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Getting Started

I decided to create this blog, to inform not only myself , but others about Aromatherapy, Herbs, Meditation, etc., and .....well, just to get on the right track.

Come and join me on this journey. To get back the health, spirit and well-being we once had
......or, that we want.

Together we can do many things.

Any suggestions you may have on articles, products, aromatherapy, herbs, meditation, relaxation, exercise, etc...please let me know so I can post them to share together, with you and others.

Have a blessed day,





Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Tulsi Tea

Original Tulsi Tea

Was so, so excited when I visited my local Herbal Store, to get my normal bags of fresh nettle tea, and decided to look around at all their other goodies.....because usually I am in and out.  Well, as I was searching the shelf of herbal teas, I found the one tea I've been wanting to order on-line, but didn't want to pay shipping fees. "TULSI Tea"  My neighbor, who I love dearly, is from India and she has been desperately trying to get her Tulsi - Holy Basil tree to stay alive through the winter months. She told me the story behind the Holy Basil and about all its benefits.  So, when I saw this on the shelf - the purchase was mine.

Tulsi Tea Health Benefits
The health benefits of tulsi are due to the active ingredient, Eugenol present in the leaves. It also contains ursolic acid and carvacrol, both of which have anti-microbial properties. Tulsi tea is rich in anti-oxidants, which help the body fight free radicals that are responsible for causing various chronic degenerative diseases. (For more info: Tea Mind Body)

Another link for more info on the Plant Tulsi/Holy Basil : (Uses of Tulsi Plants/Leaves), 
(Tulsi - Weightloss), (Holy Basil Tulsi), (Diabetes?)

Some proponents of Tulsi tea claim it can strengthen the immune system, prevent heart disease by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, reduce stress, increase strength and endurance, aid digestion, fight free radicals with its cancer-fighting antioxidants, help the liver, relieve inflammation and fight infection. 

According to the Organic India website, tulsi tea "strengthens digestion and a healthy metabolism that may promote weight loss.  I have also read where it is great for diabetics, because it may help to lower fasting and post-meal blood glucose levels. There was a study done on 40 type 2 diabetics, who were asked to stop all of their diabetes medications. Half of the patients were given 2.5 g of holy basil leaf powder daily, and the other half were given a placebo for four weeks. The groups were closely monitored and at the end of the study, holy basil was found to reduce fasting blood glucose levels by approximately 17.6 percent, and post-meal blood glucose levels by 7.3 percent. The study was small, however, and more research needs to be done to confirm whether or not holy basil can effectively lower blood glucose levels.


There are some indications that holy basil may be dangerous. The herb may affect fertility and has not been assessed for use during pregnancy or breast feeding. It is recommended that you avoid the herb if you are about to have surgery of if you are taking anticoagulant medications. You should also avoid tulsi if you are taking medications to lower your blood sugar levels as the herb can also lower blood sugar.

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Here is an article from 2013 : Holy Basil

Sunday, February 8, 2015

BUTTER it's NOT the Bad Guy!

The DID You Know of Butter

Image result for real butter

Did You Know: (Note* Raw, Organic Butter is the Best)

  1. Butter is rich in the most easily absorbable form of Vitamin A necessary for thyroid and adrenal health.
  2. Contains lecithin, essential for cholesterol metabolism.
  3. Contains lauric acid, important in treating fungal infections and candida.
  4. Contains anti-oxidants that protect against free radical damage.
  5. Has anti-oxidants that protect against weakening arteries.
  6. Is a great source of Vitamins E and K.
  7. Saturated fats in butter have strong anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties.
  8. Is a very rich source of the vital mineral selenium.
  9. It contains conjugated linoleic acid, which is a potent anti-cancer agent, muscle builder, and immunity booster
  10. Vitamin D found in butter is essential to absorption of calcium.
  11. Protects against tooth decay.
  12. Is your only source of an anti-stiffness factor, which protects against calcification of the joints.
  13. Anti-stiffness factor in butter also prevents hardening of the arteries, cataracts, and calcification of the pineal gland.
  14. Is a source of Activator X, which helps your body absorb minerals.
  15. Is a source of iodine in highly absorb-able form.
  16. May promote fertility in women.
  17. Is a source of quick energy, and is not stored in our bodies adipose tissue.
  18. Cholesterol found in butterfat is essential to children's brain and nervous system development.
  19. Contains Arachidonic Acid (AA) which plays a role in brain function and is a vital component of cell membranes.
  20. Protects against gastrointestinal infections in the very young or the elderly.

