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Getting Started

I decided to create this blog, to inform not only myself , but others about Aromatherapy, Herbs, Meditation, etc., and .....well, just to get on the right track.

Come and join me on this journey. To get back the health, spirit and well-being we once had
......or, that we want.

Together we can do many things.

Any suggestions you may have on articles, products, aromatherapy, herbs, meditation, relaxation, exercise, etc...please let me know so I can post them to share together, with you and others.

Have a blessed day,





Thursday, March 15, 2012

12 Easy Steps

  1. How to Get Into a Morning Routine

    Edited byTravis Derouin
  2. Go to bed at a reasonable time every day with everything you need ready for the morning. Make sure you’ve packed your bag, picked out clothes and have set an alarm for an appropriate time.  (THIS WORKS!!!! - Early preparation is AWESOME!, if I could just get my children to do this.)
  3. 2
    Don’t press the snooze button. If you’re not keen on waking up early make sure your alarm is out of reach. Preferably have it hidden somewhere across your room so to turn it off you have to get up. All you have to do now is stay up.  
    Don’t press the snooze button.
     Don’t press the snooze button.
  4. 3
    Get away from your bedroom. Being tempted to go back to sleep is easy when you’re within a room you tend to associate with sleep. Have self discipline and force yourself to leave.  ( I find waking up and walking into my bathroom and splashing some cool water in my face, helps to get my juices flowing......then it is on to the Kitchen for some water)
    Get away from your bedroom.
     Get away from your bedroom.
  5. 4
    Have a glass of cold water to help yourself awaken.
    Have a glass of cold water to help yourself awaken.
     Have a glass of cold water to help yourself awaken.
  6. 5
    Stretch out or do some form of physical exercise for a couple of minutes. Not only will it help to get you moving but will also have great health benefits. ( May I suggest A.M. Yoga for Your Week by Rodney Yee....20 mins a morning to stretch and then you can either do another 30 min workout out afterwards (upper or lower) or in the evening after work.  But it is a GREAT way to start your day.) 
  1. 6
    Take a shower. Unless, you took a shower the night before. If you’re short for time, a person likely to miss an alarm or sleep in, it’s best to take a shower before you go to sleep so you won’t face being late in the morning or heading out unclean. ( I like to take a quick shower after working out to help me feel refreshed)
    Take a shower.
     Take a shower.
  2. 7
    Wash your face, brush your teeth, comb hair and put on deodorant. Also, apply any make up, if any, for the day with care and speed.
  3. 8
    Get dressed for the day.
  4. 9
    Have a healthy breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day and should provide you with all the energy you’ll need until lunch.
  5. 10
    Don’t brush your teeth again just yet: Use mouthwash, mouth spray or chewing gum. Eating and drinking naturally weakens the protective enamel on your teeth, and brushing straight after can cause tiny particles of enamel to be brushed away. It is best not to brush your teeth until at least one hour after eating.
  6. 11
    Leave five minutes earlier than you need to and check whether transport is working. If you’re traveling by public transport check that your route isn’t delayed, and always have an alternative route to travel by just in case.
    Leave five minutes earlier than you need to and check whether transport is working.
     Leave five minutes earlier than you need to and check whether transport is working.
  7. 12
    Keep to your routine. Have self-discipline and remember that once you’ve done something every day for a month, it becomes a habit.


So, it has been quite some time since my last post ~ This crazy weather has had my head in a whirl wind and I am just now getting my footing back.  I hope you are all doing well and are achieving new goals in your life.  

I believe, we should start every Sunday, with a small "Goal List", and our goal should be to achieve each item listed by the end of the week.  Start off with easy reachable goals and then gradually broaden your horizon with slightly harder goals as time goes by.  

With anything in life.......... If you start off simple, it will be easier to finish in a shorter time period.  Once we get ourselves in a grove, it will fall into place and just become habit.  We will look forward to setting newer goals and achieving them, so we can move on to the next...and the next.... and so on.

The hardest part of goal setting is getting started...... It's like starting a new exercise program.

We see an infomercial and decide, this is the product for me.  
We pick up the phone, make the call and place the order.  We wait impatiently for our package to arrive.  
Finally  it does, and it never fails........something always seems to come up and our plan to start working out gets put off.

Then finally, we find the time and we start the workout......sometimes we work so hard, we get so - so sore for the next few days the little voice of deception steps in saying, "Oh, this just isn't for you....perhaps you should just give up!"  But, with our positive voices of WILL & DETERMINATION.....we need to realize the first steps are always the hardest.  

  • With repetition and patience
  • We will first feel the results
  • Then we will see the results 
  • And then we will become unstoppable.  

There is nothing more pleasurable then hearing others ask, 'Wow, what are you look really good!"  Who doesn't want to feel good about themselves?  I believe everyone does - whether it is exercising to feel more energized, helping out someone in need or just being something to someone to help them through a tough time. We all want to feel good about ourselves, and in doing so, we allow others to be inspired.

It truly boils down to getting in the mind set, and not allowing the flow of negative energy to stand in your way.  

The hardest thing for me once I get into an exercise routine, is not so much sticking to it, but getting back into it if I fall ill or something major happens in my family life.   I will be the first to admit, my goal is to get back into my exercise routine that I was in prior to my surgery.   I allowed stress and worry to step in, then came the operation and then..........well, just the mind set to get back into exercise.

I always started my mornings off with a little meditation/yoga and then I would alternate days to work upper body, lower body and abdominal's in the evening.  Now that the sunshine is back and it stays lighter & longer in the body is calling me to get up and get back to the place we were before.

Yes, there will come a time when we all fall off the horse so to speak......but nothing says we cannot get back on and ride it through.  

It is a fact when you meditate, exercise and eat right.........not only do you feel better, but your confidence allows you to go further and enjoy life.

So, may you all join me today, get out your pads & pencils, and jot down your goals for the coming week.....let's do this!