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Getting Started

I decided to create this blog, to inform not only myself , but others about Aromatherapy, Herbs, Meditation, etc., and .....well, just to get on the right track.

Come and join me on this journey. To get back the health, spirit and well-being we once had
......or, that we want.

Together we can do many things.

Any suggestions you may have on articles, products, aromatherapy, herbs, meditation, relaxation, exercise, etc...please let me know so I can post them to share together, with you and others.

Have a blessed day,





Saturday, September 1, 2018

The Journey (Keto)

Our family started doing Keto about 3 months ago.

At first it was a little confusing on the proper way to eat, but thankfully now there are so many sites with delicious recipes and meal plans it makes it easy to do.  Pinterest has so many boards on Keto, you can waste a good 1 hour or 2 just looking through them. PINTEREST - KETO and, there are so many more.

Here are some of the basic rules to follow: 

You need to eat more proteins and less carbs
  • Losing few pounds will be possible if your diet is mostly intake of proteins and less carbohydrates, so the organism will start reacting differently and you will boost the metabolism plus.
  • By eating healthy food and the needed amounts of proteins then you will suppress your appetite. Try to replace the sugars or the carbs that you are eating with vegetables with low carbs. Instead you need to increase the intake of fish, eggs and lean meat.

Avoid Processed Food!!!!
  • This is definitely the best advice someone could give to you. It is commonly known that eating processed food leads to gaining weight. So, eliminate these types of food in your daily intakes and you will see the results immediately.
  • Instead it is better to eat whole foods that will boost your energy and improve your health. Having appropriate amounts of nutrients for breakfast, lunch and dinner will help you lose weight immediately.

Sugar Busters is also a great eating plan, once you reach your desired weight. This eating plan allows you to eat some carbs, but only allowing foods with 3 carbs are less.  By doing Keto, you will learn to rid your desire for carbs by learning to eat a different way.

When we finally get our mindset right, and are truly ready to change our eating habits and body shape, we should always watch the following:

Things we should do everyday:

More to come! 

Until then, peace & love!



The whole concept is to rid your body of carbs, so your body will use the fat to burn and give you energy.  At first, you will feel completely drained and tired, but it's your body changing and it's a good thing.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

KETO - Eating for your body

KETO (it's not about who we are, it's more about what we eat)

Diets come and go, but when we change the "What" of what we are eating, our body chemistry can and will change. 

There are many variations out there of what we should eat, when we should eat and how much.There is some truth in each and every "diet plan", but what if instead of a "diet plan" we just change the way we eat.

If we look at other countries surrounding the United States, research will show most do not have all the processed foods we have here in the Americas. In fact a lot of the foods processed here are banned in other countries.  Hmmmm! Just do your research, or you can click on the link here to get a glance: FOODS BANNED IN OTHER COUNTRIES

My belief, we never really know what is truly being placed into our processed foods. The more we become aware of, the better off we will be. Health and Knowledge go hand in hand.
Not everything is bad, but not everything is good! If we see a word we cannot pronounce on our food label, perhaps we need to do some research on what exactly we are consuming. Do not just look it up, but also look up any possible side effects of excessive consumption.

Ok, so I will get down from my soap box and tell you more about KETO.

Keto is a ketogenic diet, and surprisingly is a High-Fat way of eating, but it's GOOD fats which is the successful key to this new way of eating. Research on our part is totally recommended, as well as, joining Keto groups to get the hang of doing it correctly, and learning some really delicious recipes.
What Keto does is it forces our bodies to burn fats rather than carbohydrates. Normally the carbohydrates found in most foods are converted into glucose, this is transported around our bodies and is particularly important in fueling our brain function.  However, if there are little carbohydrates in our diet, our liver converts the fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies.

Fatty Acids: What are they?

Ketone Bodies:  What are they?

The ketone bodies pass into the brain and replace glucose as the energy source. When this happens the elevated level of ketone bodies in our blood go into a state known as Ketosis.

KetosisWhat is it?

If you are interested in trying this new way of eating, click here: What-is-a-ketogenic-diet?

My family has changed our way of eating, it was not hard to do especially after seeing results.
In the beginning you will find you are sluggish, but this is normal - it's referred to as: Keto Flu, but not a virus. Our body is just getting use to the change of no carbs. This is the beginning of our bodies burning the fat in our bodies instead of temporary energy burst from carbohydrates.

