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Getting Started

I decided to create this blog, to inform not only myself , but others about Aromatherapy, Herbs, Meditation, etc., and .....well, just to get on the right track.

Come and join me on this journey. To get back the health, spirit and well-being we once had
......or, that we want.

Together we can do many things.

Any suggestions you may have on articles, products, aromatherapy, herbs, meditation, relaxation, exercise, etc...please let me know so I can post them to share together, with you and others.

Have a blessed day,





Saturday, July 30, 2011

While Out - Watch Your Step

I promised you an update on the walk and jog.......unfortunately this is not an update, but more of an alert!

Here goes:

Well, the last few days we have been doing our normal 3 mile walk late in the evening; It is a lot cooler and not as humid. However, the air quality has been so thick, we have not started our walk for 1 min., then jog for 1 min.  -  We are strictly doing a fast pace walk.  Don't want to collapse on the sidewalk (just kidding).  

Anyway, there is a section of the sidewalk we have no choice but to jog through because the grass is so high and hangs over the sidewalk with other weeds and vines that it makes your legs itchy.  And, since I found a copperhead snake in our backyard about a week ago - well, my fear of stepping on a snake in tall grass has peaked.

Actual Copperhead Snake Found In Our Backyard

I must admit, I never truly had a fear of snakes - because we were taught if you see one and you are able to slowly turn and walk it!   "Many have said, the best snake is a dead snake!"  I say, "Any snake is a mistake, so steer clear of them all!"

Well, back to the copperhead Snake - just a little information to share after doing a little research on them.

Because they are common in forested habitats and are well-camouflaged, copperheads are responsible for the majority of the snakebites in the Southeast each year. Luckily, copperhead venom is not very potent and deaths from copperhead bites are exceedingly rare....but do occur. Most snake bites occur when someone tries to kill or harass a snake, so the best way to avoid a bite is to leave any snake you find alone.

FYI - Copperheads can be found during the day or night, but forage out primarily after dark during the hotter parts of the season. Also, since they mate in the spring, this is the time males move long distances in search of females. So,  if you do go walking or hiking in tall grassy areas or off trail, it may be wise to bring a walking stick as your guide.  If something is lurking in the bush, your walking stick may take the strike before you do.

Strangely enough as I am in the works of writing this article - my neighbor explains to me how a friend of hers - knows a woman whose daughter was bit by a copperhead about 2 weeks ago while getting into her car.  It seems she was visiting a friend and when she decided to leave, she was getting her keys to unlock the door and the snake was under her car.  Unknown to her, when her foot was in range the copperhead lashed out and bit her on the foot.  She was taken to the hospital, and has survived.  Unfortunately, she did have a toe removed and is going through therapy.

Working in my garden will never be the same now!  But, I won't let this stop me - I will just be more aware of my surroundings and when the garden is overgrown - I will take my rake and move it around to see if it is safe to step into.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dr. Kirk Kimmberling

If you live in Georgia and are in the Acworth, Kennesaw, Marietta, Dallas, etc area - May I suggest a dentistry practice for you and your family.

His name is: Dr. Kirk Kimmberling and he truly is a dentist who enjoys his job.  His optimal goal is to make sure you have a clean, healthy mouth and smile.  His staff is unlike any staff I have had the pleasure to come across.  Everyone is personal, yet professional and at the same time caring. Dr. Kimmberling understands that a clean healthy mouth, also contributes to a healthy heart.

If you are looking for a good family dentist, please check out: Verde Pointe Dental Associates

Did you know oral bacteria can enter the blood stream and attach to fatty plaques in the coronary arteries contributing to clot formation - interested in learning more - check out this link: A HEALTHY MOUTH - COULD LEAD TO A HEALTHY HEART.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Stepping Up To Your Elliptical

Good Morning!

So, now that we are back in the swing of things, it is time to get back on the workout trail. Prior to vacation I had decided to try something new on my elliptical and found it works well for me.......and hopefully, it will also work for you.

  •  Start morning 1 hour and 45 mins earlier than normal to fit in some workout time to get the juices flowing
  •  Get on elliptical and gradually start with a slow pace for about 3 mins. for warm up
  • After 3 mins, I put my arms up in the air like I am rock climbing and alternate them up and down to the count of 60
  • Then place arms down at side and swing them side to the count of 60 
  • Then run to the count of 60 
  • Then do a slow pace walk to the count of 60  to check pulse & heart rate
  • Start over again until you have reached at least 10 mins.
  • Always ending with a slow pace to the count of 60 for your cool down
Afterwards I will either do one of the following workouts -

  •  Mondays I will follow up with P90X's Arms & Shoulder workout, but  in order to get through my workout on time, I skip through all the talking, so I will still have time to shower and relax before leaving for work.  
  • Tuesdays, I do the P90X leg workout after elliptical workout 
  • Wednesdays after elliptical I just do Hip-Hop Abs by ShawnT - 
  • Start all over again on Thursday (Monday's routine), Friday (Tuesday's routine) and Saturday (Wednesday's routine).
  • On Sunday's, my neighbor Jo and I go early in the morning and do a 5 mile walk in the most beautiful area. Filled with sunny and shady patches, going up and down hills and most of all some really pretty scenery.  It truly makes a difference in your walk when you have nice scenery to enjoy.   
My husband and I try to go walking in the evenings for at least 1 hour - Our subdivision is extremely hilly, so we walk the perimeter of the entire subdivision, down past the YMCA until the sidewalk ends and then back track - total walk is 3 miles and takes up to 1 hour. We have found going after 7:30pm usually works best because it is not so hot and humid out.

"An Experiment In The Works"

So, this week we are going to try something new on our evening walks
While on vacation we went to visit my talented niece Holly, please check out her website Deals and Dishes - It's WOW - Worth Reading Anyway, she was sharing something about walking and working your way up to jogging.

What your supposed to do on your walk, is do a 1 minute warm up slow pace walk, and then jog for 1 minute. You keep alternating walk 1 min.,  jog in 1 min. - Keep switching up intervals during your entire walk.  Once you've been doing this for a month straight, you should be able to jog your entire walking route.  Sounds like a plan, so my husband and I are going to try it and see how it goes.  

My husband used to be a jogger, but then had to have knee surgery a few years back.  He is willing to give this a try so he can get back into his old jogging routine.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fairy Homes


Beginning spring, I decided to start making little Fairy Houses for relatives, friends and others who liked my work & inspiration  
Here are a few photographs of the houses.

(I am still learning to focus better on my camera - lol)
Brooklyn's Fairy Home made with her favorite colors and flowers

Katie's Fairy House - Made with her favorite colors

Sue's Louisiana Magnolia Plantation Fairy Home
Mr Toads Quarters - 

My Garden Fairies Get Away Home
My goal is to make them according to the child or adults personality, favorite color(s) and incorporate their favorite flower.  These are the 1st of a few I have made, and will be continuing to do so as long as the orders come in.  

If you are interested in placing an order for a gift for a special someone, please contact me via email:  or
Pricing is according to structure of house and accessories requested.

Have 2 more in the works right now and will post photos once complete.
One is going to be a Bayou Fairy Home - Since we are from Louisiana
and the next one is for my Sophia for her bedroom.
IGoing to try something different this time, by adding a special touch, so when the lights go out
the glow of the fairy lights come on.

Want to try my hand at actually making little fairy people......but this is another project underway.

"Closing Thoughts"

I hope everyone out there has been well and taking every opportunity they have to take sometime for self.
Remember, there is nothing more relaxing like taking a walk at the end of the day, or spending at least 30 mins. in total quiet.

May you all have a blessed day!