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Getting Started

I decided to create this blog, to inform not only myself , but others about Aromatherapy, Herbs, Meditation, etc., and .....well, just to get on the right track.

Come and join me on this journey. To get back the health, spirit and well-being we once had
......or, that we want.

Together we can do many things.

Any suggestions you may have on articles, products, aromatherapy, herbs, meditation, relaxation, exercise, etc...please let me know so I can post them to share together, with you and others.

Have a blessed day,





Thursday, July 1, 2010

Best To Have On Hand

Did you know the most important essential oils to have on hand are the following:

  • Chamomile
  • Clove
  • Eucalyptus
  • Geranium 
  • Lavender
  • Lemon
  • Peppermint
  • Tea Tree
  • Thyme
My personal favorites to always have on hand are: Lavender, Tea Tree, Chamomile and Rosemary.


A must have for your home - so many good uses. You may or may not be aware lavender is effective in treating burns and/or scalds.  It is also a natural antibiotic, antiseptic, antidepressant, sedative and detoxifies. All these components allow it to heal and help in preventing scaring when used on burns. 

It also stimulates the immune system and contributes to the healing process by stimulating the cells of a wound helping it to regenerate more quickly.  Even though it's not known specifically as a circulatory stimulant, it certainly seems to calm the effects of clinical shock and, as a mood tonic.  Because of its relaxing fragrance, it is used often in pillow sachets to help with sleep, bathes to soothe the mind and relax the body, foot messages to relax the feet.  It has many, many beneficial uses.

Tea Tree: 

I use this on just about anything.  A friend of mind introduced this to me many years ago in a gel form... I burned myself one time, and she gave me some to relieved the burn and I had no scaring.  GREAT for burns, cuts, bites, any skins issues. 

I did a little research on it and found it is thought to be 100 times more powerful than carbolic acid, and yet is is non-poisonous to humans!  Thank goodness are I would not be here to write this.  I have even used this on my gums to help heal them, when my dentist said I had a mild case of gingivitis.  I would not suggest ingesting though.  I would dip a Q-tip in the tea tree oil, rub it on my gums and teeth.  Let it sit for about 5 minutes and then rinse my mouth and then brush my teeth as normal. This helped my gums heal faster.

Back to its history ~ This tree found in Australia has been used by the Aborigines in their medications for centuries.  It has impressive antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.....which allows it to be useful in a range of conditions. It is used for many type of infections - here are a few: ring-worm, acne, sunburn, athlete's foot, toothache, earache and pyorrhea amongst other things.  It's a must have in your medicine cabinet!


Let me first start by saying there are different types of chamomile.  I like the sweeter scent of Roman Chamomile, German Chamomile is a good selection as well.  Buyer beware of  Chamomile Maroc - it is not a true chamomile and cannot be used as such.

Here are its uses: teething trouble, used in bathes to calm nerves (sometimes I add a few drops of the Roman Chamomile and Lavender essential oils to a hot bath......ah-h-h-h-h relaxing - about 3 drops of each!)  Chamomile can also be used to soothe burns, sunburn, psoriasis, eczema, asthma, and hay fever and depressive states.  It also helps with diarrhea, sprains and strains, nausea, fever and nervous conditions.  


This oil is popular for its physical and mental stimulant, which makes it a good oil to use in the morning.  Used in Shampoos, my favorite (Rosemary & Peppermint) to wake you up and lift your spirits.  It has a tingling sensation on the scalp, so once you massage your head and rinse under warm water, the tingling and scent just WOW make my morning!  Also, rubbing a little rosemary oil under the nose is said to help jog the memory by keeping you focused.

It is also great for a bath after a long tiring day.  Rosemary also has antiseptic properties, so it can be used in the treatment of muscular sprains, arthritis, rheumatism, depression, fatigue, memory loss, migraine/headaches (by massaging on the temples) coughs, flu and diabetes.  Can be used in many beauty treatments - hair care, acne and some cellulite remedies.   I actually added a few drops to my nightly face cream.

So, I have listed a few things about my favorite essential oils that I hope have interested you into trying.  My favorite brand is Aura Cacia - They are 100% essential oils.  I am not finished listing all the many uses of these fabulous....but time is short, so I will write more on their other time.  

Until then......... May many blessings come your way

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Apple Cider Vinegar

What is Apple Cider Vinegar, and it is right for me?

Apple Cider Vinegar is an effective natural bacteria-fighting agent that contains many vital minerals and trace elements such as:
• Potassium
• Calcium
• Magnesium
• Phosphorous
• Chlorine
• Sodium
• Sulfur
• Copper
• Iron
• Silicon
• Fluorine
All above are vital for a healthy body.