KETO Flu is the name given to a set of symptoms some people experience when first starting Keto. It is not actually a flu and definitely is not contagious, but it can become quite tiring. Keto flu symptoms are very similar to the flu and can last anywhere from a day to a few weeks. But it's all part of the process.  Read more here: KETO FLU and REMEDIES

But, let's focus on the good things, I just wanted you to totally be aware of this side effect.

My entire family has dropped weight and we are all living a better lifestyle. It is really nice to feel comfortable in your clothing once again.

Well, enough for now, errands to run.  Will write more soon, until then - Peace & Love!

Saturday, August 18, 2018


Sometimes life grabs a hold and takes us in many directions.  I had so many things to accomplish and over come, my time was being consumed.

My family and I have started a new venture together, and so far we are all being successful in our weight loss goals. Perhaps you may have heard of "KETO"?  It is basically a new way of eating, which in our case has been a blessing.

For 4+ years I changed my eating habits to Pescatarian (no meats, only seafoods and veggies). Towards the end of my 4th yr, I noticed my immune system was weakening.  I was literally craving red meat (but had not went back to eating) and seaweed snacks.

We were shopping one day when I literally saw these delicious looking steaks in the meat section and my instinct was telling me, "you really need to eat this."  I told my doctor and her answer to me was, "your body is telling you it is lacking iron and protein."  So, my doctor suggested I reintroduce myself to red meats, but only good quality cuts,  because we did not want to risk me getting high cholesterol. So to help monitor, the proper blood test were taken beforehand.  After a month of returning to red meats another blood test was taken.  To the doctors surprise, as well as mine, my test results were much better than before. Vitamin D was up as well as my iron deficiency. I was not always feeling tired and my immune system is back on track.  

My blood type is O Positive, and it is a trait for O positive individuals to be red meat eaters.  Our digestive systems handle them better. Where A or B blood types do better with fish, poultry and veggies.

Anyway, I went with what my body was telling me and my doctor suggested. Not all eating plans are good for everyone.  We are the only ones who truly no our bodies, we must learn to listen to them when they speak.

In my next post, I will write more about, "KETO". It's been an amazing ride thus far.

Until then, peace and love to you all!

Sunday, May 28, 2017

The New Craze - "Black Seed Oil"

Today I am starting my first dose of Premium - Amazing Herbs - BLACK SEED - 100% Pure Cold Pressed Black Cumin Seed Oil.

My dietitian said, " Make sure you eat directly after taking, mostly because of the lingering taste." I must agree - it does linger.  But, if you're looking to get healthy - good taste is not always an option.  Besides, if it taste sweet, you then have to wonder - what was added to make it taste better.......which is not always beneficial.

I asked her what was so great about this product - she said, "In ancient times it was considered to cure everything accept death!"

Well, I was sold.


It appears a lot of research has been collected on this oil and its benefits.

There are a lot of varieties of black seed. 

This topic is based on, "Black Seed".  My interest peeked when a co-worker of mine and her husband started using, all she can do is rave about it.  So, I thought, I'll give it a whirl and see what benefits I reap.

Hmmmm, what are black seeds, and where do they come from?

It is a tiny black seed (hence the name) it is thick in shape and slightly curved. Its texture is rough which helps collectors to identify them - most are cumin seed.  The seeds are squeezed and compressed to get the oil.

Black Cumin Seed Oil referred to Black Coriander as well, comes from the Nigella Sativa plant which is native to Asia, North Africa, and the Mediterranean part of Europe.

There are many ways to use black seed oil, from orally to topically.  Here is a quick list of ways to take black seeds:
  • Add the black seeds to bread, food and pastries
  • Boil water with black seeds (not oil, actual black seeds) let simmer and then consume
  • Consume just a teaspoon of black seed oil - which are the directions on my oil purchased
  • Consume black seeds plain
  • Mix a teaspoon of black seed oil with honey - to help with the lingering taste
Here is a list of black seed oil properties:
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-oxidant
  • Anti-fungal
  • Anti-cancer
  • Anti-asthmatic
  • Anti-histamine
  • Anti-viral
  • Anti-coagulant
It seems the two most potent chemicals found in black seed are Thymoquinone and Thymohyudroquinone, which make black seed oil such an effective remedy - because these two compounds are the main elements responsible for the credit of its wonderful healing effects. 

These two compounds assist in your body's immune system directly, giving it the aid, where ever needed. They are powerful anti-inflammatory compounds!

