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Getting Started

I decided to create this blog, to inform not only myself , but others about Aromatherapy, Herbs, Meditation, etc., and .....well, just to get on the right track.

Come and join me on this journey. To get back the health, spirit and well-being we once had
......or, that we want.

Together we can do many things.

Any suggestions you may have on articles, products, aromatherapy, herbs, meditation, relaxation, exercise, etc...please let me know so I can post them to share together, with you and others.

Have a blessed day,





Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Day

Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! 

May you all be blessed with the love of family & friends, and a full plate before you.

May we all give thanks this day for what we have in our lives, and if you have more than you need.......... take the time to share with someone who does not.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Getting Back On Track

So, it's been trying times for me ~ In the last couple of months, I have gone to get my annual check-ups that were put off..............and, well let me tell you ~ don't put them off ~ do them timely, annually or as often as you feel necessary!

As previously posted, I experienced my 1st colonoscopy back in September.  Well, during this time I went to get my annual mammogram and to go see my dermatologist about a mole my husband has been nagging me about getting checked.

Unfortunately, it took not only loosing a co-worker to breast cancer back in February this year, but finding out in August we have another co-worker in another office location to get diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer too!  For me, this was the straw to break the camels back - so to speak - to get me in gear to have all my annual check-ups in all areas.

So, I have the dreaded colonoscopy ~ and thankfully - all was well.
In the meantime, I go to my dermatologist, he removes the mole and says, "Oh, it is just a skin tag with some slight discoloration ~ I am sure all is fine, but will send to the lab just to be sure."

2 days later I go to have my annual mammogram - I was squished, twisted and flattened!

As the next few days go by I am leaving work for the day, and check my cellphone for missed calls before leaving the parking lot.  To my surprise, I have not one, but two messages from my dermatologist saying he needs to speak with me.  Well, we all know it is never good when your doctor phones you.  About 20 minutes after checking my messages, he calls once again.  At this point, my heart is racing and.....well, you can just imagine what is going through my mind.  He takes his time and explains to me how the lab results came back with signs of melanoma, and how he was even surprised by the results.  He suggests I have it sent away to Dr. Raymond Barnhill, a physician at UCLA who specializes in dermatopathlogy, pathology-anatomic medicine.  So, after a bunch of questions with sound answers, I agree to send it off for a second opinion.   Dr. Raman explains to me if the results come back conclusive, they will cut the area out where the mole was located removing a larger area around it, as well as, deep below it. Not to mention, they will also want to go into my lymph nodes to make sure nothing is there...................WHAT???????????  MY LYMPH NODES!!!!!  What exactly are you saying?
So, after my panic attack and wanting to know why - we finish our call and I play the waiting game.

As days go by, I  am at work and get a call from the doctors office.  I take a deep breath and take the call ~ to my surprise, it's not Dr. Raman's the nurse from the office where I had my mammogram.   She explains to me that there were some abnormalities and they needed me to return for another session to see what was going on.  Well, I lost it!   I explained to the nurse how at this particular moment I was totally not a fan of doctors in general and had a lot to take in.   I get the calendar and schedule my next appointment as soon as possible so I can get this out of the way.  My mind is so-o-o-o overwhelmed at this point, wondering, worrying and thinking thoughts I did not want to think.

A few more days pass, I have my second mammogram done and thankfully all is well - turns out they were seeing calcium deposits and nothing more..... Swiping hand across my forehead and wiping the sweat from my brow.  Thank You God!

Well, within the next couple of days I get the dreaded call from Dr. Raman stating Dr. Barnhill came to the same conclusion as his lab.  He wanted me to contact Dr. Sahir Shroff  asap to schedule a consultation and surgery.  By this time, I am just numb!

I get with my supervisor at work, look for the next available time - get with Dr. Shroff's office to schedule my consultation and surgery. At my consultation with Dr. Shroff, he explains to me they will not only remove the mole, but because of the depth - 1.05 mm with partial regression, they will also remove about a fifty cent piece radius around the mole area as well as going down under to remove enough to make sure it is all gone.  He continues to explain how they will inject me with a nuclear dye to see which lymph nodes react and those will be removed to make sure the melanoma has not spread.  Ok.....can you say, STRESSED!  After my visit with him I go to schedule the surgery and get my date for pre-opt............and you were thinking I most likely drove to the local pub to have a glass or two to soothe my nerves. lol!

