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Getting Started

I decided to create this blog, to inform not only myself , but others about Aromatherapy, Herbs, Meditation, etc., and .....well, just to get on the right track.

Come and join me on this journey. To get back the health, spirit and well-being we once had
......or, that we want.

Together we can do many things.

Any suggestions you may have on articles, products, aromatherapy, herbs, meditation, relaxation, exercise, etc...please let me know so I can post them to share together, with you and others.

Have a blessed day,





Thursday, February 24, 2011

Prayer Request

Back in June I wrote an article on : "New Drugs for Hard-to-Treat Breast Cancer" One of our co-workers has been fighting against Breast Cancer since 2006.  Even though the doctors did not give her long, she has defied the odds and is still with us today.  Originally diagnosed with Breast Cancer alone, it eventually spread to her lung and brain.  They were able to remove the spot from her lung and with radiation and chemo treatments, cleared all signs of cancer from the brain as well.  As time passed and she went for future checkups, all was well.  Unfortunately one visit, the outcome was not so good, it appeared to be in her brain once again and she was put on a list for a new drug, and was fortunate enough to be selected back in June of 2010.  She was doing well, had some good and bad days, but through it all she has been a pillar of strength an positive attitude for everyone who came to know her.  A true inspiration! May I also add, that from the beginning of her fight she has continued to work and has only been concerned about everyone but  herself.  I miss hearing two of her favorite sayings, "Hello, this is Peggy!" and "I'm not smarter than the average bear!"  And Fridays are and will always be her favorite day!  

Well, about 2 1/2  weeks ago she was admitted to the hospital for complications. It appeared she was collecting a lot of fluid on her lungs. The hospital inserted a tube to drain the fluid, and were able to drain 4 1/2 liters of fluid off of her lungs.

I was able to visit with her, and sat with her for a few hours.....just to watch her and make sure she was well. It amazes me how a hospital can actually hold a person responsible for responses and, expect them to remember things when they are hooked up to morphine to help with pain.

She has had many of her co-workers, family, bosses and even the Tax Commissioner went to visit with her.  She is truly loved by all who know and respect her courage.

Today we received word she was in good spirits and looking much better.  We were told the doctors were trying to wean her from oxygen so she could go home. Their hopes were either yesterday afternoon or today.  Unfortunately, during the night her bronchial tube closed and she could not breathe so she has been transferred to ICU and placed on a ventilator to assist her breathing.

Whether you know her or not, please show your compassion of prayer for her and her family. She is a true pillow of strength for many and I ask that we all join in prayer for Debbie Billings and ask that our strength and courage to be delivered to her and her family at this time. 

With prayer, all things are possible.................Please donate a moment of prayer today!

1 comment:

  1. I will join a circle of prayer for her and the family..."when two or more are gathered in my name" I ask others to join in also.