Thymoquinone – An active ingredient in black seed, researchers have been investigating TQ since the 1960s. It is well known for its anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties that have been reported to help with encephalomyelitis, diabetes, asthma and carcinogenesis. Interestingly, thymoquinone acts as a free radical or an effective superoxide radical scavenger, in addition to preserving antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase and glutathione-S-transferase. Both Glutathione peroxidase and S-transferase are heralded for being major detoxifiers and greatly aid in cellular antioxidant defense systems because they protect the liver from toxins.
Thymohydroquinone – A kin to thymoqinone, thymohydroquinone is one of the most potent natural acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors on the planet. AChE inhibitors are chemicals that stop enzyme activity, which increases the amount of time and the amount of the neurotransmitter acetylecholine remains active in the brain. To give you an idea of their usefulness, pharmaceutical-grade acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are used medicinally to treat a wide range of conditions including:
  • Apathy
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Autism
  • Glaucoma
  • Dementia
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Neurodegenerative conditions
  • Postural Tachycardia Syndrome
  • Schizophrenia
  • Parkinson’s disease
All I can say is, "WOW!!"

Ok - so if this is not enough - How about the 101 Benefits:

  1. Promotes Heart Health
  2. Fights Fungal Infections
  3. Reduces Allergies (Sinus Infections)
  4. Good for Your Skin
  5. Efficient Skin Cancer Treatment (Melanoma)
  6. Acne
  7. Infection Killer
  8. Boost Fertility
  9. Good for Healthy Hair
  10. Reduces Flu and Fever
  11. Cures Boils and Carbuncles
  12. Treat Coughs and Asthma
  13. Diarrhea
  14. Inhibits Breast Cancer
  15. Treats Toothaches
  16. Kills Leukemia Cells
  17. Relieves Nausea and Upset Stomach
  18. Prevents Muscle Cramps and Spasms
  19. Helps Eliminate Insomnia 
  20. Reduces High Blood Pressure
And the list goes on and on.

I will post after 30 days of use to let you know my opinion on this product.......It appears I have nothing to loose, but an awful lot to gain.

Here is a few pages to read and/or look up all the benefits on this incredible oil:

To look up terms you are unfamiliar with: dictionary/definitions

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Getting Back

I have been out of the loop for quite sometime now.

This is the last year for my youngest in college - for his football career - so after May, my time will become my own and I will be able to post more on my blog.

For now, if you would like to join me on Facebook - I have a page called: JUST POSITIVE - I believe we should all start our days off with a little positive thinking.

Next year I will work on updating more on my blog, as well as other pages.

Until then, please take care.

Think, Speak and Be Positive

Always look to nature for natural healing - whether it is for your mind, body or spirit.

Peace and Blessings to You All!

Chickenpox - The Silent Virus Lurking Inside You

If you had chickenpox as a child, there is a silent virus lurking inside you.

Some will fall victim and some will be spared.
Most will never experience, but for those who will - here are some things to help you through.

How one becomes a carrier:
Even when clinical symptoms of chickenpox have resolved, VZV remains dormant in the nervous system of the infected person (virus latency), in the trigeminal and dorsal root ganglia. In about 10–20% of cases, VZV reactivates later in life, producing a disease known as Shingles (common name) Herpes Zoster (medical name)

Shingles is a painful skin rash . It is caused by the chickenpox. Shingles usually appears in a band, a strip, or a small area on one side of the face or body. (IT MAY NOT BE A PIMPLE)

This is me in when I went to doctors

Unfortunately for me, I fell victim, and would like to share with you how I beat it fast.

It started late one night in the middle of my sleep, I suddenly started feeling a tingling and numbing sensation in my head and my hands. I have never felt this before - I am thinking, heart attack, stroke, did I eat something strange to cause this feeling.  When waking in the morning, the sensations were still there.  Well, not feeling ill or anything I went into work, mentioned to them what my body was feeling........just in case something did happen, they would know what was taking place, or could at least explain should I require medical attention.

Felt the sensation all through the day, called the clinic to try to get in for a quick visit but they were booked all week.  Not feeling it was life threatening, I continued with my day.

Saturday morning I awoke with, which appeared to be, a spider bite, right above my eyebrow, and another small bite on my forehead (left side). I immediately put some tea tree oil on the spots and they started to dry out. 

