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I decided to create this blog, to inform not only myself , but others about Aromatherapy, Herbs, Meditation, etc., and .....well, just to get on the right track.

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......or, that we want.

Together we can do many things.

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Have a blessed day,





Wednesday, September 15, 2010


My article today is to help the awareness of Breast Cancer ,since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

We have many ladies at our work who have been affected either they themselves or someone they know or a loved one outside of the office.
This is not meant to scare anyone; I just want everyone to be as aware as possible. And please, please have a mammogram done every year. If you are too young for a mammogram make sure a self examination is done. You should do a self examination at least once a month. It’s so important. A mammogram is how most Breast Cancer is found. One of the ladies in our office had no lumps, no family history, and she was only 38 when diagnosed. The doctors have said that they want her daughter to start getting mammograms at the age of 28. She had done the genetics testing it came back negative but, the doctors still want her daughter to start having her mammogram then. They also told her to have her half sister start hers in 2008, she was 29.  Unfortunately, she  had to jump through a lot of hoops for the insurance to cover the procedure but finally she was able to get this resolved and start her mammograms.

Here is some information from different recourses.
Your Breast Cancer Treatment Handbook: Judy C Kneece, RN, OCN Breast Health Specialist
Patient Resource: Cancer Guide, A treatment and Facilities Guide for Patients and Their Families.
Wikipedia, Susan G Komen for the Cure (Internet)

The term cancer includes at least 100 different types of diseases that can develop in any part of the body. All of these diseases known as cancer have one thing in common- abnormal , unregulated growth of cells that can ultimately spread to vital organs, such as liver, lungs, or brain.

“Courage is not the lack of fear. It is acting in spite of it.” Mark Twain
What is Breast Cancer?

No one knows exactly what causes breast cancer. Genetics, having a family history of breast cancer increase the risk. Other identified possible causes have been from environmental carcinogens, viruses, and radiation. Promoting factors identified are life style factors, including diet and hormonal function. (Michelle's cancer was 99% estrogen positive) Cancer begins when the cells of the breast undergo changes. The normal cell is damaged and converts into a cell that has an uncontrolled growth pattern.

Breast cancer is not a sudden occurrence, but a process that has been developing for a period of time.

There are approximately 15 types of Breast cancer, many that require different surgical management and treatment.

In the United States, Breast cancer is the most common cancer occurring in women (excluding cancers of the skin) and the second most common cause of death from cancer in women after lung cancer. Men can also develop Breast cancer, but male breast cancer is rare accounting for less than 1% of all breast cancer cases.

Currently there are about two and half million women living in the United States who have been diagnosed with and treated for breast cancer.

Your information needs to come from someone who knows your exact diagnosis and has up to date information on the medical management of your disease. Your physician and healthcare staff will be the best source for accurate information.

Never substitute information found on the internet for seeing or asking your healthcare provider about concerns.

Always seek information from reliable organizations and make sure the information is dedicated to cancer education. Make sure information is current, look for the last update of the information on the site.

If you are on Face book, you can join several different applications:

Beyond the Boobie Trap-For women that are working or have returned to the work field.
Fight like a Girl Club
American Cancer Society
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Susan G Komen for the Cure
Young Survival Coalition
Keep a Breast Foundation ( you can buy bracelets at Spencer’s for $1 to donate)

One says “Boobies make me smile” and the other says “I love Boobies” but, I had seen on the news where some people are offenened by the bracelet. Michelle's daughter loves her’s and she wears it to school every day.

In our area (Georgia) there are different hospitals or health organizations that are provided. Most of the ladies have their treatments, doctors, and surgeries with Well Star and have been extremely happy. Michelle said she loves all of her doctors and can tell that they are truly compassionate about what they do from day to day and they have taken good care of her.  She stated, "I am truly thankful."

Kennestone Services (Well Star), Have:

The Women’s Shoppe, also on the second Wednesday of each month “Look Good…Feel Better. This service is free, non medical, product netural program offered in partnership with the American Cancer Society, The National Cosmetology Association, The Cosmetic Toiletry and Fragrance Association. You can contact the American Cancer Society either through their website or phone 1-800-395-LOOK.

Michelles mom went to Northside Hospital for her treatments and seemed to like them.

Northside Hospital Atlanta, Forsyth, Cherokee.

Northside Forsyth Breast Center has been awarded three year full accreditation designation by National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC) a program administered by American College of Surgeons.
Here is some information about Susan G Komen. I think most of us have heard this name and it may be the most associated as far as research and marketing that has collaborated with many companies to raise money and awareness.
Susan G Komen for the Cure, formerly known as The Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, is an organization supporting breast cancer research. Since it has started in 1982, Komen has raised over $1.5 Billion for research, education, and health services, making it the largest breast cancer charity in the world. Komen is recognized as the leader in the fight against breast cancer with more than 100,000 volunteers working in a network of 125 U.S. and international affiliates.

Komen received Charity Navigator’s highest ranking of four stars. According to a poll that has been taken Komen is one of the most trusted nonprofit organizations in America.
Susan Goodman Komen was born October 31, 1943 in Peoria Illinois, and was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 33 and died three years later in 1980. Komen’s younger sister, Nancy Goodman Brinker, who felt that Susan’s outcome might have been better if patients knew more about cancer and its treatment. Nancy had promised to her sister that she would find a way to speed up breast cancer research. So she founded the Susan G Komen Breast Foundation in Komen’s memory in 1982.

Komen has dedicated nearly $1 billion to creating awareness and finding a cure for breast cancer. It is the nation’s largest private funding for breast health and breast cancer. Today Komen is active in over 50 countries with the largest affiliates in Italy and Germany.
The Organization raises over $35 million a year from over 60 marketing partnerships.
Always look to see how much of a donation is going to breast cancer. Most of the time it’s only a percentage. Ford has a program called “Pink Warriors” and 100% of all profits go to breast cancer research.

There are so many Resources, Groups, Organizations, and Advocacy Groups but here are a few with website information and phone numbers.

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