Quick Note

Just a quick "Thank You!" to all of you who read my blog.

It is nice to know so many across the continents share the same interest as myself. Though we may be miles apart......many of our interest are very much the same.

May you all have a blessed day, and if you have any research you would like posted, please don't hesitate to ask.  Just leave a request under comments.

Me, My Husband & 2 of My 5 Sons

What Not To Do

Here is one of my post that never got posted...saved as a draft.

My personal experience with food poisoning.

My relatives came to visit for Thanksgiving and left several yoplait "Trix" yogurts in our frig.  So, I decided I would take one to work with me for morning snack.  During my 10am break I consumed the small Trix yogurt.  I was a little taken away by the colors (pink & green), but it tasted ok. About 15mins after eating, my stomach began to feel really weird.  I just shrugged it off and went back to work, feeling a little nauseated.  I mentioned to one of my co-workers that my stomach was feeling weird.  As time went on, the feeling subsided, so when lunch time came I ate a small lunch only aggravating my tummy more.  That afternoon, I told my co-worker once again......" I really am feeling like I need to throw up, but I will wait until I get home."

Well, 5pm came I rushed to my car and when I pulled into my driveway I knew the only alternative was to make myself throw up so I could get this feeling over with.  So, I stuck my finger down my throat.....and that was all she wrote.  Everything came up and continued to do so for a good 15 minutes. After cleaning up after myself, I felt I needed to lay down, so that is exactly what I did.   As time passed, like 20 mins, I started having other stomach issues.  I ran to the restroom and that is when I felt like I was going to pass out.  Luckily, the bathtub is close to the john, so I was able to reach the tub to splash cold water in my  face.

After gaining my composure I ran to the bed........little did I know, I didn't make it.

I awoke to my 16yr old saying, "Mom....MOM!" "Are you ok...Mom!"  My husband was on the phone with 911.  It seems since I was dehydrated from getting sick, my blood pressure had bottomed out.

When the paramedics arrived, they quickly checked my vital signs, saw how low my pressure was and started an IV immediately to get liquids back into my system.

On my ride to the hospital, the paramedic told me, "The worst thing you can do is make yourself throw up when you are nauseated!"  It can cause dehydration, causing your blood pressure to bottom out. If severe enough, you could lose conscience (which is what happened to me), slip into a mild coma or worse death.

The doctor at the hospital said he was treating me for food poison because I was not running a fever are showing any other symptoms.

Note to self, always check expiration dates...........and never, ever induce vomiting unless necessary.

Aromatherapy Herbs - Quick Use Chart

Here is a quick glance at a few Aromatherapy Herbs and what they contribute when used.  

CHAMOMILE: also known as German chamomile and Roman chamomile ~

PARTS USED: Flowers ~ Contains: Volatile oil, flavonoids, coumarins, plant acids, fatty acids, cyanogenic glycosides, salicylate derivatives, choline, tannin.  KEY USES: Relaxant, antispasmodic, anti inflammatory, bitter tonic, antiseptic, diaphoretic, kiuretic, analgesic, antihistamine, decongestant.   