On Monday morning a few more appeared and one was on my eyelid.  I called the clinic and requested immediate attention. I was seen within 30 mins of my call.  And, when the Doctor looked at my eye, she said, "Oh my!" "I will be honest with you, I do not think this is a spider bite......I believe you have Shingles."  Well, not what I wanted to hear!  She continued to ask me a few questions, and I explained to her my symptoms a few days prior.  That is when she said, "Ok, because this is around your eye area - you will need to see your optometrist right away!" "If this is Shingles you do not want it in your eye, it can cause blindness."

Luckily I was able to get into his office just a fast as the clinic.  Upon arrival, I was seated for maybe 5 min,s and when my eye doctor saw me he said, "Yep, I do believe you have Shingles."  He immediately wrote a prescription out for Valtrex.  Luckily for me, my pharmacists is literally across the hall and I had my medication in minutes, 20 minutes to be exact.

After leaving the eye doctor and pharmacy, I immediately headed over to my nutritionist. Explaining to her what was going on, and showing her my eye area,  she gave me this ointment (Gigartina - Red Marine Algae) (see items below) to put on my infected area. Mona explained to me as soon as I completed my medications from the doctor, she wanted me to start taking the Gigartina Capsules*Note: after completing medication from doctor to start capsules.

I applied this ointment to the infected area while sitting in my car, and I truly felt relief on the area right away.  

Once I returned home, I mixed a vile of tea tree oil (3 drops), lavender oi (3 drops)l and coconut oil (organic) as the carrier oil, to apply to the infected area later on.

I would clean the infected about every three hours or when It would start to throb.  First I would clean the area with baby shampoo - Because Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo is antibacterial and does not hurt your eyes, I would wash the infected area with the baby shampoo and rinse the inside of my eye as well to make sure any infection would be stopped before it spread more. After washing area, I would apply a small amount of my mixture above, leaving on for 5 minutes and then rinse clean. I would then blow dry the area as to not irritate the area by drying with towel.  And then I would reapply the Gigartina ointment once again.

I also went to my herbalist to get some fresh nettle tea leaves. Not only did I drink the tea throughout the day, but, also put some warm tea in a dish and would squeeze the tea over the infected area via cotton ball. 5 Natural Remedies for Shingles

Yesterday I finished my prescription and I headed to see Mona and to purchase my capsules to start taking. "I love Mona, she has never steered me wrong."

Image result for gigartina red marine algae
A little info on this product:
Gigartina Red Marine Algae Ointment combines the wonders of Emu Oil and the natural immune support of Gigartina Red Marine Algae with 14 other ingredients that nurture healthy skin. Only our Gigartina Red Marine Algae Ointment contains a concentrated extract of sulfated polysaccharides from specially selected species of Gigartina red marine algae. These polysaccharides have demonstrated a unique ability to support immune function at the cellular level.

Suggested Use

With cotton swab, gently massage ointment liberally into affected area of skin. Reapply as needed. Keep out of reach of children, store in a cool dry place.

Other Ingredients

Emu oil, soy oil, beeswax, shea butter, vitamin E, cajeput oil, aloe ext., peppermint ess. Oil, gigartina red marine algae extract, lavender ess. Oil, eucalyptus ess. Oil, grape fruit seed ext., arnica, calendula, chamomile & lemon balm extracts.

Image result for gigartina red marine algae
Red Marine Algae
Gigartina is a type of Red Marine Algae (RMA) that has been found effective for skin ailments such as psoriasis, eczema, and herpes. Gigartina is a type of ocean-growing algae, commonly known as sea vegetables, that could be one of the most important new therapeutic foods.

There is a vaccine out for the Shingle virus - however, most doctors will not prescribe a shot until you reach the age of 60.  Well, I am not near 60, and it happened to me.

Please, if you have an episode of tingling and numbness on one side of your body and then see a small blemish on you, before you pick it, pop it or squeeze it - get to a doctor and get treatment.  Lucky for me I caught it early enough to stop it quickly.  
This is me 10 days after medication and application.

Here is what could happen if not caught or treated in time A few sites to review:

Natural Treatments - But Would Suggest Seeing a Doctor First

Please note, even though I am a true believer in natural medicine, sometimes it is best to see your doctor, get on proper medication and then start using your herbs and essentials.  But always check first to see if there are any counter-reactions when using with a prescribed medication.l

It is also said, the on set of Shingles can be related to stress.  Not sure what caused mine........but pretty sure stress was not an issue.

Even if you get the vaccination, it is not guaranteed you will not fall victim to this rash.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Diet and Thyroid ~ Nutrients

Did you know depleted or stimulating food and drink can inflict stress on the body?