October 5th arrives and it is my surgery day - I go in at 7am - First they wheel me to my holding room so they can come take more blood, hook up my i.v. bag, and then we play the waiting game until they wheel me off to nuclear medicine.

Finally arriving in nuclear medicine they explain how they will inject me with 5 bee sting like shots.  And, that is exactly what it felt like - They injected 5 shots of dye into my back around the area of the melanomas location - making a wagon wheel affect.   After the dye flows through my veins, they place me on a table and slip me through a machine to take x-rays so they can see where the dye is traveling.  After about 30 mins - it appears there is one location on my left side and three locations on my right.  And, now it's back to the holding room until it's time for surgery.

Oh my goodness, I must tell you of this new machine they have that hooks up to your hospital gown - every woman should have one.....
it's almost like a large blow dryer, it hooks up to your gown and you turn the heat up to warm up your hospital gown....AWESOME, it was like my new best friend in the hospital. (Check them out: every hospital should have them.
Photo of a person wearing Bair Paws gown, shows controller and Bair Paws unit
Ok, so back to waiting, and waiting, and waiting for them to come to take me into surgery - Finally around 1:40pm they come to wheel me into the operating room for my surgery.  The anesthesiologist comes into to work his magic and sends me off to la-la land.  I wake up 2 1/2 hours later and they wheel me to recovery.  Meanwhile Dr. Shroff has spoken with my husband and mom to give them instructions for taking care of me.   They keep me in the hospital about 2 more hours and I am released about 7pm that evening - What a  l - o - n - g day it turned out to be.

Well, we have always heard - No News Is Good News!  Right? - Well, this is true and I got nervous every time my phone rang wondering if it were the doctors office calling to say they found something.  Turns out I was out for work for another week due to deep cuts and stitches, decided to listen to the voices of reason and take my time to heal and recover.

Finally, recovery time is over  - and so is rest and relaxation - time for follow-up visit and release from doctor.  I arrive early for my visit because I just need to know everything is going to be ok,  Dr. Shroff is running a little behind, so waiting was still and issue.  Then, the nurse steps out and calls me into the exam room.   Dr. Shroff arrives and comes in to go over the results.  It turns out, they removed 7 lymph nodes in all - 3 from my left arm and 4 from my right arm.  The cut in my back is about 4 inches long and the ones under each arm are about 2 1/2 inches long.   Everything came back negative from the lymph nodes and he was successful in removing all of the melanoma from my back.  The weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders and I feel a since of relief. Thank you God, once again for everything.

The moral of my story is no matter how well you take care of yourself, do please go to your doctor annually for your visits and check-ups it can save you a lot of stress and worry.  Had I waited longer to go to my dermatologist, the outcome may not have been as nice, he could not have made that more clear to me.

Please check out the following site:  there may be some helpful information here for you are a loved one.

I am happy to report, I am slowly healing and almost have full range of motion in both arms again.  My left arm has healed quite nicely and so has my back.  Still working on range of motion in my right arm, I believe my tendons have to stretch a little further before they will feel 100% again.  Not really liking not being able to lift light weights or being able to do cardio for now, but I know I will be able to in time.

May You All Learn A Lesson From Me - Don't Wait For Your Annual Exams - May You All Be blessed!

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Here is something I never expected to write about......well, not this soon in life anyway!

So my journey began with my annual exam at the gynecologist office. 

Business as usual, well I thought, until she explained she would perform a rectal exam.  Well, lucky me!  I just happened to have hemorrhoids at this particular visit and of course, the test came back positive for blood. She explained she would schedule me with a local GI Specialist (gastroenterologist) to have a colonoscopy performed.

As panic ravages my entire body and my mind starts going into a complete fog of, "Oh NO -o-o-o-o-o's!" Wondering, what if and surely not, but......WHAT IF?  I decided to wait to discuss the knowledge of knowing - I was just experiencing hemorrhoids at the time of my visit, and could we just say, "Well, this is the cause and just move on with life without having the dreaded colonoscopy."  

As I plead my case with the Doctor, he assures me it most likely is just that, BUT!.....yes, there is always a but and in this instant it included mine - Why me Lord, why me?  - Oh sorry, I was re-living the moment.  Anyway, he explained that if I were a family member he would suggest it be done to totally rule out colon cancer and then I would not have to worry about it for another 10 years.  NOT WORRY!  What, you have a soul? 

