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Getting Started

I decided to create this blog, to inform not only myself , but others about Aromatherapy, Herbs, Meditation, etc., and .....well, just to get on the right track.

Come and join me on this journey. To get back the health, spirit and well-being we once had
......or, that we want.

Together we can do many things.

Any suggestions you may have on articles, products, aromatherapy, herbs, meditation, relaxation, exercise, etc...please let me know so I can post them to share together, with you and others.

Have a blessed day,





Saturday, September 24, 2011


Here is something I never expected to write about......well, not this soon in life anyway!

So my journey began with my annual exam at the gynecologist office. 

Business as usual, well I thought, until she explained she would perform a rectal exam.  Well, lucky me!  I just happened to have hemorrhoids at this particular visit and of course, the test came back positive for blood. She explained she would schedule me with a local GI Specialist (gastroenterologist) to have a colonoscopy performed.

As panic ravages my entire body and my mind starts going into a complete fog of, "Oh NO -o-o-o-o-o's!" Wondering, what if and surely not, but......WHAT IF?  I decided to wait to discuss the knowledge of knowing - I was just experiencing hemorrhoids at the time of my visit, and could we just say, "Well, this is the cause and just move on with life without having the dreaded colonoscopy."  

As I plead my case with the Doctor, he assures me it most likely is just that, BUT!.....yes, there is always a but and in this instant it included mine - Why me Lord, why me?  - Oh sorry, I was re-living the moment.  Anyway, he explained that if I were a family member he would suggest it be done to totally rule out colon cancer and then I would not have to worry about it for another 10 years.  NOT WORRY!  What, you have a soul? 

Well, after our long discussion and his sounding more acceptable as time went on, I decide to sign on the dotted line for the procedure. So, his nurse comes in to give me the full instructions of the procedure and the prep for the day before.  Yes, the day before. If you have never had the pleasure of having this procedure, I am here to fill you in.

TriLyte Preparation for Colonoscopy: 
  • Seven (7) Days prior to your procedure:

You must stop taking iron supplements or any multi-vitamins containing iron.
If you have major health problems you should discuss your health history with the anesthesiologist at the center performing procedure (Please make sure you contact them ASAP)  It is IMPORTANT!

Fill prescription at pharmacy (TriLyte) and purchase Dulcolax 5mg laxative tablets. (at least this was for my procedure)
  • Five (5) days prior to your procedure:
Do Not take ibuprofen or similar medications such as: Motrin, ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve; BC Powders, Goody Powders; Iron 
supplements; Vitamin E; and all Herbal medications. Tylenol is okay to take, if needed.

If approved by the prescribing physician stop taking aspirin, Plavix or Coumadin (only if approved)

If you have not received instructions to stop these medications make sure to contact your physician's office Immediately!
  • Three (3) days prior to your procedure:
You should avoid consuming raw fruits (what....that's what I said), vegetables, nuts and seeds. (But you need to make sure your colon is free of all contents).

At this time, you should also start to cut down on heavy solid foods and start with lighter meals.  Light meat that is easily digested such as: Chicken (w/o the skin) broiled if possible in broth, Potatoes w/o skin, eggs (I recommend just the whites no yoke) Steamed white fish and light clear soups - It will make day one (1) easier on you.
  • One (1) Day prior to your procedure:
You are to be on a (CLEAR) liquid diet for the entire day (they will give you a list of acceptable items)
Mine consisted of: Water, Chicken Broth, Apple or WHITE Grape Juice, Clear Colored Gatorade or Other Sports Drinks and Lemon flavored Jello - You must consume only CLEAR - CLEAR liquids - Nothing with red, orange or even green coloring since it could be mistaken for blood. 

This really wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be - but around 3:30pm I did start to get a mild headache due to not eating like I normally do.

Early in the morning, you should add lukewarm water to the top line on your bottle of TriLyte. (or, you will follow instructions for the type of prep your Dr has issued you) Cap the bottle and shake until powder is completely dissolved.  Refrigerate the solution until you are ready to drink it.

At 4:00pm, I had to take four (4) Dulcolax tablets (This could be different for you depending on whatever your Dr has prescribed to you)

At 6:00pm I began to drink half of the TriLyte solution (Kind of tasted like salt water flavored Gatorade. Or, if you are a mother and have ever had to give your infant infalyte, this is what it taste like) It called for me to drink an 8oz glass every 10 - 20 minutes until half (1/2) the solution (2) liters had been consumed.  Since my procedure was scheduled after 10am I needed to consume the 2nd half of the solution three (3) hours prior to my procedure.

However, if my procedure would have been scheduled before 10am I would have had to consume the entire four (4) liters the night before my exam. It also stated if you are on long acting insulin take only a half dose the evening before your procedure, but I am sure this is something your Dr would go over with you.

  • D - Day, The Day of your procedure:
Take any blood pressure/heart medications with a small sip of water (SMALL SIP)
DO NOT take any insulin the morning of your procedure
If your procedure is scheduled after 10am you need to consume the 2nd half of the solution three (3) hours prior to  procedure. (Or, as directed by your physician)

DO NOT drink anything else after you have finished the solution (in my case TriLyte)
If you have an inhaler bring it with you to your procedure.

Mine called for a 2-3 hour stay so I could be observed after the procedure ( In my case I did not stay that long afterwards - maybe 1 hour)

They did request not to wear any jewelry (smart idea) and you must MUST have a responsible party with you because of the use of sedation, This facility would not perform the procedure w/o knowing a responsible party was in the waiting area. (Good for them!)

The responsible party must:
  • Be 18 yrs of age
  • Remain in facility the entire time
  • Receive discharge instructions & pertinent medical information
  • Possibly assist patient in re-dressing
  • Most important  - Drive patient home
All in all, my experience was good - the worst part was sitting in the waiting room from 10:35 until 1:30 waiting for my turn.
Once in the back, they checked all vital signs, temperature, etc. and then I met with Dr again and they rolled me to the back.  Nurse explained I should think of a good dream because I was going there in 2 seconds.  Next thing I remember I was waking up to the sound of the nurses voice saying, "Ok, your done!"  They wheeled me back to the recovery room where I stayed for a few until Dr came in with (A+) Results "Thank God!"  and then I was getting dressed and wheeled down to my vehicle.

So, no matter how scary you think it may be - it really is not - But, I am glad it is all said and done, and now I don't have to worry about having another for 10yrs.

May you all be blessed & Stay Healthy