Some form of reaction to this type of stress is inevitable. Physical manifestations also become apparent in the bodies system, depending on where a person's particular weaknesses are (Mine are in my Thyroid). Reactions can often manifest through the endocrine system and could include asthma attacks, allergic reactions, palpitations, hyperventilation, as well as other disorders which can be directly or indirectly related to the adrenal glands.

Reactions could affect the thyroid, resulting in thyroid related problems like depression and irritability.

Interesting enough, in women these effects often accumulate in the uterus ~ to be released once a month as painful, heavy periods. If severe stress accumulates with no release, cysts and fibroids could develop in the ovaries and uterus.  Guess this is why I had cysts on one of my ovaries, so thankfully, they removed that one.

As I found out with today's modern medicine they can repair these problems with surgery.  And I am thankful!

Whether we realize it or not, nutrition is involved in every bodily activity, and proper diet furnishes the raw materials and/or nutrients required for the synthesis of chemical substances indispensable to the body's growth, repair and maintenance.

Unfortunately in today's society we have to many foods with empty essential nutrients. Ever wonder what happened to our natural instincts?  Animals instinctively know which plants and grasses are good for them and which are bad (well most - not necessarily domesticated animals) and they will eat those most beneficial to their health needs. As humans in today's society, we eat more for pleasure than for health. We base eating on taste and pleasure.  And, this is one of the major causes of disease today! (Heart disease, arthritis, kidney failure, gall bladder disorders, etc....the list goes on and on) Poor eating also effects proper brain function. Did you know an inadequate diet is also related to behavior and learning difficulties?
This is due to bad eating habits and consuming way to many refined foods as well as chemical contamination through pesticides and herbicides, which leave residues on our fruits and vegetables - if not properly cleaned. So I wonder, do we really know if after washing, are any of them absorbed directly into the fruit/vegetable itself not just on the skin?

Well ~ If you grow it, then you know exactly what you are eating.......and whether or not pesticides were used.

Processed meats, well that's another story!

As with anything, we just need to make healthier and more natural choices.  If it is of the earth, it is good ~ if it is processed by man, maybe not, because of the process it goes through.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

My New Adventure With Ash ~ Ashwagandha

Hope all is well with everyone out there!

Since my surgery my main goal is to get my health back in order ............. and, to do it with natural supplements, and not prescribed medicines. Seems there are always side effects with prescribed medications, increasing potential risks....which may in turn, make it possible to have to take more medications on down the line.

My belief: There is a plant created for every health need. It is the Creators way of helping us live healthier lives.

Since all my energy felt like it was drained from me, I decided to do some research on Ayurvedic healing. And this is when I found out about this jewel of a tincture. Ashwagandha aka Withania somnifera aka Indian ginseng, or winter cherry.

Here is what I found that made it a must have for me to try!

Ashwagandha is one of the most powerful herbs in Ayurvedic healing, and it has been used since ancient times for a variety of conditions. It has rejuvenating effects, which is unrelated botanically, but well-known for its restorative benefits.  Ashwagandha means "the smell of a horse" or, "the grounded strength of a stallion," which may indicate that imparts vigor and strength. 
This herbal supplement has been prescribed traditionally for helping people strengthen their immune system after illness. Medical researchers have been studying Ashwagandha for years with great interest, and more than 200 studies have been completed on its healing benefits. 
Here are a few examples of the herbal tinctures effects:
  • Protection of the Immune System
  • Helps to Combat Effects of Stress as well as Your Response to Stress
  • Improved Memory, Learning and Reaction Time
  • Reduction of Anxiety & Depression
  • Non Drowsy Side Effects
  • Stabilizes Blood Sugars
  • Lowers Cholesterol
  • Helps Reduce Brain Cell Degeneration
  • Aids in Treatment of Inflammation
  • Helps to Ease Internal Stress such as: Insomnia
  • Helps those with Hyperactive Minds of those with ADHD
  • Balances Hormones
  • Reduces Blood Concentrations of the Stress Hormone Cortisol 
  • Improves Energy Levels
  • Helps to Relieve Mental Fog and Enhance Mental Alertness
Ashwagandha has many beneficial elements, including flavonoids and members of the withanolide class. 
Click here to find out more about (withanolide)
Numerous modern studies have found that the herbal extract of Ashwagandha shows great promise for being effective in decreasing stress, increasing mental activity, invigorating the body, and is also reputed to enhance longevity.  
It is said to boost physical performance, and to enhance reproductive function in both men and women.  However, if you are trying to get and/or pregnant, this is NOT the supplement for you. 
For men, Ashwagandha can have far reaching effects on proper hormone function and long term health and vitality. Hormone balance protects more than a man's vitality. The benefits of stabilization can promote healthy prostate, erectile response, ideal body weight, strength and muscle development, limit fatigue symptoms and sharpen cognitive function. The main action is believed to be an increase sexual power, and it has been described as the best ever herbal aphrodisiac in Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia. 
I have been taking this supplement for 2 months now, and with any herbal supplement you must take seven (7) consecutive days before you will start to feel results. Upon rising, I go into my kitchen and take two (2) droppers full which equals to about 42 drops (Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement is to take 1-2 ml (28-56 drops) 3 times a day in a small amount of water) It is recommended to take in warm water for better absorption, (I use room temperature) Then again before lunch time, and again before calling it a day.  