Well, after our long discussion and his sounding more acceptable as time went on, I decide to sign on the dotted line for the procedure. So, his nurse comes in to give me the full instructions of the procedure and the prep for the day before.  Yes, the day before. If you have never had the pleasure of having this procedure, I am here to fill you in.

TriLyte Preparation for Colonoscopy: 
  • Seven (7) Days prior to your procedure:

You must stop taking iron supplements or any multi-vitamins containing iron.
If you have major health problems you should discuss your health history with the anesthesiologist at the center performing procedure (Please make sure you contact them ASAP)  It is IMPORTANT!

Fill prescription at pharmacy (TriLyte) and purchase Dulcolax 5mg laxative tablets. (at least this was for my procedure)
  • Five (5) days prior to your procedure:
Do Not take ibuprofen or similar medications such as: Motrin, ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve; BC Powders, Goody Powders; Iron 
supplements; Vitamin E; and all Herbal medications. Tylenol is okay to take, if needed.

If approved by the prescribing physician stop taking aspirin, Plavix or Coumadin (only if approved)

If you have not received instructions to stop these medications make sure to contact your physician's office Immediately!
  • Three (3) days prior to your procedure:
You should avoid consuming raw fruits (what....that's what I said), vegetables, nuts and seeds. (But you need to make sure your colon is free of all contents).

At this time, you should also start to cut down on heavy solid foods and start with lighter meals.  Light meat that is easily digested such as: Chicken (w/o the skin) broiled if possible in broth, Potatoes w/o skin, eggs (I recommend just the whites no yoke) Steamed white fish and light clear soups - It will make day one (1) easier on you.
  • One (1) Day prior to your procedure:
You are to be on a (CLEAR) liquid diet for the entire day (they will give you a list of acceptable items)
Mine consisted of: Water, Chicken Broth, Apple or WHITE Grape Juice, Clear Colored Gatorade or Other Sports Drinks and Lemon flavored Jello - You must consume only CLEAR - CLEAR liquids - Nothing with red, orange or even green coloring since it could be mistaken for blood. 

This really wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be - but around 3:30pm I did start to get a mild headache due to not eating like I normally do.

Early in the morning, you should add lukewarm water to the top line on your bottle of TriLyte. (or, you will follow instructions for the type of prep your Dr has issued you) Cap the bottle and shake until powder is completely dissolved.  Refrigerate the solution until you are ready to drink it.

At 4:00pm, I had to take four (4) Dulcolax tablets (This could be different for you depending on whatever your Dr has prescribed to you)

At 6:00pm I began to drink half of the TriLyte solution (Kind of tasted like salt water flavored Gatorade. Or, if you are a mother and have ever had to give your infant infalyte, this is what it taste like) It called for me to drink an 8oz glass every 10 - 20 minutes until half (1/2) the solution (2) liters had been consumed.  Since my procedure was scheduled after 10am I needed to consume the 2nd half of the solution three (3) hours prior to my procedure.

However, if my procedure would have been scheduled before 10am I would have had to consume the entire four (4) liters the night before my exam. It also stated if you are on long acting insulin take only a half dose the evening before your procedure, but I am sure this is something your Dr would go over with you.

  • D - Day, The Day of your procedure:
Take any blood pressure/heart medications with a small sip of water (SMALL SIP)
DO NOT take any insulin the morning of your procedure
If your procedure is scheduled after 10am you need to consume the 2nd half of the solution three (3) hours prior to  procedure. (Or, as directed by your physician)

DO NOT drink anything else after you have finished the solution (in my case TriLyte)
If you have an inhaler bring it with you to your procedure.

Mine called for a 2-3 hour stay so I could be observed after the procedure ( In my case I did not stay that long afterwards - maybe 1 hour)

They did request not to wear any jewelry (smart idea) and you must MUST have a responsible party with you because of the use of sedation, This facility would not perform the procedure w/o knowing a responsible party was in the waiting area. (Good for them!)