Distilled vs. Natural

Natural Apple Cider Vinegar is made by crushing organically grown apples that are fresh and allowing them to mature in wooden barrels. This helps to boosts the natural fermentation properties of the crushed apples, which differs from the refined and distilled vinegars found in supermarkets. When the vinegar is mature, it appears cloudy with a-web-like bacterial foam called Mother, which becomes visible when the rich brownish liquid is held to the light.

Natural vinegars that contain the mother have enzymes and minerals that other vinegars in grocery stores may not have due to over-processing, over-heating, and filtration. For this reason, it is recommended that you purchase only Natural Apple Cider Vinegar, with an ideal acidity (pH) level of 5 to 7. My brand selection is Bragg’s –it is certified organic, raw apple cider vinegar. Is unfiltered, unheated, un-pasteurized and 5% acidity. Containing the amazing Mother of Vinegar which as previously stated, occurs naturally as strand-like chains of connected protein molecules.

What are the Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar?

Natural Apple Cider Vinegar is a wonderful natural cure for a number of ailments which usually require antibiotics and other medications that have a number of side effects. In particular, Apple Cider Vinegar has been known to:

• Reduce sinus infections and sore throats
• Balance high cholesterol
• Cure skin conditions such as acne
• Protect against food poisoning
• Fight allergies in both humans and animals
• Prevent muscle fatigue after exercise
• Strengthen the immune system
• Increase stamina
• Increase metabolism which promotes weight loss
• Improve digestion and cure constipation
• Alleviate symptoms of arthritis and gout
• Prevents bladder stones and urinary tract infections

Lose Weight Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Many people have found that Apple Cider Vinegar is a wonderful natural remedy for weight loss. Some research suggests that apple cider vinegar increase our metabolism, which helps us burn more calories even when we are resting. Therefore a simple weight loss home remedy is the following:

• Mix 2 teaspoons of organic apple cider vinegar to 16 oz. of water.
• Take a few sips of this mixture throughout the day (don't drink it all at once).

Bad Breath Home Remedy Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar has recently been used as an effective mouthwash that provides long-lasting relief from bad breath. Simply dilute 1/2 tablespoon of the vinegar into a glass of water and gargle it in your mouth for 10 seconds at a time.

Body Odor Home Remedy with Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) eliminates under arm body odor when used in place of deodorant because it reduces the pH of the skin. Bacteria can't live in areas with low pH. Use apple cider vinegar as a natural body deodorant and eliminate the bacteria causing offensive body odor. Here are two related remedies for body odor:
Armpit Odor: wipe them once a day with undiluted apple cider vinegar.
Foot Odor: soak feet in a pan of warm water mixed with 1/3 cup (75 ml) of ACV for 15 minutes.
  Repeat this two or three times per week.
Another useful tool in eliminating bad odor is White vinegar. You can soak a cotton ball in it and apply to the underarms instead of a deodorant. The vinegar smell will be gone within minutes and you will be odor-free all day.

Acne Home Remedy Using Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple Cider Vinegar is an effective natural agent that cures acne by killing the bacteria and balancing our skin's pH level (which is a measure of acidity). It also absorbs excessive oil from our skin, which is a leading cause of acne.
• Dilute the Apple Cider Vinegar in water by one part of vinegar and 3 to 4 parts of water.
• Apply the solution directly to your skin with clean cotton, and leave it there for about ten minutes.
• After ten minutes, rinse off the vinegar.
• Repeat this three times a day. For severe cases of acne, the solution can be used overnight without rinsing.
For more severe acne, the water ratio can also be reduced to 2 or 3 parts per one part of vinegar, but this stronger solution should not be left on overnight.

Cellulite Home Remedy Using Apple Cider Vinegar:

The nutritional components of Apple Cider Vinegar have been known to help reduce the appearance of cellulite.

 Oral Remedy 
• Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into an 8 ounce glass of water.
• Optionally add a small amount of honey as a sweetener.
• Drink this once each morning.

Topical Remedy
• Mix 3 parts apple cider vinegar with one part of your favorite massage oil.
• Gently knead this solution onto affected skin areas twice daily.
• This massage treatment will help to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Exercise to Reduce Cellulite

Since cellulite is fat, excess weight can contribute to it. Therefore, physical exercises like walking or jogging, swimming, jumping on a mini-trampoline, skipping with a rope, and even yoga are all effective ways to control stress and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Other beneficial activities include weight lifting, martial arts, and dancing. Make a habit of exercising for at least 20 minutes per day, 5 days a week. This returns your body chemistry to a balanced state in which cellulite is less likely to develop.

