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Getting Started

I decided to create this blog, to inform not only myself , but others about Aromatherapy, Herbs, Meditation, etc., and .....well, just to get on the right track.

Come and join me on this journey. To get back the health, spirit and well-being we once had
......or, that we want.

Together we can do many things.

Any suggestions you may have on articles, products, aromatherapy, herbs, meditation, relaxation, exercise, etc...please let me know so I can post them to share together, with you and others.

Have a blessed day,





Saturday, September 1, 2018

The Journey (Keto)

Our family started doing Keto about 3 months ago.

At first it was a little confusing on the proper way to eat, but thankfully now there are so many sites with delicious recipes and meal plans it makes it easy to do.  Pinterest has so many boards on Keto, you can waste a good 1 hour or 2 just looking through them. PINTEREST - KETO and, there are so many more.

Here are some of the basic rules to follow: 

You need to eat more proteins and less carbs
  • Losing few pounds will be possible if your diet is mostly intake of proteins and less carbohydrates, so the organism will start reacting differently and you will boost the metabolism plus.
  • By eating healthy food and the needed amounts of proteins then you will suppress your appetite. Try to replace the sugars or the carbs that you are eating with vegetables with low carbs. Instead you need to increase the intake of fish, eggs and lean meat.

Avoid Processed Food!!!!
  • This is definitely the best advice someone could give to you. It is commonly known that eating processed food leads to gaining weight. So, eliminate these types of food in your daily intakes and you will see the results immediately.
  • Instead it is better to eat whole foods that will boost your energy and improve your health. Having appropriate amounts of nutrients for breakfast, lunch and dinner will help you lose weight immediately.

Sugar Busters is also a great eating plan, once you reach your desired weight. This eating plan allows you to eat some carbs, but only allowing foods with 3 carbs are less.  By doing Keto, you will learn to rid your desire for carbs by learning to eat a different way.

When we finally get our mindset right, and are truly ready to change our eating habits and body shape, we should always watch the following:

Things we should do everyday:

More to come! 

Until then, peace & love!



The whole concept is to rid your body of carbs, so your body will use the fat to burn and give you energy.  At first, you will feel completely drained and tired, but it's your body changing and it's a good thing.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

KETO - Eating for your body

KETO (it's not about who we are, it's more about what we eat)

Diets come and go, but when we change the "What" of what we are eating, our body chemistry can and will change. 

There are many variations out there of what we should eat, when we should eat and how much.There is some truth in each and every "diet plan", but what if instead of a "diet plan" we just change the way we eat.

If we look at other countries surrounding the United States, research will show most do not have all the processed foods we have here in the Americas. In fact a lot of the foods processed here are banned in other countries.  Hmmmm! Just do your research, or you can click on the link here to get a glance: FOODS BANNED IN OTHER COUNTRIES

My belief, we never really know what is truly being placed into our processed foods. The more we become aware of, the better off we will be. Health and Knowledge go hand in hand.
Not everything is bad, but not everything is good! If we see a word we cannot pronounce on our food label, perhaps we need to do some research on what exactly we are consuming. Do not just look it up, but also look up any possible side effects of excessive consumption.

Ok, so I will get down from my soap box and tell you more about KETO.

Keto is a ketogenic diet, and surprisingly is a High-Fat way of eating, but it's GOOD fats which is the successful key to this new way of eating. Research on our part is totally recommended, as well as, joining Keto groups to get the hang of doing it correctly, and learning some really delicious recipes.
What Keto does is it forces our bodies to burn fats rather than carbohydrates. Normally the carbohydrates found in most foods are converted into glucose, this is transported around our bodies and is particularly important in fueling our brain function.  However, if there are little carbohydrates in our diet, our liver converts the fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies.

Fatty Acids: What are they?

Ketone Bodies:  What are they?

The ketone bodies pass into the brain and replace glucose as the energy source. When this happens the elevated level of ketone bodies in our blood go into a state known as Ketosis.

KetosisWhat is it?

If you are interested in trying this new way of eating, click here: What-is-a-ketogenic-diet?

My family has changed our way of eating, it was not hard to do especially after seeing results.
In the beginning you will find you are sluggish, but this is normal - it's referred to as: Keto Flu, but not a virus. Our body is just getting use to the change of no carbs. This is the beginning of our bodies burning the fat in our bodies instead of temporary energy burst from carbohydrates.

KETO Flu is the name given to a set of symptoms some people experience when first starting Keto. It is not actually a flu and definitely is not contagious, but it can become quite tiring. Keto flu symptoms are very similar to the flu and can last anywhere from a day to a few weeks. But it's all part of the process.  Read more here: KETO FLU and REMEDIES

But, let's focus on the good things, I just wanted you to totally be aware of this side effect.

My entire family has dropped weight and we are all living a better lifestyle. It is really nice to feel comfortable in your clothing once again.

Well, enough for now, errands to run.  Will write more soon, until then - Peace & Love!

Saturday, August 18, 2018


Sometimes life grabs a hold and takes us in many directions.  I had so many things to accomplish and over come, my time was being consumed.

My family and I have started a new venture together, and so far we are all being successful in our weight loss goals. Perhaps you may have heard of "KETO"?  It is basically a new way of eating, which in our case has been a blessing.

For 4+ years I changed my eating habits to Pescatarian (no meats, only seafoods and veggies). Towards the end of my 4th yr, I noticed my immune system was weakening.  I was literally craving red meat (but had not went back to eating) and seaweed snacks.

We were shopping one day when I literally saw these delicious looking steaks in the meat section and my instinct was telling me, "you really need to eat this."  I told my doctor and her answer to me was, "your body is telling you it is lacking iron and protein."  So, my doctor suggested I reintroduce myself to red meats, but only good quality cuts,  because we did not want to risk me getting high cholesterol. So to help monitor, the proper blood test were taken beforehand.  After a month of returning to red meats another blood test was taken.  To the doctors surprise, as well as mine, my test results were much better than before. Vitamin D was up as well as my iron deficiency. I was not always feeling tired and my immune system is back on track.  

My blood type is O Positive, and it is a trait for O positive individuals to be red meat eaters.  Our digestive systems handle them better. Where A or B blood types do better with fish, poultry and veggies.

Anyway, I went with what my body was telling me and my doctor suggested. Not all eating plans are good for everyone.  We are the only ones who truly no our bodies, we must learn to listen to them when they speak.

In my next post, I will write more about, "KETO". It's been an amazing ride thus far.

Until then, peace and love to you all!