The responsible party must:
  • Be 18 yrs of age
  • Remain in facility the entire time
  • Receive discharge instructions & pertinent medical information
  • Possibly assist patient in re-dressing
  • Most important  - Drive patient home
All in all, my experience was good - the worst part was sitting in the waiting room from 10:35 until 1:30 waiting for my turn.
Once in the back, they checked all vital signs, temperature, etc. and then I met with Dr again and they rolled me to the back.  Nurse explained I should think of a good dream because I was going there in 2 seconds.  Next thing I remember I was waking up to the sound of the nurses voice saying, "Ok, your done!"  They wheeled me back to the recovery room where I stayed for a few until Dr came in with (A+) Results "Thank God!"  and then I was getting dressed and wheeled down to my vehicle.

So, no matter how scary you think it may be - it really is not - But, I am glad it is all said and done, and now I don't have to worry about having another for 10yrs.

May you all be blessed & Stay Healthy

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Who Knew - Jasmine Tea

Good Morning Everyone!

My husband and I frequently visit our local International Farmers Market, where there are many, many varieties of fruits, veggies, seafood, spices, herbs, meats and yes, herbal teas.  So, on one of our visit I was on my herbal tea kicks and decided to purchase the following: 

  •  Oolong Green Tea (made from young green tea leaves - makes the tea taste sweeter) 
  • Jasmine Tea 
  • Red Lavender Tea.  
  • Well, I have always loved the Oolong Green Tea, but I only tried the Lavender Tea once and its taste is somewhat different to say the least and wasn't really for me.  However, if I take the tea bags and simmer them a little and place them on my eyes, it does have a very relaxing affect. Sadly to say I was a little skeptical about trying the Jasmine Tea after drinking the Lavender Tea because of its rich floral taste.  So, several - several months have gone by and yesterday I decided....h m-m, let me do a little research on the benefits of Red Lavender Tea and Jasmine Tea, and so I did - Here is what I found out:
Organic Red Lavender Tea
This is the Red Lavender Tea We Purchased ( Great for  Using as Sachets Too!)
It seems Lavender Tea is mostly used for headaches, insomnia (which makes sense), anxiety and even for colds.  To read more on Lavender Tea Benefits, please click here ------->  HEALTH BENEFITS OF LAVENDER TEA  (This link has a lot of information on a lot of other herbs, so it would be beneficial to bookmark for future references - I hope you enjoy the information LIVE and FEEL provides)

My biggest surprise, and the reason I busted out the Jasmine Tea to brew a pot, is because of what the benefits are that this tea has - WHO KNEW - It is a powerful antioxidant - promotes weight loss (a plus) - reduces FAT & CHOLESTEROL (another plus) - helps in preventing cancer (another big plus) and it helps to calm your nerves. But, the BIGGEST PLUS to all of the other pluses is it also helps to keep you young (skin wise that  So, I poured me a glass to sip - it smells like jasmine, but with a little fresh stevia leaf (I have a fresh supply on hand because I grow it in my garden) or spoon of honey (your sweetener preference) - I would suggest a Natural Sweetener to really reap the benefits - because if you use artificial sweeteners your more or less adding poison to a healthy drink......make sense? It makes it a nice sipping tea.  

This is the Brand We Purchased

To read more on Jasmine Tea, please click here -------> JASMINE TEA BENEFITS - 5 REASONS TO START DRINKING NOW!
(AMAZING GREEN TEA -  The Definitive Guide to Gourmet Tea & Healthy Drink ) 
or click here -----> JASMINE TEA - BENEFITS AND SIDE EFFECTS ( - Has a lot of interesting articles I hope you find helpful as well)

I hope this information inspires you to tap into "The World of Teas"  WHO KNEW .......... NOW, WE DO!

Have a blessed day!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Is It Just Hype or Is It For Real?

So we had this gentleman, who will remain anonymous, come into our office the other day.  He was returning a prestige plate that had H20 Guru or something like that; Anyway, somehow we get on the subject about what he does for a living........well, after he told us what his main job was, he started talking about Alkaline Water. 

After he explained the benefits of drinking it, we told him about our co-worker who passed away in February due to Breast Cancer and he said, do you know I have given this water to several people who have had some type of cancer, and believe or not it cured them.

Well, in our line of work you hear really do!  So he told us he would bring us each a gallon of this Alkaline Water for us to try, with his number and when we were finished he wanted us to either contact him for a refill or go to his home office where he has this super-sonic purification system that purifies the water 300x's more than bottled water.  He loves his product and had us all interested to say the least.

He was a man of his word and he did bring us each a gallon (sealed) jug of this Alkaline Water.  Two of the ladies got 2 gallons because of health issues they are currently experiencing.  So, we all thanked him and decided we would all drink to good health.

