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Getting Started

I decided to create this blog, to inform not only myself , but others about Aromatherapy, Herbs, Meditation, etc., and .....well, just to get on the right track.

Come and join me on this journey. To get back the health, spirit and well-being we once had
......or, that we want.

Together we can do many things.

Any suggestions you may have on articles, products, aromatherapy, herbs, meditation, relaxation, exercise, etc...please let me know so I can post them to share together, with you and others.

Have a blessed day,





Saturday, January 25, 2014


Funny how it usually takes us getting older, wiser and wider to realize we need to start readjusting our eating and exercise. When we were young and our hearts were an open book....we use to say, " Let's GO PLAY!" 

Well, I know that's not how the song really goes, but when we were younger, we played more. And eating and exercising were the least of our worries...Because being outside and playing, running, riding bikes or skating...that was just what we did, so exercise was just part of our everyday routine. Me and most of my friends played sports and in the summer, we were always at my grandmothers house swimming it up! But then we get involved in relationships......settle down, have little ones and then our lives are totally not our own. Not until, they get older and don't require us to always be around. It is usually at that point we look in the mirror and say, "Who is that person?" I challenge all of those in this boat, to climb out................and GO PLAY! Do some sort of activity at least 30 mins to an hour a day to get those juices flowing.

And so I ask...........just why were we in such a hurry to grow-up?

It's ok ................ to go out and (¯`¥´¯`·.¸.:¨PLAY ¨:.¸.·´¯`¥´¯)!!

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