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Getting Started

I decided to create this blog, to inform not only myself , but others about Aromatherapy, Herbs, Meditation, etc., and .....well, just to get on the right track.

Come and join me on this journey. To get back the health, spirit and well-being we once had
......or, that we want.

Together we can do many things.

Any suggestions you may have on articles, products, aromatherapy, herbs, meditation, relaxation, exercise, etc...please let me know so I can post them to share together, with you and others.

Have a blessed day,





Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hello World!!

I know it's been quite some time since I have updated my blog, but with the Holidays and Family - I had to put them first - I know you all understand.

Good news, we are starting a group on Facebook called, " The Diet Club" - There will be no bashing or negative feed, only support and encouragement.  It is our mission to help everyone achieve their goal weight - while offering support and encouragement during the plateau periods.  Or, in our weakest moments.
We encourage everyone to share ideas on how to stay motivated, as well as, other ideas on exercise & diet.

If you are interested in joining our Group - No matter what your gender, please request me as a friend on Facebook - Laurie Uzee, and I will add you to our club, but only if you are serious about not only yourself, but also about helping others achieve their goals.

Together we can accomplish many things.  It will be interesting to see daily journals and achievements.
"The Diet Club" starts officially on January 2nd, 2011 - no cost, only compassion amongst friends.

Looking forward to our journey together, I will be making post to keep all updated on our accomplishments, as well as our set backs, and how we are able to overcome them TOGETHER!!!

Blessing to us all in 2011!

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