Well, I decided to do a little research to make sure it was all he made it out to be - Here is what I found out:

It seems like every day there is another miracle cure hitting the market; a berry found hidden in the Amazon, or a tea grown only on the west side of a mountain in the Himalayas, possibly a root's extract that can cure any aliment.  And now, a device that transforms ordinary tap water into the fountain of youth.

Well, if  you are like most people, you may be a little or a lot skeptical.  That's okay!  You've come to the right place - 

Alkaline water: Better than plain water?

Is alkaline water better for you than plain water?


from Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D.
For most people, plain water is best.
Alkaline water has a higher pH level than does tap water. Some proponents say that alkaline water can neutralize acid in your bloodstream, boost your energy level and metabolism, and help your body absorb nutrients more effectively. Others say that alkaline water can help you resist disease and slow the aging process. However, researchers haven't verified these claims.
Some research does suggest that alkaline water may slow bone loss, but further study is needed to determine if the positive effects can be maintained over the long term or influence bone mineral density overall.

What are some side effects that result from drinking ionized water?

Artificially alkaline water only neutralizes acidity where it has direct contact, like the stomach and upper bowel. When consumed daily, the upper bowel in particular becomes overly alkaline and side effects begin to appear. Most common are erratic heart behavior, hypertension, nervousness/anxiety, urinary tract and bladder infections, and stabbing side pains.
We have spoken to numerous individuals who were hospitalized for heart conditions that magically disappeared when they stopped drinking alkaline ionized water. We know of at least one gentleman with a heart condition who died due to interactions between his time-release medication and ionized water- he was a top dealer for one ionizer MLM company. Why would anyone ingest anything unnatural when natural alternatives are available at a comparable cost?
Additionally, more severe side effects were observed in a clinical study involving rats. The study revealed injury to cardiac tissue (heart muscle) as a result of drinking ERW (Electrolyzed Reduced Water), or water created by ionizer machines. In an age when heart disease is a leading killer, ionized water is simply not a smart choice.
For links to clinical studies demonstrating side effects from ionized water consumption, please see the bottom of this page.

Hear what AquaLiv Water System owners are saying in their own words

AquaLiv Water Testimonials

Learn more about the AquaLiv Water System

AquaLiv Water System - Learn More

Clinical studies demonstrating side effects from ionized water consumption:

In Closing, I would like you to know of a side effect I experienced at work.
This was my first day drinking the alkaline water and I started my day with about 16ozs. of alkaline water.

My day was going normal, and then it was time for lunch.
Well, everyday after my lunch I take 1 niacin tablet per my Doctor.
However, when I purchased my new bottle I was unaware it was NOT Non-Flush 
If any of you out there take Niacin, you know what I am talking about when I say non-flush. 
Well, since I started my new bottle about a month ago, usually within 20 - 25mins the flush would hit and I would turn a little red in the face and arms....a normal reaction to niacin - however if you are not aware of this side effect, it will make you think your in trouble.

Anyway, within 10 mins if that long after consuming the niacin 
 I went into total flush mode.

Scared the CRAP out of me! I literally looked like I had been laying out in the sun for hours and had gotten a terrible sunburn. My skin was on fire - I am 100% positive I will make sure I get the regular NON-FLUSH niacin from this point so I will not experience this again. If alkaline water enhances your medication this quickly, it may not be a good thing.

The point I am trying to make to all of you, please if you do decide after reading up on Alkaline Water that you want to try it, please speak with your doctor about the possible effects it may have with your prescription drugs.  

May you all be blessed, safe and aware!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Weather That Affects Us

Do you ever notice how the weather outside can totally affect not only your daily activities, but your over all health?  Well, I have really noticed how it affects me.

  • If the weather is warm and sunny - I feel energized and ready to go.
  • If the weather is cloudy and gloomy - I feel very tired - not in the mood for much.
  • If the weather is cold and sunny - I still feel like getting out and on the go
  • If the weather is cold and rainy - Forget it -  I would rather stay in my bed where it is warm and dry - unfortunately this can lead to useless eating to help fill the void of not getting out and doing something.
  • And Stormy Rainy Days - These should be declared stay at home days too!  They are only good for the foliage and other outdoor creatures in need of watering and cleansing.