I have never felt better! 
The taste is not the best, but it works and for me that over-rides flavor.
It also is available in powder form, but I believe ........... you will get faster results using the extract over the powder.
It also impressed me to know that some studies have shown it increases thyroid hormone levels. And since I've been taking, well I believe it to be true. Research shows this could be the one herb that could help your body produce its own thyroid hormones. 
It is also said to increase hemoglobin, red blood cell count, and serum. This herb has improved the health factors that contribute to growth. Ashwagandha is also said to be a rich source of iron, so it's a potential choice for the treatment of iron-deficiency anemia. Research has shown that Ashwagandha can be a growth promoter to children and they are less likely to have anemia. 
It may also be used as a mild muscle relaxer and for decreasing inflammation. In a 2008 study, scientists tested Ashwagandha's effects on human cartilage and found that the herb may help protect against inflammation and cartilage damage associated with osteoarthritis. Also, according to a study published in Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, Ashwagandha inhibits inflammation and is often used to treat arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica and other chronic inflammatory diseases. In other studies, the herb Ashwagandha significantly reduced the severity of pain and disability scores for arthritis. Ashwagandha root is said to build and solidify tissue growth, and since arthritis is a disease of tissue destruction...........bottom line,  Ashwagandha is a good choice.

Pronounced: ASH WA GAN DHA - Liquid or Powder ~ It's which one works best for you!!!

Here's to Your Health!

 Image result for ashwagandha alcohol based vs non


Do not use Ashwagandha Herbal Extract if:  
Taking anxiety or anti-seizure medication.  This herb may potentiate the sedative effect of barbiturates.  You may feel as if you want to sleep more if you take this herb and phenobarbital (medicine used to help you sleep).  
As earlier stated, pregnant women should avoid this herb and if you are breastfeeding consult your doctor before taking.  
Do not take Ashwagandha if you have leukemia and are being treated with "chemo".  Symptoms of allergic reactions are: feeling cold (decrease in body temperature) or upset stomach.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

The NOT So Joys of Being a Woman

As little girls, we take a different journey through life within, than men. The real journey starts when we reach the point of our bodies changing not only outwardly, but inwardly as well.  The NOT so fun part is when we reach the age of menstruation. Even though this is natures way of letting us know we are in fact becoming young women, it can be very discomforting, and at times embarrassing when an accident occurs. Yes, it is a natural process of a woman's cycle, but none-the-less embarrassing when it happens.

And so, we go through the motions of our teenage years and our monthly cycles, then we come to the age where some are able to bare children.  Some through natural childbirth and others may require to have a C-Section.  I was able to have my first two naturally and my last three were via C-Section because they were large babies. (Just to give you an idea - here is the weight of my last three) My son Christopher was 10lbs 5ozs, my son Jeremy was also 10lbs 5ozs and my last was 8lbs 7ozs. But due to me having two previous C-Sections my OB-GYN  opted to do another C-Section for my last child as well.

Over the years a woman's body continues to change. Not only outwardly, but inwardly as well.

Here is where my life experience may help some of you understand what you are going through, if you are experiencing these symptoms.

Due to my C-Sections, over the course of 26yrs, scar tissue developed and caused my uterus to get stuck as well as endometriosis ....which I was unaware of until this recent surgery.

Let's go back a few years. After my last son, my husband and I decided while they were doing my C-Section, I would get my tubes tied as well, since we were blessed with 5 boys...and, well we were not planning to have anymore children since our last son was a surprise, not to mention the expense of raising children these days. 

