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Getting Started

I decided to create this blog, to inform not only myself , but others about Aromatherapy, Herbs, Meditation, etc., and .....well, just to get on the right track.

Come and join me on this journey. To get back the health, spirit and well-being we once had
......or, that we want.

Together we can do many things.

Any suggestions you may have on articles, products, aromatherapy, herbs, meditation, relaxation, exercise, etc...please let me know so I can post them to share together, with you and others.

Have a blessed day,





Sunday, August 30, 2015

The NOT So Joys of Being a Woman

As little girls, we take a different journey through life within, than men. The real journey starts when we reach the point of our bodies changing not only outwardly, but inwardly as well.  The NOT so fun part is when we reach the age of menstruation. Even though this is natures way of letting us know we are in fact becoming young women, it can be very discomforting, and at times embarrassing when an accident occurs. Yes, it is a natural process of a woman's cycle, but none-the-less embarrassing when it happens.

And so, we go through the motions of our teenage years and our monthly cycles, then we come to the age where some are able to bare children.  Some through natural childbirth and others may require to have a C-Section.  I was able to have my first two naturally and my last three were via C-Section because they were large babies. (Just to give you an idea - here is the weight of my last three) My son Christopher was 10lbs 5ozs, my son Jeremy was also 10lbs 5ozs and my last was 8lbs 7ozs. But due to me having two previous C-Sections my OB-GYN  opted to do another C-Section for my last child as well.

Over the years a woman's body continues to change. Not only outwardly, but inwardly as well.

Here is where my life experience may help some of you understand what you are going through, if you are experiencing these symptoms.

Due to my C-Sections, over the course of 26yrs, scar tissue developed and caused my uterus to get stuck as well as endometriosis ....which I was unaware of until this recent surgery.

Let's go back a few years. After my last son, my husband and I decided while they were doing my C-Section, I would get my tubes tied as well, since we were blessed with 5 boys...and, well we were not planning to have anymore children since our last son was a surprise, not to mention the expense of raising children these days. 

So, after having the surgeries and going through the motions of womanhood, my cycles started to get extremely heavy.  I was going through overnight pads, it seemed like every 35 - 40 mins. I never experienced cramping, so having cramps was even new to me.  Well, within the last five to six years, my cycles were getting worse and worse.  Then, low and behold I stopped having a cycle!! I would be lying to say I was sad.  Then out of the blue they started up again.  And this is how I knew I was in the beginning stages of Preimenopause. And just in case you are wondering if this is is a list of some signs:

What Are the Signs of Perimenopause?

Women in perimenopause have at least some these symptoms: (click on this link to bring you to WebMD to learn more) also, by clicking on each word listed below, it will bring you to a specific article on that particular subject - which I believe is helpful.
So, I went from October to the end of April without having a cycle again......and I thought, this is it - I am in Menopause and I will no longer have a cycle.  NOTE* My OB-GYN did tell me in order for a woman to be considered in Menopause she has to go a full 365 days without having a cycle (this includes spotting). Well, here comes the month of May and my cycle came back with a vengeance - I was wearing a pad that was so big, some may consider it a diaper, this is how heavy my cycle was and I was going through at least 4 pads a day. I was cramping and at one point, I actually felt like I was in labor.  I left work, went to my doctor and she was puzzled.  I was passing large blood clots and she said, because I was preimenopause last year, I should be going through Menopause and not having cycles.  Because of insurance protocol, there are several steps the doctor must take before declaring surgery.  She started me on a few hormones, which I was not please about, but said it was the only way she could get the bleeding under control.  Well, it was end of June and I was still having the same issues and my blood count was dropping because I was losing so much blood. My doctor was ordered by my insurance company to do an ultra-sound and a biopsy to see what was found before they would allow her to perform a partial hysterectomy. (By doing a partial hysterectomy, you do not have to take hormones because they leave the ovaries - they only remove the Uterus and the Fallopian tubes) although in my case it seems the scar tissue build-up from my previous surgeries caused my uterus to get stuck as well as endometriosis. (Here is a link to learn more on Endometriosis: ) which caused my severe cycles and pain. Instead of the doctor doing laparoscopic surgery she opted to do the same surgery I had previous for my C-Sections, which allowed her to remove a lot of the scar tissue build-up.