I guess we are no different than plants - To feel healthy, we need sunshine and exercise to feel energized.  Rest is important, but to much can leave you feeling gloomy - Cold, dark and damp weather keeps us confined and restless - it can also lead to depression because of the lack of sun and fresh air. I guess you could say the same happens to the plants when they go dormant in the winter - but come spring when the sun is shining and the skies are blue, they rise & shine and burst into color.

But what do the experts have to say about it?

Here are some links to view to find out the answers:

Simple Test - Take a look at each of the photos below.
What is your first initial mood/feeling when you look at them as though you were looking outside your window?


I would be willing to say, no matter what the weather temperature
If there were sunshine present with a little breeze
We would all be out there doing something and feeling good!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Weird Things That Happen While Walking

My husband and I have noticed when we are walking our fingers start to swell. They swell so much; our wedding rings get really tight on our fingers, making them very uncomfortable. We were puzzled so, I decided to do a little research on it, and here is what I found. The cause is related to vasodilatation. It is when the blood vessels open up which leads to increased blood flow near the surface of our skin.  This is what also causes your face to turn red and puffiness in our hands.

Once you cool down and the circulation and blood vessels return to normal, your hands and the color of your face should return to normal. If your rings are tight after exercise, it’s probably a good idea to take them off before you start working out.

Your hand swelling and facial redness may be annoying but they are unlikely to be due to anything serious. Think of them as small prices to pay to stay in shape and avoid overheating. Always keep water handy to keep hydrated.

You can check out these links for more information:

Saturday, July 30, 2011

While Out - Watch Your Step

I promised you an update on the walk and jog.......unfortunately this is not an update, but more of an alert!

Here goes:

Well, the last few days we have been doing our normal 3 mile walk late in the evening; It is a lot cooler and not as humid. However, the air quality has been so thick, we have not started our walk for 1 min., then jog for 1 min.  -  We are strictly doing a fast pace walk.  Don't want to collapse on the sidewalk (just kidding).  

Anyway, there is a section of the sidewalk we have no choice but to jog through because the grass is so high and hangs over the sidewalk with other weeds and vines that it makes your legs itchy.  And, since I found a copperhead snake in our backyard about a week ago - well, my fear of stepping on a snake in tall grass has peaked.

Actual Copperhead Snake Found In Our Backyard

I must admit, I never truly had a fear of snakes - because we were taught if you see one and you are able to slowly turn and walk it!   "Many have said, the best snake is a dead snake!"  I say, "Any snake is a mistake, so steer clear of them all!"

Well, back to the copperhead Snake - just a little information to share after doing a little research on them.

Because they are common in forested habitats and are well-camouflaged, copperheads are responsible for the majority of the snakebites in the Southeast each year. Luckily, copperhead venom is not very potent and deaths from copperhead bites are exceedingly rare....but do occur. Most snake bites occur when someone tries to kill or harass a snake, so the best way to avoid a bite is to leave any snake you find alone.

FYI - Copperheads can be found during the day or night, but forage out primarily after dark during the hotter parts of the season. Also, since they mate in the spring, this is the time males move long distances in search of females. So,  if you do go walking or hiking in tall grassy areas or off trail, it may be wise to bring a walking stick as your guide.  If something is lurking in the bush, your walking stick may take the strike before you do.

Strangely enough as I am in the works of writing this article - my neighbor explains to me how a friend of hers - knows a woman whose daughter was bit by a copperhead about 2 weeks ago while getting into her car.  It seems she was visiting a friend and when she decided to leave, she was getting her keys to unlock the door and the snake was under her car.  Unknown to her, when her foot was in range the copperhead lashed out and bit her on the foot.  She was taken to the hospital, and has survived.  Unfortunately, she did have a toe removed and is going through therapy.

Working in my garden will never be the same now!  But, I won't let this stop me - I will just be more aware of my surroundings and when the garden is overgrown - I will take my rake and move it around to see if it is safe to step into.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dr. Kirk Kimmberling

If you live in Georgia and are in the Acworth, Kennesaw, Marietta, Dallas, etc area - May I suggest a dentistry practice for you and your family.

His name is: Dr. Kirk Kimmberling and he truly is a dentist who enjoys his job.  His optimal goal is to make sure you have a clean, healthy mouth and smile.  His staff is unlike any staff I have had the pleasure to come across.  Everyone is personal, yet professional and at the same time caring. Dr. Kimmberling understands that a clean healthy mouth, also contributes to a healthy heart.

