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Getting Started

I decided to create this blog, to inform not only myself , but others about Aromatherapy, Herbs, Meditation, etc., and .....well, just to get on the right track.

Come and join me on this journey. To get back the health, spirit and well-being we once had
......or, that we want.

Together we can do many things.

Any suggestions you may have on articles, products, aromatherapy, herbs, meditation, relaxation, exercise, etc...please let me know so I can post them to share together, with you and others.

Have a blessed day,





Monday, July 25, 2011

Stepping Up To Your Elliptical

Good Morning!

So, now that we are back in the swing of things, it is time to get back on the workout trail. Prior to vacation I had decided to try something new on my elliptical and found it works well for me.......and hopefully, it will also work for you.

  •  Start morning 1 hour and 45 mins earlier than normal to fit in some workout time to get the juices flowing
  •  Get on elliptical and gradually start with a slow pace for about 3 mins. for warm up
  • After 3 mins, I put my arms up in the air like I am rock climbing and alternate them up and down to the count of 60
  • Then place arms down at side and swing them side to the count of 60 
  • Then run to the count of 60 
  • Then do a slow pace walk to the count of 60  to check pulse & heart rate
  • Start over again until you have reached at least 10 mins.
  • Always ending with a slow pace to the count of 60 for your cool down
Afterwards I will either do one of the following workouts -

  •  Mondays I will follow up with P90X's Arms & Shoulder workout, but  in order to get through my workout on time, I skip through all the talking, so I will still have time to shower and relax before leaving for work.  
  • Tuesdays, I do the P90X leg workout after elliptical workout 
  • Wednesdays after elliptical I just do Hip-Hop Abs by ShawnT - 
  • Start all over again on Thursday (Monday's routine), Friday (Tuesday's routine) and Saturday (Wednesday's routine).
  • On Sunday's, my neighbor Jo and I go early in the morning and do a 5 mile walk in the most beautiful area. Filled with sunny and shady patches, going up and down hills and most of all some really pretty scenery.  It truly makes a difference in your walk when you have nice scenery to enjoy.   
My husband and I try to go walking in the evenings for at least 1 hour - Our subdivision is extremely hilly, so we walk the perimeter of the entire subdivision, down past the YMCA until the sidewalk ends and then back track - total walk is 3 miles and takes up to 1 hour. We have found going after 7:30pm usually works best because it is not so hot and humid out.

"An Experiment In The Works"

So, this week we are going to try something new on our evening walks
While on vacation we went to visit my talented niece Holly, please check out her website Deals and Dishes - It's WOW - Worth Reading Anyway, she was sharing something about walking and working your way up to jogging.

What your supposed to do on your walk, is do a 1 minute warm up slow pace walk, and then jog for 1 minute. You keep alternating walk 1 min.,  jog in 1 min. - Keep switching up intervals during your entire walk.  Once you've been doing this for a month straight, you should be able to jog your entire walking route.  Sounds like a plan, so my husband and I are going to try it and see how it goes.  

My husband used to be a jogger, but then had to have knee surgery a few years back.  He is willing to give this a try so he can get back into his old jogging routine.

I hope something here has inspired you - Have a wonderfully blessed day!

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