So, after having the surgeries and going through the motions of womanhood, my cycles started to get extremely heavy.  I was going through overnight pads, it seemed like every 35 - 40 mins. I never experienced cramping, so having cramps was even new to me.  Well, within the last five to six years, my cycles were getting worse and worse.  Then, low and behold I stopped having a cycle!! I would be lying to say I was sad.  Then out of the blue they started up again.  And this is how I knew I was in the beginning stages of Preimenopause. And just in case you are wondering if this is is a list of some signs:

What Are the Signs of Perimenopause?

Women in perimenopause have at least some these symptoms: (click on this link to bring you to WebMD to learn more) also, by clicking on each word listed below, it will bring you to a specific article on that particular subject - which I believe is helpful.
So, I went from October to the end of April without having a cycle again......and I thought, this is it - I am in Menopause and I will no longer have a cycle.  NOTE* My OB-GYN did tell me in order for a woman to be considered in Menopause she has to go a full 365 days without having a cycle (this includes spotting). Well, here comes the month of May and my cycle came back with a vengeance - I was wearing a pad that was so big, some may consider it a diaper, this is how heavy my cycle was and I was going through at least 4 pads a day. I was cramping and at one point, I actually felt like I was in labor.  I left work, went to my doctor and she was puzzled.  I was passing large blood clots and she said, because I was preimenopause last year, I should be going through Menopause and not having cycles.  Because of insurance protocol, there are several steps the doctor must take before declaring surgery.  She started me on a few hormones, which I was not please about, but said it was the only way she could get the bleeding under control.  Well, it was end of June and I was still having the same issues and my blood count was dropping because I was losing so much blood. My doctor was ordered by my insurance company to do an ultra-sound and a biopsy to see what was found before they would allow her to perform a partial hysterectomy. (By doing a partial hysterectomy, you do not have to take hormones because they leave the ovaries - they only remove the Uterus and the Fallopian tubes) although in my case it seems the scar tissue build-up from my previous surgeries caused my uterus to get stuck as well as endometriosis. (Here is a link to learn more on Endometriosis: ) which caused my severe cycles and pain. Instead of the doctor doing laparoscopic surgery she opted to do the same surgery I had previous for my C-Sections, which allowed her to remove a lot of the scar tissue build-up.

My recovery time was a total of 6 weeks and no lifting anything over 10lbs until after September 16th, 2015. I am happy to report, this is the best surgery ever and I have not had any bleeding since the day of my surgery.  My thanks to Dr. Mojgan Khatami for giving me my life back.

During my healing process a friend of mine who knows how much I love essential oils, made a combination of oils for me to use on my lower abdomen (only applied right above my incision, but not directly on) Melaleuca (Better known by some as Tea Tree Oil), and Frankincense to my lower abdomen to stave off any infection. She also added Frankincense, Lavender, and Anti-Aging Blend to the mix and I used on my incision once it was totally healed to prevent scarring......while I do love essential oils,  I also used fresh Aloe Vera directly from the plant because I know of its healing abilities too.

As with anything posted on my blog, I only post things I have tried and know they have worked for me. Not everyone's system is the same. So please make sure you do extensive research beforehand. And, when using essential oils, some can be applied directly to the skin and others must be combined with a carrier oil to help with skin sensitivity issues.

NOTE* Certain essential oils are more inclined to cause skin irritations than other oils, especially if you are predisposed to allergic reactions and generally have a sensitive skin. Also never use essential oils while pregnant because some contain emmenagogue properties. What are emmenagogue properties? - click to learn more.

If you have a sensitive skin, care should be taken when applying a new oil, or oil blend, and it is advisable to always perform a skin patch test before use. All you need to do is to mix 1 drop of the oil you wish to test, with a teaspoon (5 ml) of carrier oil - such as sweet almond oil or grape seed oil, you can even use coconut oil. Apply a small amount of this mixed oil to the inside of your wrist or elbow and leave uncovered for twenty four hours. This area must not be washed for this period of time. If no sign of itching, redness or swelling occurs after the 24 hour period, it should be safe for you to use the oil.

If you have never used any form of carrier oil on your skin, it would be advisable to first do a skin patch test using only the carrier oil
There are also certain oils that cause severe skin sensitizing and sun sensitivity (photo-toxicity) and should be used with great care if you are venturing outdoors. The main culprits causing photo-toxicity are the oils from the citrus family, there are others, so please do your research or ask someone who has firsthand knowledge of essential oils.

