew the only alternative was to make myself throw up so I could get this feeling over with.  So, I stuck my finger down my throat.....and that was all she wrote.  Everything came up and continued to do so for a good 15 minutes. After cleaning up after myself, I felt I needed to lay down, so that is exactly what I did.   As time passed, like 20 mins, I started having other stomach issues.  I ran to the restroom and that is when I felt like I was going to pass out.  Luckily, the bathtub is close to the john, so I was able to reach the tub to splash cold water in my  face.

After gaining my composure I ran to the bed........little did I know, I didn't make it.

I awoke to my 16yr old saying, "Mom....MOM!" "Are you ok...Mom!"  My husband was on the phone with 911.  It seems since I was dehydrated from getting sick, my blood pressure had bottomed out.

When the paramedics arrived, they quickly checked my vital signs, saw how low my pressure was and started an IV immediately to get liquids back into my system.

On my ride to the hospital, the paramedic told me, "The worst thing you can do is make yourself throw up when you are nauseated!"  It can cause dehydration, causing your blood pressure to bottom out. If severe enough, you could lose conscience (which is what happened to me), slip into a mild coma or worse death.

The doctor at the hospital said he was treating me for food poison because I was not running a fever are showing any other symptoms.

Note to self, always check expiration dates...........and never, ever induce vomiting unless necessary.