This herb is a wonderful relaxant for the nervous system and digestion.  A perfect remedy for babies and children. *note* I would make my boys Chamomile tea in the evenings to relax them and when they were not feeling well. ~ It helps to relax muscles throughout the body. In the digestive tract it relieves tension , spasm, colic, and abdominal pain. It is also known to help with migraines, toothaches, earache, cramps, etc. (for more info, read: The Complete Woman's Herbal by Anne Mcintyre pg 41)

CINNAMON: also known as Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Cinnamomum verum, Batavia Cassia, Batavia Cinnamon, Cannelier de Ceylan, Cannelle de Ceylan, Cannelle de Saïgon, Cannelle du Sri Lanka, Ceylon Cinnamon, Ceylozimt, Ceylozimtbaum , Corteza de Canela, Dalchini, Ecorce de Cannelle, Laurus cinnamomum, Madagascar Cinnamon, Padang-Cassia, Panang Cinnamon, Saigon Cassia, Saigon Cinnamon, Sri Lanka Cinnamon, Thwak, Tvak

PARTS USED: bark and the leaves ~ Uses: Hay-fever, Yeast Infection, Irritable Bowel  Syndrome, Salmonella Infection (food poisoning), Diabetes (lowers blood sugar), Diarrhea, Worm Infestations, Common Cold Influenza, Flatulence (gas), Spasms, Appetite Stimulation and Menstrual Discomfort, * Note, avoid in early pregnancy.

Cinnamon Leaf Oil is the type of oil used in aromatherapy,  has a very high concentration of cinnamic aldehyde which is a powerful skin irritant. This oil should NOT be used in aromatherapy. Instead, use in an aroma lamp or diffuser. It is an extremely strong antibacterial and antifungal oil, helps to clean the air in ones home during the winter months.  When inhaled, it serves as a respiratory and circulatory stimulant and antiseptic (for more info, read: Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil - Good Information & History )

YARROW: also known as Achillea millefolium or Nosebleed, millefoil ~

PARTS USED: flower, aerial parts ~ Contains: volatile oil, coumarins, lactones, amino acids, sterols, bitters, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, salicylic acid, sugars, cyanidin. Uses: astringent, vulnerary, anti- inflammatory, antiseptic, diurectic. Taken hot, yarrow is excellent for helping to throw off fevers and infections such as colds, flu, coughs and sore throats. In the digestive system, yarrow stimulates the appetite, enhances digestion and absorption. the diuretic action aids the elimination of fluid and toxins from the system via the urine.  It also contains a hormone like action which may help to regulate the menstrual cycle. ( for more info, read: The Complete Woman's Herbal by Anne Mcintyre pg 213 here are two websites to read more on benefits, cautions, etc: ( Elements Natural Therapy or Oil Health Benefits ~ Yarrow )

SPEARMINT: also known as Mentha spicia (Easy to Grow)

PARTS USED: Flowers, buds and stems ~ Contains:  a few things, however the main components include alpha-pinene, beta-pinen, cavone, cineole, caryophyllene, linalool, limonene, menthol and myrcene. Uses: Antifungal, Antioxidant, Aromatic, Astringent, Carminative, Diuretic, Expectorant, Insect Repellent, Stimulant. It helps to break up congestion while lifting the spirits, also helpful to energize the mind and body. *Note* Spearmint should not be used undiluted. FYI, most spearmint essential oils do not contain as much menthol as peppermint oil. For more information/good read (Mercola - Article on Spearmint Oil) or (The Complete Book of Essential Oils) (Mojito-Recipe-Using-Fresh-Mint)

LAVENDER: also known as Lavendula officinalis

PARTS USED: Flowers, Blooms & Stems ~ Contains: Volatile oil, tannins, coumarins, flavonoids, triterpernoids. Uses: Relaxant, antispasmodic, expectorant, detoxifying, antidepressant, nerve tonic, antiseptic, diaphorectic, decongestant, rubefacient. Lavender is one of my all time favorite essential oils, for its many, many health and healing properties. It has been one of the most used and loved fragrances of all time. Just inhaling the scent has a relaxing effect on the mind and body. It helps with anxiety and nervousness. Lavender oil is considered a balancer for our emotions. Taken as hot tea, lavender causes sweating and reduces fevers. It also aids in detoxing the body by increasing elimination of toxins via the skin and via urine, as it is a mild diuretic.