If you are looking for a good family dentist, please check out: Verde Pointe Dental Associates

Did you know oral bacteria can enter the blood stream and attach to fatty plaques in the coronary arteries contributing to clot formation - interested in learning more - check out this link: A HEALTHY MOUTH - COULD LEAD TO A HEALTHY HEART.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Stepping Up To Your Elliptical

Good Morning!

So, now that we are back in the swing of things, it is time to get back on the workout trail. Prior to vacation I had decided to try something new on my elliptical and found it works well for me.......and hopefully, it will also work for you.

  •  Start morning 1 hour and 45 mins earlier than normal to fit in some workout time to get the juices flowing
  •  Get on elliptical and gradually start with a slow pace for about 3 mins. for warm up
  • After 3 mins, I put my arms up in the air like I am rock climbing and alternate them up and down to the count of 60
  • Then place arms down at side and swing them side to the count of 60 
  • Then run to the count of 60 
  • Then do a slow pace walk to the count of 60  to check pulse & heart rate
  • Start over again until you have reached at least 10 mins.
  • Always ending with a slow pace to the count of 60 for your cool down
Afterwards I will either do one of the following workouts -

  •  Mondays I will follow up with P90X's Arms & Shoulder workout, but  in order to get through my workout on time, I skip through all the talking, so I will still have time to shower and relax before leaving for work.  
  • Tuesdays, I do the P90X leg workout after elliptical workout 
  • Wednesdays after elliptical I just do Hip-Hop Abs by ShawnT - 
  • Start all over again on Thursday (Monday's routine), Friday (Tuesday's routine) and Saturday (Wednesday's routine).
  • On Sunday's, my neighbor Jo and I go early in the morning and do a 5 mile walk in the most beautiful area. Filled with sunny and shady patches, going up and down hills and most of all some really pretty scenery.  It truly makes a difference in your walk when you have nice scenery to enjoy.   
My husband and I try to go walking in the evenings for at least 1 hour - Our subdivision is extremely hilly, so we walk the perimeter of the entire subdivision, down past the YMCA until the sidewalk ends and then back track - total walk is 3 miles and takes up to 1 hour. We have found going after 7:30pm usually works best because it is not so hot and humid out.

"An Experiment In The Works"

So, this week we are going to try something new on our evening walks
While on vacation we went to visit my talented niece Holly, please check out her website Deals and Dishes - It's WOW - Worth Reading Anyway, she was sharing something about walking and working your way up to jogging.

What your supposed to do on your walk, is do a 1 minute warm up slow pace walk, and then jog for 1 minute. You keep alternating walk 1 min.,  jog in 1 min. - Keep switching up intervals during your entire walk.  Once you've been doing this for a month straight, you should be able to jog your entire walking route.  Sounds like a plan, so my husband and I are going to try it and see how it goes.  

My husband used to be a jogger, but then had to have knee surgery a few years back.  He is willing to give this a try so he can get back into his old jogging routine.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fairy Homes


Beginning spring, I decided to start making little Fairy Houses for relatives, friends and others who liked my work & inspiration  
Here are a few photographs of the houses.

(I am still learning to focus better on my camera - lol)
Brooklyn's Fairy Home made with her favorite colors and flowers

Katie's Fairy House - Made with her favorite colors

Sue's Louisiana Magnolia Plantation Fairy Home
Mr Toads Quarters - 

My Garden Fairies Get Away Home
My goal is to make them according to the child or adults personality, favorite color(s) and incorporate their favorite flower.  These are the 1st of a few I have made, and will be continuing to do so as long as the orders come in.  

If you are interested in placing an order for a gift for a special someone, please contact me via email:  or
Pricing is according to structure of house and accessories requested.

Have 2 more in the works right now and will post photos once complete.
One is going to be a Bayou Fairy Home - Since we are from Louisiana
and the next one is for my Sophia for her bedroom.
IGoing to try something different this time, by adding a special touch, so when the lights go out
the glow of the fairy lights come on.

Want to try my hand at actually making little fairy people......but this is another project underway.

"Closing Thoughts"

I hope everyone out there has been well and taking every opportunity they have to take sometime for self.
Remember, there is nothing more relaxing like taking a walk at the end of the day, or spending at least 30 mins. in total quiet.

May you all have a blessed day!