Please keep in mind, it is not always people with sensitive skin that must be careful of them..... DO YOUR RESEARCH before applying or using any essential oil.

Should skin irritation occur, immediately cease using the particular essential oil or oil blend that you suspect is causing it.

Oils to be careful of if you have sensitive skin (everything has a plus and a minus)

  • Basil
  • Bay
  • Benzoin
  • Birch
  • Black pepper
  • Cassia - (Never ever apply this directly to your skin)
  • Cinnamon
  • Citronella
  • Clove
  • Costus
  • Cumin
  • Elecampane
  • Fennel
  • Fir
  • Ginger
  • Lemon
  • Lemongrass
  • Lemon verbena
  • Melissa
  • Oak moss
  • Orange
  • Oregano
  • Parsley seed
  • Peppermint
  • Pimento berry
  • Pine
  • Tagetes
  • Red and wild thyme
  • Wintergreen
Last week I was allowed back to work for 1/2 days, and I am glad my doctor suggested so.  Wow, I was beat after my 4hr shift. On Friday, I could feel a little soreness in my abdominal area because of all the twisting we do in our chairs at work - mostly from reaching.  My first full week will be on Monday, and I am sure I will be ready to nap at the end of the day.

I hope you find this information useful, it was an experience I wanted to share ............ just in case someone out there is experiencing the same.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Out of the Loop

I have been out of the loop for a while, had to have partial hysterectomy. During my healing process I have been experimenting with some essential oils. Cannot wait to share all my trials and tribulations with you . However, I still have a few weeks left of recovery.

Want to share my experience with you, because it is all part of being a woman. Until then, blessings to you all!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Yerba Mate' versus Coffee

Since September of last year, I slowly weened my way off coffee and started drinking green tea. I have tried many varieties........many, many different ways.  Regular green tea, green tea with cinnamon, green tea with honey, etc.  But, by far the three best teas I have consumed are: Yerba Mate', Nettle & Tulsi

Here is another really good article on Yerba Mate' a little lengthy, but worth the read.

So, back to Yerba Mate' vs Coffee -

Once I totally kicked the morning coffee, I realized my favorite of all is Yerba Mate' with Nettle and/or Tulsi - sometimes, I will even incorporate some lemon grass tea with my Yerba Mate' for a light and airy flavor. In the winter, I like to add cinnamon for a wintry mixed flavor. If you add just a spoonful of cream/milk or coconut milk it helps to soften the flavor.  It is even great with freshly squeezed lemon.

Anyway ~ Here is what made me decide to write this article ~ This weekend, I decided to indulged in a few cups of coffee..........and to my surprise, I was not pleased with the after taste or how jacked up it made me feel.  When drinking yerba mate', you get the caffeine without the jittery side effects and best of all ~ no funky after taste! It really does lift your spirits while allowing you better focus and concentration.

Also noticed after a few minutes of drinking my coffee, I didn't feel as energized as I do when sipping my morning Yerba Mate'...... and, I actually could feel my heartbeat increase with the coffee intake, do not feel like this when drinking my green tea.

I know the traditional way to drink Yerba Mate' is through a gourd & bombilla - they say this is the best method in order to benefit from its nutritional and chemical content.

My preferred brand ~ last me about 2-3 months

Well, perhaps, but I prefer to place mine in a filter and brew with filtered water. I make a thermos full every morning and drink it throughout the day.  I also have a mesh filter to place over my cup to brew that way..... to get a more robust flavored tea (see below).

Since the new office we are working out of does not have a kitchen with water, I decided to just make a thermos full before leaving home and it carries me through the day. In my area, I have yet to find a place to purchase a gourd or bombilla....and well, I just like it this way.

If you are interested:
 Here is an illustration of the proper way to drink out of gourd with bombilla.

And here is a really good site on some Yerba Mate' FAQ's

Perhaps one day I will come across a store that carries the gourd and bombilla to see if drinking it this way makes a big difference. And, yes I know you can order anything off of Amazon, I just prefer to see it first.

As with anything in life, "To much of any thing is not always good for you!" with that being said, you should always take a break from your daily eating/drinking least every 6 months and do a detox to freshen your system, and to make sure you reap all the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.....even if it is healthy food/drink you are consuming....your body needs a detox every now and then.

If you have any comments on other ways to prepare, please feel free to do so.