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I decided to create this blog, to inform not only myself , but others about Aromatherapy, Herbs, Meditation, etc., and .....well, just to get on the right track.

Come and join me on this journey. To get back the health, spirit and well-being we once had
......or, that we want.

Together we can do many things.

Any suggestions you may have on articles, products, aromatherapy, herbs, meditation, relaxation, exercise, etc...please let me know so I can post them to share together, with you and others.

Have a blessed day,





Sunday, March 15, 2015

Body Poses to Strengthen Your Core ~ Reap The Benefits

Depending on how long you have been following this blog, you will note most research is done on things that peak my interest, and I am hopeful at some point in time, may just perhaps interest you.

Recently, I decided to try a headstand...........and, I was so excited to realize, I've still got it! Well, I mean I can still do it at 52 yrs of age! Lol ~ Needless to say, it had my adrenalin pumping and I was stoked.

Well since I know I am able to still do headstands, my curiosity was peaked on......."hm-m-m are there actually benefits to doing headstands?"
Here is what I found:

First off, it is a yoga move ~ which means, as a child I was doing yoga.......without even realizing it.

Image result for headstand
Did you know when we do a headstand, we are reversing the flow of gravity?  This does make perfect since because we are upside down.  Just like when I used to hang up side down on the monkey bars at the park....or from our family swing. By doing so, it simulates a kind of face lift by allowing our skin to hang in the opposite direction, there by allowing fresh nutrients and oxygen to our face/head.  Even allowing our skin to have a glowing effect.

Doing daily headstands help to strengthen the deep core muscles by engaging the obliques to hold straight in a headstand for an extended period of time. Also the rectus abdominus and the transverse abdominus.  To really engage and strengthen the core, pike the legs by lifting and/or lowering both legs at the same time when coming out of the pose.

Watch this video for some tips: to do a proper headstand
Headstand for Beginners

Headstands are considered the King of Yoga Poses........because of their many benefits. They improve not only brain function and mood............but, also upper body strength. When done in correct alignment we use many muscles: arms, upper back and core. They also require moderate shoulder, if you are not ready to support your own weight in an upside down not try, they can be dangerous to your neck and spine.

And, to top it off, headstands can help eliminate our chances of having an ischemic stroke.
It is no surprise headstands also increase nutrients and blood flow to our scalp, which supposedly decreases the onset of grey hair.......according to some yogis, it may convert hair back to its natural color.  Now that is something to think about.

Did you know by doing a headstand we are also flushing and detoxing the adrenal glands. By doing so, it is said to create positive thoughts. Which means by doing a daily headstand, depression will decrease.

They say, a frown upside down is "a Smile!"

The estimated time for a headstand is 2 1/2 mins. ~ 12 tops.

And, common sense ~ If you have neck injuries.......Do Not do a headstand without proper supervision or without a good headstand bench.....which, they do make ~ Surprised?

Image result for headstand bench

I also remember from my yoga workout video, you should never do any type of inverted exercise while you are menstruating. They are also not recommend if you have extreme high blood pressure, acid reflex and if you are suffering from inner ear and eye problems.......due to the increased pressure, and blood flow when inverted.

Headstands help us by improving circulation. Since the body is inverted, it provides refreshed blood to our hypothalamus and pituitary glands - More on pituitary and hypothalamus glands ~ These glands are vital to our well being by helping to regulate other glands in our body. Such as: Thyroid, Pineal and as mentioned earlier Adrenals ~ also including our sexual hormones.

Headstands also allow any fluid retained in our feet to drain, which is said to reduce the onset and prevalence of varicose veins.

Headstands improve circulation because the heart constantly has to pump blood upward to the brain. When doing a headstand, you are helping the heart rest by reducing unnecessary strain helping de-oxygenated blood to flow more easily from the extremities to the heart. Also increasing a digestive fire and increase in body heat. Helping to cleanse the intestines by reversing the pull of gravity, while releasing congested blood in the colon.

For more interesting facts on headstands and a good reason to get off your feet, please click on the following links:

Sun & Moon

A Headstand a Day

Now here is another craze to not only help strengthen the core......but tighten and tone all your muscles. Much of the same muscles used in a headstand.


What does planking benefit?

It increase strength, flexibility, aesthetic (help with the posture), and your mental well being.

Let's take a look how:


When properly done planks strengthen the midsection, upper and lower body muscles along the front of the body.  All this using your own body weight and balance. They, as well as headstands, strengthen  the rectus abdominus and the transverse abdominus, which form our outer and inner abdominal muscles.

The plank will also stabilize the abdominal obliques because it is an isometric position. Upper body stablizers include the pectoral and serratus muscles. Lower body stabilizers include the quadriceps, sartorius and tensor fasciae latae. (this link as some really interesting info on parts of the thigh area)


Planking helps to increase flexibility in the posterior muscle groups throughout our bodies. The shoulders girdle expands and stretches various muscles around our shoulders, shoulder blades and collarbone.  When pressing the front of the thighs upward and lengthening the leg as much as possible.....this stretches the hamstrings that form the back of our thighs.  And because our toes are slightly curled in our feet or hyperextened  to support our weight during planking, this helps to stretch the arches of our feet.

When combining the two above: Strength and Flexibility, you work on having developing better posture thereby increasing aesthetic and when you feel good about the way you feel and look, this helps with your mental well being.

Here are some links to read more on planking and proper technique:
Reality Check on Planking

5 Benefits to Planking

Perfect Plank

Image result for planking

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