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Getting Started

I decided to create this blog, to inform not only myself , but others about Aromatherapy, Herbs, Meditation, etc., and .....well, just to get on the right track.

Come and join me on this journey. To get back the health, spirit and well-being we once had
......or, that we want.

Together we can do many things.

Any suggestions you may have on articles, products, aromatherapy, herbs, meditation, relaxation, exercise, etc...please let me know so I can post them to share together, with you and others.

Have a blessed day,





Saturday, August 13, 2011

Is It Just Hype or Is It For Real?

So we had this gentleman, who will remain anonymous, come into our office the other day.  He was returning a prestige plate that had H20 Guru or something like that; Anyway, somehow we get on the subject about what he does for a living........well, after he told us what his main job was, he started talking about Alkaline Water. 

After he explained the benefits of drinking it, we told him about our co-worker who passed away in February due to Breast Cancer and he said, do you know I have given this water to several people who have had some type of cancer, and believe or not it cured them.

Well, in our line of work you hear really do!  So he told us he would bring us each a gallon of this Alkaline Water for us to try, with his number and when we were finished he wanted us to either contact him for a refill or go to his home office where he has this super-sonic purification system that purifies the water 300x's more than bottled water.  He loves his product and had us all interested to say the least.

He was a man of his word and he did bring us each a gallon (sealed) jug of this Alkaline Water.  Two of the ladies got 2 gallons because of health issues they are currently experiencing.  So, we all thanked him and decided we would all drink to good health.

Well, I decided to do a little research to make sure it was all he made it out to be - Here is what I found out:

It seems like every day there is another miracle cure hitting the market; a berry found hidden in the Amazon, or a tea grown only on the west side of a mountain in the Himalayas, possibly a root's extract that can cure any aliment.  And now, a device that transforms ordinary tap water into the fountain of youth.

Well, if  you are like most people, you may be a little or a lot skeptical.  That's okay!  You've come to the right place - 

Alkaline water: Better than plain water?

Is alkaline water better for you than plain water?


from Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D.
For most people, plain water is best.
Alkaline water has a higher pH level than does tap water. Some proponents say that alkaline water can neutralize acid in your bloodstream, boost your energy level and metabolism, and help your body absorb nutrients more effectively. Others say that alkaline water can help you resist disease and slow the aging process. However, researchers haven't verified these claims.
Some research does suggest that alkaline water may slow bone loss, but further study is needed to determine if the positive effects can be maintained over the long term or influence bone mineral density overall.

What are some side effects that result from drinking ionized water?

Artificially alkaline water only neutralizes acidity where it has direct contact, like the stomach and upper bowel. When consumed daily, the upper bowel in particular becomes overly alkaline and side effects begin to appear. Most common are erratic heart behavior, hypertension, nervousness/anxiety, urinary tract and bladder infections, and stabbing side pains.
We have spoken to numerous individuals who were hospitalized for heart conditions that magically disappeared when they stopped drinking alkaline ionized water. We know of at least one gentleman with a heart condition who died due to interactions between his time-release medication and ionized water- he was a top dealer for one ionizer MLM company. Why would anyone ingest anything unnatural when natural alternatives are available at a comparable cost?
Additionally, more severe side effects were observed in a clinical study involving rats. The study revealed injury to cardiac tissue (heart muscle) as a result of drinking ERW (Electrolyzed Reduced Water), or water created by ionizer machines. In an age when heart disease is a leading killer, ionized water is simply not a smart choice.
For links to clinical studies demonstrating side effects from ionized water consumption, please see the bottom of this page.

Hear what AquaLiv Water System owners are saying in their own words

AquaLiv Water Testimonials

Learn more about the AquaLiv Water System

AquaLiv Water System - Learn More

Clinical studies demonstrating side effects from ionized water consumption:

In Closing, I would like you to know of a side effect I experienced at work.
This was my first day drinking the alkaline water and I started my day with about 16ozs. of alkaline water.

My day was going normal, and then it was time for lunch.
Well, everyday after my lunch I take 1 niacin tablet per my Doctor.
However, when I purchased my new bottle I was unaware it was NOT Non-Flush 
If any of you out there take Niacin, you know what I am talking about when I say non-flush. 
Well, since I started my new bottle about a month ago, usually within 20 - 25mins the flush would hit and I would turn a little red in the face and arms....a normal reaction to niacin - however if you are not aware of this side effect, it will make you think your in trouble.

Anyway, within 10 mins if that long after consuming the niacin 
 I went into total flush mode.

Scared the CRAP out of me! I literally looked like I had been laying out in the sun for hours and had gotten a terrible sunburn. My skin was on fire - I am 100% positive I will make sure I get the regular NON-FLUSH niacin from this point so I will not experience this again. If alkaline water enhances your medication this quickly, it may not be a good thing.

The point I am trying to make to all of you, please if you do decide after reading up on Alkaline Water that you want to try it, please speak with your doctor about the possible effects it may have with your prescription drugs.  

May you all be blessed, safe and aware!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Weather That Affects Us

Do you ever notice how the weather outside can totally affect not only your daily activities, but your over all health?  Well, I have really noticed how it affects me.

  • If the weather is warm and sunny - I feel energized and ready to go.
  • If the weather is cloudy and gloomy - I feel very tired - not in the mood for much.
  • If the weather is cold and sunny - I still feel like getting out and on the go
  • If the weather is cold and rainy - Forget it -  I would rather stay in my bed where it is warm and dry - unfortunately this can lead to useless eating to help fill the void of not getting out and doing something.
  • And Stormy Rainy Days - These should be declared stay at home days too!  They are only good for the foliage and other outdoor creatures in need of watering and cleansing.

I guess we are no different than plants - To feel healthy, we need sunshine and exercise to feel energized.  Rest is important, but to much can leave you feeling gloomy - Cold, dark and damp weather keeps us confined and restless - it can also lead to depression because of the lack of sun and fresh air. I guess you could say the same happens to the plants when they go dormant in the winter - but come spring when the sun is shining and the skies are blue, they rise & shine and burst into color.

But what do the experts have to say about it?

Here are some links to view to find out the answers:

Simple Test - Take a look at each of the photos below.
What is your first initial mood/feeling when you look at them as though you were looking outside your window?


I would be willing to say, no matter what the weather temperature
If there were sunshine present with a little breeze
We would all be out there doing something and feeling good!