My recovery time was a total of 6 weeks and no lifting anything over 10lbs until after September 16th, 2015. I am happy to report, this is the best surgery ever and I have not had any bleeding since the day of my surgery.  My thanks to Dr. Mojgan Khatami for giving me my life back.

During my healing process a friend of mine who knows how much I love essential oils, made a combination of oils for me to use on my lower abdomen (only applied right above my incision, but not directly on) Melaleuca (Better known by some as Tea Tree Oil), and Frankincense to my lower abdomen to stave off any infection. She also added Frankincense, Lavender, and Anti-Aging Blend to the mix and I used on my incision once it was totally healed to prevent scarring......while I do love essential oils,  I also used fresh Aloe Vera directly from the plant because I know of its healing abilities too.

As with anything posted on my blog, I only post things I have tried and know they have worked for me. Not everyone's system is the same. So please make sure you do extensive research beforehand. And, when using essential oils, some can be applied directly to the skin and others must be combined with a carrier oil to help with skin sensitivity issues.

NOTE* Certain essential oils are more inclined to cause skin irritations than other oils, especially if you are predisposed to allergic reactions and generally have a sensitive skin. Also never use essential oils while pregnant because some contain emmenagogue properties. What are emmenagogue properties? - click to learn more.

If you have a sensitive skin, care should be taken when applying a new oil, or oil blend, and it is advisable to always perform a skin patch test before use. All you need to do is to mix 1 drop of the oil you wish to test, with a teaspoon (5 ml) of carrier oil - such as sweet almond oil or grape seed oil, you can even use coconut oil. Apply a small amount of this mixed oil to the inside of your wrist or elbow and leave uncovered for twenty four hours. This area must not be washed for this period of time. If no sign of itching, redness or swelling occurs after the 24 hour period, it should be safe for you to use the oil.

If you have never used any form of carrier oil on your skin, it would be advisable to first do a skin patch test using only the carrier oil
There are also certain oils that cause severe skin sensitizing and sun sensitivity (photo-toxicity) and should be used with great care if you are venturing outdoors. The main culprits causing photo-toxicity are the oils from the citrus family, there are others, so please do your research or ask someone who has firsthand knowledge of essential oils.

Please keep in mind, it is not always people with sensitive skin that must be careful of them..... DO YOUR RESEARCH before applying or using any essential oil.

Should skin irritation occur, immediately cease using the particular essential oil or oil blend that you suspect is causing it.

Oils to be careful of if you have sensitive skin (everything has a plus and a minus)

  • Basil
  • Bay
  • Benzoin
  • Birch
  • Black pepper
  • Cassia - (Never ever apply this directly to your skin)
  • Cinnamon
  • Citronella
  • Clove
  • Costus
  • Cumin
  • Elecampane
  • Fennel
  • Fir
  • Ginger
  • Lemon
  • Lemongrass
  • Lemon verbena
  • Melissa
  • Oak moss
  • Orange
  • Oregano
  • Parsley seed
  • Peppermint
  • Pimento berry
  • Pine
  • Tagetes
  • Red and wild thyme
  • Wintergreen
Last week I was allowed back to work for 1/2 days, and I am glad my doctor suggested so.  Wow, I was beat after my 4hr shift. On Friday, I could feel a little soreness in my abdominal area because of all the twisting we do in our chairs at work - mostly from reaching.  My first full week will be on Monday, and I am sure I will be ready to nap at the end of the day.

I hope you find this information useful, it was an experience I wanted to share ............ just in case someone out there is experiencing the same.