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Getting Started

I decided to create this blog, to inform not only myself , but others about Aromatherapy, Herbs, Meditation, etc., and .....well, just to get on the right track.

Come and join me on this journey. To get back the health, spirit and well-being we once had
......or, that we want.

Together we can do many things.

Any suggestions you may have on articles, products, aromatherapy, herbs, meditation, relaxation, exercise, etc...please let me know so I can post them to share together, with you and others.

Have a blessed day,





Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Diet Club - Update

Well, to date we have 22 members and out of these 22 members we have 16 that are truly participating.  My guess is anytime your weight and measurements are requested, some people are not willing to share.  Please realize it is not easy for anyone to truly admit their true weight, or exact measurements.  But, how can we help celebrate your achievements without knowing where you truly started?

Our goal in putting this club together, is to help each other celebrate who we are, and who we want to become. Being the shoulder you need to lean on for that extra boost.

No one is perfect and we will all have set backs.  The point to remember is we must dust ourselves off and get back on track.  True failure is giving up on yourself - because no matter what, your friends will always be there to help you through your darkest hours, while explaining to you ways to overcome temptations.  We will even poke fun at you to make you realize.....if you cannot laugh at yourself....then let us do it for you.

All kidding aside, Women are a unique breed - we are nurturing by nature.  It is a part of who we are - to help - to console - to encourage - to just be there!  This club is here for all the women who want to take back their life by losing the weight and gaining the energy and confidence they once had or always wanted.  Let's face it, it is not until you have little ones ...... yes, and big ones, that we truly realize why our parents never seemed to have much energy.  We drained it out of them!

My philosophy is if we live like we did when we were children well then we can become the person we once were physically....but, better looking.  Let me explain - If we allow our childlike spirits to come out to some extent, ie, laughing, dancing, running, playing, just getting OUTSIDE - even bike riding.  Just being more active physically like we were when we were children, then our energy levels would sky rocket.  We might even regain our imaginations once more.

Sure, some of us may have health issues, but if we sit back and allow our aliments to become who we are, then we will never know what we could achieve.

I work with a woman who has Breast Cancer - She has gone through radiation - Chemo and presently is taking a experimental drug to help her beat this life changing illness.  However, she has not stopped working through any of this and she is always an inspiration to others.  She is very up beat!

I guess what I am trying to say is, if you allow something to beat you and take control of you, IT WILL - But if you put on the gloves and decide your going to fight and see it through, ultimately we become the WINNER.  Did Stevie Wonder give up because he could not see? What about the athletes who may be missing a limb, but go on to break world records?  What about Helen Keller?  They conquered and achieved!

Ultimately, it is up to us, no one but you & me.  Sure, there are many wonder drugs out there promising quick weight loss.  Hell, there is even surgery for the quick fix shape shifters out there.  But, to truly put on the gloves, work at it and decide, I am going to do this and it may be one step at at time, but I AM, GOING TO DO THIS - You will feel not only more confident in yourself,  but others will feel and see that confidence. You will be able to inspire others to do what they secretly want to.  There is no greater feeling then working hard to achieve something..... succeeding, and then sharing it with others.

TOGETHER WE CAN DO THIS!!  If you cannot support yourself - How can you support others?

Try these other sites to help get you motivated.
Calorie Counter
Walking Challenge
Special K Challenge
Family Circle Walk


  1. Well said Lauri. Quick fixes come and go....the best exercise is just pushing yourself away from the table. Then putting one foot in front of the other and walk - it is great exercise and FREE!! This is something you have to want to do. Just like quitting smoking or drinking or what ever , you have to WANT to do before it happens. So just make it happen!


  2. Laurie your words are very encouraging thank you!
