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Getting Started

I decided to create this blog, to inform not only myself , but others about Aromatherapy, Herbs, Meditation, etc., and .....well, just to get on the right track.

Come and join me on this journey. To get back the health, spirit and well-being we once had
......or, that we want.

Together we can do many things.

Any suggestions you may have on articles, products, aromatherapy, herbs, meditation, relaxation, exercise, etc...please let me know so I can post them to share together, with you and others.

Have a blessed day,





Saturday, January 7, 2012


As we welcome "2012" may we all enter it with confidence and well-being.

Let's not start the year with unrealistic challenges.  Start it with small goals, reach them and then slowly add on more. This will set you up for progress and achievement, instead of failure.  

  1. Create a List of all the things you would like to achieve this year.
  2. After creating your list organize them according to importance. Give yourself a realistic timeline to achieve at least 3 goals a month, or whatever would be realistic for you.  When you take your time and do it correctly, you will continue to succeed and move forward and on to the next.
  3. You should always start your New Year off with a good cleansing - not only in body, but mind as well.
  4. When you detox your body of last year's toxins it is a guaranteed way to allow your body to truly feel renewed from within. 
  5. A good spring detox is one of the bears: Did you know most bears will eat dandelions after coming out of hibernation. It is how nature helps them detox their systems. I am not recommending you go out and eat wild dandelions, but I do suggest you try a good tea or check your local market for freshly cultivated dandelions to top your salads.
  6. You should set aside at least 15 - 30 mins a day to meditate in total quiet.  This will help to refresh your mind - We all require a little quiet time here and there.  It is not only good for the mind, but for your body as well.  Or, try 10 to 20 minutes of yoga a day.
  7. Take a walk outside - by yourself or with a friend.  Fresh Air is always good for the soul! If it is too cold outside, then do 30 - 40 mins of cardio. 
  8. Each evening, try to plan your meals for the next day.  If you have things in order, it will make your meal planning a lot easier.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Simple & Tasty

Hi Friends and Family,
I wanted you to be the first to learn that I am now a Tastefully Simple Consultant.  I am so excited about my NEW business and the AWESOME unique and easy to prepare products with Tastefully Simple.
If you are not familiar with Tastefully Simple, the company is based out of AlexandriaMinnesota and has been a thriving company for over 16 years.  The company has a fabulous reputation and is the BEST around.  We have over 60 products that are no more than 2 ingredients to prepare.  Super Easy, Fabulous Taste, and a Great Value at $5-$10.  Our products will fit everyone’s food budget.
You can help me get my new business off to a GREAT start in 3 ways.  The first and most fun, is to invite your friends and family over for a taste-testing party. If you are not local, you can do a book party and still reap the rewards for being the hostess. The parties are EASY and can cost less than $10 to host if you decide to do one in your home.  Everyone loves to eat so try out our products first hand and EARN FREE AND DISCOUNTED PRODUCTS.  As listed above, January hosts are earning an ADDITIONAL 50% in FREE PRODUCT.  WAHOO!!!
Another way to help is to place an order by viewing my e-catalog and then going to    Let me know what you would like to try.  Our products are great for easy meal preparation for your family, entertaining and gift giving.  TAKE A LOOK THROUGH OUR E-CATALOG - NOW!
One other way to enjoy Tastefully Simple products at a discount and Earn a UNLIMITED INCOME is by joining me as a Tastefully Simple Consultant.  Flexible hours and Great Pay.  If I have sparked an interest, let me know and I can give you more information on how you can start your OWN Tastefully Simple business.
I look forward to hearing from you!   
 Laurie Uzee
If you like what you see and would like to order, please go to: Lou's Tastefully Simple

Your Independent Tastefully Simple Consultant

Detox Now

Whether you want to start 2012 with more energy, lower cholesterol or a smaller waistline, beware: Even your best-laid plans could be destined for failure.

Why? Because while you’ve been enjoying almost six weeks straight of rich food and holiday parties, your liver has been working overtime… leaving your body toxic, tired and overburdened as a result. The bottom line: You can’t expect any success out of your health resolutions in the New Year unless you’ve got a smart detox strategy first.

Now is a critical time to boost your intake of the antioxidant glutathione—a compound that, in its active (or “reduced”) form, binds with and disarms free radicals, heavy metals and other dangerous toxins that wreak havoc on your health.

Your body’s earliest detox efforts deplete your natural glutathione stores—but regular doses of the liposomal form of this nutrient (the most absorbable and effective type of glutathione available) can keep your levels of this highly effective antioxidant replenished at all times.

Next, consider supplementing with a daily dose of milk thistle. The active constituent of this liver-supportive botanical is silymarin—a powerful natural compound with proven antioxidant and free-radical scavenging abilities. Studies show that silymarin can stimulate liver regeneration and protect it from damaging toxic metabolites, while increasing your body’s levels of critical antioxidants, including ascorbic acid, superoxide dismutase and glutathione.

Herbs such as Scutellaria baicalensis and Cynara scolymus (better known as artichoke) deliver added antioxidant defense. Research has revealed that active constituents of the former can aid in detoxification by increasing the transport of chemicals and drugs to your liver, while reducing their toxic effects and supporting glutathione levels.8-9 Meanwhile, artichoke extracts have an equally protective effect on your liver, with studies showing that this botanical can reduce liver cell death, glutathione loss and cholesterol synthesis while increasing crucial bile flow.

Look to a few of the basic antioxidant nutrients for comprehensive detox support. Vitamin C, for example, scavenges free radicals and protects against the reactive oxygen species (ROS) that promote oxidative stress—while n-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) restores your liver’s glutathione levels and binds with toxic metabolites. Likewise, the lipid-soluble antioxidant lipoic acid is clinically proven to deliver wide-ranging liver protection, whether you’re struggling with alcohol-induced damage or toxicity from poisoning.

Finally, no detoxification program would be complete without ample fiber intake. Without frequent bowel movements, toxins can stay in your intestines for long periods of time—eventually reabsorbing into your body. Taking a good fiber supplement, on the other hand, can ensure that your body eliminates these toxins efficiently, while boosting beneficial microflora and reducing trouble-causing bacteria in your colon.

Integrating all of these toxin-fighting solutions into your daily regimen throughout 2012 can give you a critical edge as you kick off the New Year. 

New Miracle Seed