Eat a Low-fat Balanced Diet to Treat Cellulite

A low fat balanced diet plays an important role in getting rid of cellulite. Eat plenty of fiber and wholegrain foods (such as bran and oat cereals) since they help to remove waste and toxins from the intestinal tract. Fruits and vegetables such as asparagus, avocados, bananas, broccoli, and pears are all excellent foods that prevent the development of cellulite. Therefore try to eat at least 5 servings of such foods daily.
Other beneficial things to add to your diet include fish oil, gingko biloba, and soy lecithin. These are very effective supplements that provide positive effects such as improving blood circulation, enhancing metabolism, and protecting against cell damage.

Stay away from alcohol, sugar, smoking, and caffeine since these products constrict your blood vessels and may actually worsen the appearance of cellulite. Also, try to reduce your salt intake, since salt is known to contribute to water retention which promotes cellulite.

Stomach Issues
Constipation Home Remedy Using Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar assists our body in performing natural bowel movements since it contains significant amounts of pectin, which is a water soluble fiber that helps to improve digestion by normalizing the acid levels in the stomach.
For an effective treatment of constipation, add 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar into an 8 oz glass of water, and drink this mixture three times a day. The Apple Cider Vinegar can also be mixed with apple juice or grape juice to make it more palatable.
There are various causes for diarrhea, and although it should not be left untreated, it is often a natural way for the body to rid itself of harmful compounds and ingested materials. Apple Cider Vinegar is a fantastic natural remedy for diarrhea since the high pectin concentration acts as a protective coating which soothes the irritated lining of the colon. A suggestion is to add 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar to a large glass of water, and drink this 3 times daily while the symptoms persist.

What are the Side Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar?
There are no major known side effects of Apple Cider Vinegar when used in moderation. However, drinking vinegars, acids or even lemon juices on a regular basis can lead to a deterioration of dental enamel. This can give your teeth a yellowish look and make them more sensitive to heat and cold. To prevent this, the vinegar should always be diluted with water or a pinch of baking soda should be added in order to reduce the acidity level.

Where to Buy Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother?
First check the health food isle at your local market (this is where I found it) or, your local health food store. Here is the brand I use.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Skinny Bitch ( #1 New York Times Bestseller) by Rory Freedman & Kim Barnouin

A MUST READ - Straight to the point!

Ok...I highly recommend this book - However, if you are threatend by vulgar not ....oh, what the hell, pick it up and read it!!!  It will have you cracking up laughing in the beginning of the book.  And, after all, Laughter is the best medicine.  This book touches on the fact of many things. It is a MUST READ!

Also if you really like your meat and seafood, this book may change your mind. Not so much on how much your eating, but what your eating and how it made it's way to your plate.

I must confess, I do not eat as much meat as I used to, but I sure think about where it comes from and look at it and think before putting it into my mouth.  I will never give up seafood............however, with the oil spill my selections will be limited.

Please if you have or have not read this book, leave your comment on this read.  Sharing with others helps!

The Authors :

Houttuynia Cordata Thunb (Chameleon Plant)

Interesting Plant – I bought this beautiful ivy plant some years back due to its beautiful colors, and to enhance my garden. In the spring/fall it produces small white flowers, little did I know…now years later, this beautiful ivy has consumed my front garden bed, so I decided to do some research and here were my findings.

Turns out, my purchase was not such a bad one after all.



Botanical Name: Saururaceae Houttuynia cordata Thunb (Chameleon Plant) - ผักคาวทอง It is an Organic Herb

What are the Key Benefits:
  • Inhibits the growth of harmful viruses
  • Increases the antibodies to kill foreign objects
  • Aids in healing urinary tract infections
  • Reduces blood sugar level and cholesterol
  • Used as treatment for colds
Author Thunb. Botanical references 51, 200, 266

Family Saururaceae
Genus Houttuynia
Synonyms Polypara cochinchinensis - Lour.

Known Hazards: None known

Range E. Asia - China, Japan, Himalayas.

Habitat Shrubberies and damp places to 2400 metres in the Himalayas[51]. Often found as a weed in wet fields[187].

Edibility Rating 4  - (1-5) Medicinal Rating 3 (1-5)
Physical Characteristics

Perennial growing to 0.6m by 1m at a fast rate

It is hardy to zone 5 and is frost tender. It is in flower in June. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs)

The plant prefers light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils. The plant prefers acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. It can grow in full shade (deep woodland) or semi-shade (light woodland). It requires moist or wet soil and can grow in water.


Woodland Garden; Sunny Edge; Dappled Shade; Shady Edge; Ground Cover; Pond; Bog Garden;

Cultivars: (as above except)

'Chameleon' Deep Shade;
'Flore Plena' Deep Shade;
Edible Uses

Edible Parts: Fruit; Leaves; Root.

