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Getting Started

I decided to create this blog, to inform not only myself , but others about Aromatherapy, Herbs, Meditation, etc., and .....well, just to get on the right track.

Come and join me on this journey. To get back the health, spirit and well-being we once had
......or, that we want.

Together we can do many things.

Any suggestions you may have on articles, products, aromatherapy, herbs, meditation, relaxation, exercise, etc...please let me know so I can post them to share together, with you and others.

Have a blessed day,





Saturday, August 20, 2011

Who Knew - Jasmine Tea

Good Morning Everyone!

My husband and I frequently visit our local International Farmers Market, where there are many, many varieties of fruits, veggies, seafood, spices, herbs, meats and yes, herbal teas.  So, on one of our visit I was on my herbal tea kicks and decided to purchase the following: 

  •  Oolong Green Tea (made from young green tea leaves - makes the tea taste sweeter) 
  • Jasmine Tea 
  • Red Lavender Tea.  
  • Well, I have always loved the Oolong Green Tea, but I only tried the Lavender Tea once and its taste is somewhat different to say the least and wasn't really for me.  However, if I take the tea bags and simmer them a little and place them on my eyes, it does have a very relaxing affect. Sadly to say I was a little skeptical about trying the Jasmine Tea after drinking the Lavender Tea because of its rich floral taste.  So, several - several months have gone by and yesterday I decided....h m-m, let me do a little research on the benefits of Red Lavender Tea and Jasmine Tea, and so I did - Here is what I found out:
Organic Red Lavender Tea
This is the Red Lavender Tea We Purchased ( Great for  Using as Sachets Too!)
It seems Lavender Tea is mostly used for headaches, insomnia (which makes sense), anxiety and even for colds.  To read more on Lavender Tea Benefits, please click here ------->  HEALTH BENEFITS OF LAVENDER TEA  (This link has a lot of information on a lot of other herbs, so it would be beneficial to bookmark for future references - I hope you enjoy the information LIVE and FEEL provides)

My biggest surprise, and the reason I busted out the Jasmine Tea to brew a pot, is because of what the benefits are that this tea has - WHO KNEW - It is a powerful antioxidant - promotes weight loss (a plus) - reduces FAT & CHOLESTEROL (another plus) - helps in preventing cancer (another big plus) and it helps to calm your nerves. But, the BIGGEST PLUS to all of the other pluses is it also helps to keep you young (skin wise that  So, I poured me a glass to sip - it smells like jasmine, but with a little fresh stevia leaf (I have a fresh supply on hand because I grow it in my garden) or spoon of honey (your sweetener preference) - I would suggest a Natural Sweetener to really reap the benefits - because if you use artificial sweeteners your more or less adding poison to a healthy drink......make sense? It makes it a nice sipping tea.  

This is the Brand We Purchased

To read more on Jasmine Tea, please click here -------> JASMINE TEA BENEFITS - 5 REASONS TO START DRINKING NOW!
(AMAZING GREEN TEA -  The Definitive Guide to Gourmet Tea & Healthy Drink ) 
or click here -----> JASMINE TEA - BENEFITS AND SIDE EFFECTS ( - Has a lot of interesting articles I hope you find helpful as well)

I hope this information inspires you to tap into "The World of Teas"  WHO KNEW .......... NOW, WE DO!

Have a blessed day!