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Getting Started

I decided to create this blog, to inform not only myself , but others about Aromatherapy, Herbs, Meditation, etc., and .....well, just to get on the right track.

Come and join me on this journey. To get back the health, spirit and well-being we once had
......or, that we want.

Together we can do many things.

Any suggestions you may have on articles, products, aromatherapy, herbs, meditation, relaxation, exercise, etc...please let me know so I can post them to share together, with you and others.

Have a blessed day,





Saturday, November 19, 2016

Chickenpox - The Silent Virus Lurking Inside You

If you had chickenpox as a child, there is a silent virus lurking inside you.

Some will fall victim and some will be spared.
Most will never experience, but for those who will - here are some things to help you through.

How one becomes a carrier:
Even when clinical symptoms of chickenpox have resolved, VZV remains dormant in the nervous system of the infected person (virus latency), in the trigeminal and dorsal root ganglia. In about 10–20% of cases, VZV reactivates later in life, producing a disease known as Shingles (common name) Herpes Zoster (medical name)

Shingles is a painful skin rash . It is caused by the chickenpox. Shingles usually appears in a band, a strip, or a small area on one side of the face or body. (IT MAY NOT BE A PIMPLE)

This is me in when I went to doctors

Unfortunately for me, I fell victim, and would like to share with you how I beat it fast.

It started late one night in the middle of my sleep, I suddenly started feeling a tingling and numbing sensation in my head and my hands. I have never felt this before - I am thinking, heart attack, stroke, did I eat something strange to cause this feeling.  When waking in the morning, the sensations were still there.  Well, not feeling ill or anything I went into work, mentioned to them what my body was feeling........just in case something did happen, they would know what was taking place, or could at least explain should I require medical attention.

Felt the sensation all through the day, called the clinic to try to get in for a quick visit but they were booked all week.  Not feeling it was life threatening, I continued with my day.

Saturday morning I awoke with, which appeared to be, a spider bite, right above my eyebrow, and another small bite on my forehead (left side). I immediately put some tea tree oil on the spots and they started to dry out. 

On Monday morning a few more appeared and one was on my eyelid.  I called the clinic and requested immediate attention. I was seen within 30 mins of my call.  And, when the Doctor looked at my eye, she said, "Oh my!" "I will be honest with you, I do not think this is a spider bite......I believe you have Shingles."  Well, not what I wanted to hear!  She continued to ask me a few questions, and I explained to her my symptoms a few days prior.  That is when she said, "Ok, because this is around your eye area - you will need to see your optometrist right away!" "If this is Shingles you do not want it in your eye, it can cause blindness."

Luckily I was able to get into his office just a fast as the clinic.  Upon arrival, I was seated for maybe 5 min,s and when my eye doctor saw me he said, "Yep, I do believe you have Shingles."  He immediately wrote a prescription out for Valtrex.  Luckily for me, my pharmacists is literally across the hall and I had my medication in minutes, 20 minutes to be exact.

After leaving the eye doctor and pharmacy, I immediately headed over to my nutritionist. Explaining to her what was going on, and showing her my eye area,  she gave me this ointment (Gigartina - Red Marine Algae) (see items below) to put on my infected area. Mona explained to me as soon as I completed my medications from the doctor, she wanted me to start taking the Gigartina Capsules*Note: after completing medication from doctor to start capsules.

I applied this ointment to the infected area while sitting in my car, and I truly felt relief on the area right away.  

Once I returned home, I mixed a vile of tea tree oil (3 drops), lavender oi (3 drops)l and coconut oil (organic) as the carrier oil, to apply to the infected area later on.

I would clean the infected about every three hours or when It would start to throb.  First I would clean the area with baby shampoo - Because Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo is antibacterial and does not hurt your eyes, I would wash the infected area with the baby shampoo and rinse the inside of my eye as well to make sure any infection would be stopped before it spread more. After washing area, I would apply a small amount of my mixture above, leaving on for 5 minutes and then rinse clean. I would then blow dry the area as to not irritate the area by drying with towel.  And then I would reapply the Gigartina ointment once again.

I also went to my herbalist to get some fresh nettle tea leaves. Not only did I drink the tea throughout the day, but, also put some warm tea in a dish and would squeeze the tea over the infected area via cotton ball. 5 Natural Remedies for Shingles

Yesterday I finished my prescription and I headed to see Mona and to purchase my capsules to start taking. "I love Mona, she has never steered me wrong."

Image result for gigartina red marine algae
A little info on this product:
Gigartina Red Marine Algae Ointment combines the wonders of Emu Oil and the natural immune support of Gigartina Red Marine Algae with 14 other ingredients that nurture healthy skin. Only our Gigartina Red Marine Algae Ointment contains a concentrated extract of sulfated polysaccharides from specially selected species of Gigartina red marine algae. These polysaccharides have demonstrated a unique ability to support immune function at the cellular level.

Suggested Use

With cotton swab, gently massage ointment liberally into affected area of skin. Reapply as needed. Keep out of reach of children, store in a cool dry place.

Other Ingredients

Emu oil, soy oil, beeswax, shea butter, vitamin E, cajeput oil, aloe ext., peppermint ess. Oil, gigartina red marine algae extract, lavender ess. Oil, eucalyptus ess. Oil, grape fruit seed ext., arnica, calendula, chamomile & lemon balm extracts.

Image result for gigartina red marine algae
Red Marine Algae
Gigartina is a type of Red Marine Algae (RMA) that has been found effective for skin ailments such as psoriasis, eczema, and herpes. Gigartina is a type of ocean-growing algae, commonly known as sea vegetables, that could be one of the most important new therapeutic foods.

There is a vaccine out for the Shingle virus - however, most doctors will not prescribe a shot until you reach the age of 60.  Well, I am not near 60, and it happened to me.

Please, if you have an episode of tingling and numbness on one side of your body and then see a small blemish on you, before you pick it, pop it or squeeze it - get to a doctor and get treatment.  Lucky for me I caught it early enough to stop it quickly.  
This is me 10 days after medication and application.

Here is what could happen if not caught or treated in time A few sites to review:

Natural Treatments - But Would Suggest Seeing a Doctor First

Please note, even though I am a true believer in natural medicine, sometimes it is best to see your doctor, get on proper medication and then start using your herbs and essentials.  But always check first to see if there are any counter-reactions when using with a prescribed medication.l

It is also said, the on set of Shingles can be related to stress.  Not sure what caused mine........but pretty sure stress was not an issue.

Even if you get the vaccination, it is not guaranteed you will not fall victim to this rash.

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