Tender young shoots and leaves - raw or cooked as a pot-herb [2, 61, 103, 183, 272]. The leaves and young shoots are harvested in the spring when about 8cm long [264]. Strongly aromatic according to one report[183] while others say that it is rather smelly and somewhat like rotten fish [105, 178]. Our experience is that the leaves have a delicious orange-like smell and make a marvelous flavoring in salads [K]. One report says that there are two distinct chemo types of this species. Plants from Japan have an orange scent, while those from China have a smell resembling coriander leaves (Coriandrum sativum)[238]. Some people seem to really like this leaf, others are indifferent to it or strongly dislike it. It also varies quite considerably according to the time of year. In the spring and summer it has a very acceptable flavor, but by autumn a distinct bitterness has crept in [K]. Root - cooked [177, 183]. Same comments on the smell as for the leaves [105]. Fruit [183]. No further details[K], but the fruit is a capsule that contains many small seeds[200].

Medicinal Uses

Plants for a Future can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally.

Antibacterial; Antidote; Anti-inflammatory; Antichloristic; Antiviral; Astringent; Depurative; Diuretic; Emmenagogue; Febrifuge; Hypoglycemic; Laxative; Ophthalmic; Women's complaints.

The whole plant is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial, antichloristic, and antiviral, depurative, diuretic, Emmenagogue, febrifuge, hypoglycemic, laxative and ophthalmic. A decoction is used internally in the treatment of many ailments including cancer, coughs, dysentery, enteritis and fever [218]. Its use is said to strengthen the immune system [176]. Externally, it is used in the treatment of snake bites and skin disorders [238]. The leaves and stems are harvested during the growing season and used fresh in decoctions [238]. The leaf juice is antidote and astringent [218]. A root extract is diuretic [218, 240]. The root is also said to be used in medicinal preparations for certain diseases of women [240, 243]. The rhizomes yield a sterol, resembling sit sterol, which stimulates the secretion of antibiotic substances from a gram-positive spore-forming bacillus [240]. An active substance, effective in the treatment of stomach ulcers, has been extracted from the plant [240].

Other Uses

Ground cover.
good ground cover plant [200]. Plants do not form a weed-suppressing cover [K]. A spreading plant, it should be spaced about 45cm apart each way [208].

Scented Plants
Leaves: Crushed - The bruised leaves emit a strong citrus smell rather like orange peel.
Cultivation details

Requires a moist to wet soil or shallow water, partial shade and a sheltered position [1, 31, 56, 238]. While it grows best in a bog garden, it will succeed in moist garden borders [233] and has also grown fairly well in a dry soil in Cornwall [K]. It succeeds in full shade [208]. Plants are hardy to about -15°c [187], the top growth is killed back by frost though the roots are much hardier. Even the roots, though, can be killed in severe winters [56]. A very ornamental plant, there are some named varieties [187]. 'Chameleon' has very attractively variegated leaves with the same flavor as the species [K]. The bruised leaves emit a strong citrus smell rather like orange peel [K]. Plants have a widely spreading root system and are very invasive, though they are easier to control in drier soils [200]. Creeps harmlessly between ferns [187]. Cultivated as a salad crop in Vietnam [103] and in W. China [187]. Plants seem to be immune to the predations of rabbits [233]. Plants growing in an area with a high rabbit population were not eaten by them although other plants growing nearby were attacked [K].


Seed - sow spring in a greenhouse. Prick out the seedlings into individual pots as soon as they are large enough to handle and plant them out in the summer. Division in spring [31,56]. Very quick and easy, it can be done successfully at almost any time in the growing season [K]. Larger clumps can be replanted direct into their permanent positions, though it is best to pot up smaller clumps and grow them on in a cold frame until they are rooting well. Plant them out in the spring.

'Chameleon' - A very ornamental form with attractively variegated leaves [K]. These leaves have the same flavor as the species [K]. In full sun red is the dominant color, but in shady positions the leaves lose most of their redness and become green and yellow mainly [K].A vigorous form, though less so than the species.

'Flore Plena' - A double-flowered form, it grows very vigorously and can succeed in drier soils than most cultivars [K].

Diet Scams - Extreme Dieting

This morning I logged on to MSN, to read some really interesting articles on Dieting Scams.
Please check out the following links: Perhaps you have...or have thought of trying some of these concepts to loose weight.
  1. The hGC Diet - Hormones extracted from the urine of pregnant women
    hGC Diet
  2. Hoodia  - Hoodia for Weight Loss
  3. Seaweed (Fucoxanthin) - Brown Seaweed for Weight Loss
  4. Horse Medication (Clenbuterol) (ok...who does this?) - Horse Meds for weight loss....WHAT!
  5. Parasite Eggs (Saw this on TV- Gross) Parasite Eggs....No Bacon...Gross

Walking Poles for Exercise

One day I read an article on using, "Walking Poles", while walking to increase the intensity of your exercise. They are also supposed to help you keep your body aligned (better posture) while walking with well balanced steps.