It has healing properties for external cuts and wounds, also sores and ulcers - because of the disinfectant properties it contains. It will stimulate tissue to help repair and minimize scaring. Always test on a small area to see if you need to dilute before applying to skin (use almond or grape seed oil)

Lavender oil is an ideal "First-Aid Essential Oil" to have at is Tea Tree Oil.

For more information/good read (wikipedia Lavandula_angustifolia) (University of Maryland Medical Center)

PEPPERMINT: also known as Mentha piperita

PARTS USED:  Leaves & Stems - Contains: Volatile oil, carotenoids, betaine, choline, flavonoids, phytol, tocopherols, azulenes, rosmarinic acid, tannin ~ Uses: Carminative, Antispasmodic,Decongestant, Anti-emetic, Diaphoretic, Tonic. Peppermint is both cooling and warming. When you drink as a tea it induces the body's heat, while improving circulation. It does this by dispersing blood to the surface of the body to cause sweating. This makes it a perfect tonic for chills, fevers, flu and colds. Because of the decongestant and astringent properties it helps to relieve stuffiness. The refreshing taste of mint is followed by a cooling and numbing effect which extends to the respiratory tract.

For more information/good read (The Power of Peppermint) (Peppermint-Health-Potential)

VALERIAN: also known as Valeriana officinalis, Caprifoliaceae

PARTS USED:  Roots; Flowers - Contains: Alkaloids, Isovaleramide, Gamma-aminobutyric acid, Isovaleric acid, Iridoids and Flavanones ~ Uses: Medicinal herb since the time of ancient Greece and Rome as a sedative, antiseptic, anti-convulsant, migraine treatment, and pain reliever.

For more information/good read (Cancer Treatments) (Mountain Rose Herbs)

LEMONGRASS: also known as Andropogon citratus, Andropogon flexuosus, Capim-Cidrao, Ceylon Citronella Grass, or Cymbopogon citratus

PARTS USED:  Stems, Leaves & Buds - Contains: a chemical component called citral or lemonal, an aldehyde responsible for the unique lemon smell. Citral also has a strong anti-microbial and anti-fungal property. Also contains other constituents of essential oils such as: myrcene, citronellol, methyl heptenone, dipentene, geraniol, limonene, geranyl acetate, nerol and more. It is said these compounds are known to have counter=irritant, rubefacient, insecticidal, anti-fungal and anti-septic properties.

USES: treating digestive tract, stomach ache, (?) high blood pressure (still studying effects on) convulsions, pain, vomiting, cough, achy joints, fever, colds and exhaustion. Also used to kill germs and can be used as a mild astringent. Applying the essential oil directly to skin  or inhaling vapors for headaches, abdominal pain and muscle pain.


Quick Definition of Words Used:

Volatile Oil is "oil of" the plant from which they were extracted.

Flavonoids are highly diversified plant pigments that are present in a wide range of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and beverages. They are regularly consumed in the human diet and have various biological activities including anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-viral properties. The flavonoids maybe one of the safest non-immunogenic drugs because they are small organic compounds which have been normally absorbed by the human body for long time. During the past decades, the patents on their health effects have inflated very much and the yearly number of the patents is on an increasing trend.

Coumarins are a fragrant crystalline compound C9H6Oused chiefly in soaps and perfumery

Cyanogenic Glycosides are the products of secondary metabolism, to the natural products of plants. These compounds are composed of an α-hydroxynitrile type aglycone and of a sugar moiety (mostlyd-glucose). The distribution of the cyanogenic glycosides (CGs) in the plant kingdom is relatively wide, the number of CG-containing taxa is at least 2500, and a lot of such taxa belong to families Fabaceae, Rosaceae, Linaceae, Compositae and others.